Weight Gainer in Progress

Just looking to say hi. This app rocks. Up 21 pounds in exactly 90 days.started back up in the gym on January 20th and got tired of coworkers asking me if I was getting skinnier and losing weight I'm 6 feet 4 inches tall and was 174 pounds. so I'm changing it. Currently weigh 196. I work with a trainer once a week and average 3580-5700 calories a day. I don't chat on here a whole lot with others about progress I just go out there and get it done. feel free to add me.


  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    How'd you get to your number for intake?
  • PatrickWegner
    PatrickWegner Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2015
    When I setup my profile on MFP I typed in my weight goal of 225lbs. It also asked my current weight which was 174 so the system did the math and started me out at 3420 calories per day to average 1 lbs of gain per week. I'm finding the daily number goes up every few weeks to keep me on track knowing that it will get harder and harder to keep gaining. So to answer your question click on your goals/ setting? and put in your current weight and your goal weight. Hope this helps. PS being new to nutrition I've discovered little caesars $5.00 pepperoni pizza is 2240 calories yet causes me to exceed my daily fat intake.
  • scottf4413
    scottf4413 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Patrick. Those are some impressive numbers! Nice to meet you.