Any girls around 5'8-5'10" that are bulking (and wanna be friends)? :)

just looking for girls with similar stats to myself to get food ideas and see what you are up to! I'm 5'9 and attempting a slow bulk.


  • kkarcher94511
    kkarcher94511 Posts: 196 Member
    5'8" almost done with my first bulk but here I am!!!
  • I am also around that height. But haven't been bulking yet.. I am stuck in my cut-fase so I am looking around for advice... Shall I start bulking or try something else... I dont know yet. :) You can add me if you like.
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    I'm only 5' 6", so I fall a little short (lol) of your title requirements, but I'm also curious what others have to say. I currently have a thread running where I'm trying to learn how to do this whole "easy bulk" (by easy I mean a 150 - 200 surplus, and not extremist 1,000) so any advice and or friendships is super appreciated!
  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and on a slow bulk. Currently eating 2800 cals a day and lifting heavy 5 days a week. I've gained 2-3lbs recently and am hoping to now keep gaining at 2lbs per month for the foreseeable future or until I feel that I need to cut. Feel free to send me a friend request but please please please include a message to say where you found me. Steph.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I'm only 5' 6", so I fall a little short (lol) of your title requirements, but I'm also curious what others have to say. I currently have a thread running where I'm trying to learn how to do this whole "easy bulk" (by easy I mean a 150 - 200 surplus, and not extremist 1,000) so any advice and or friendships is super appreciated!

    You probably mean "clean bulk", which is far more recommended than the huge surplus dirty bulking. I recently raised from about 250 to 600 surplus a day because I found that I wasn't gaining unless I was over 500. If you want a bulking friend just shoot me a FR since I've gone through some frustration over it and can offer some support and advise.

    OP, Steph is a good friend to have and she knows her stuff! :)
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    Man got to love them girls that lift heavy ! :).
  • kateabusse
    kateabusse Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there ladies! Ive been working on bulking, although im also interested in losing fat at the same time. Ive started a powerlifting program along with some scattered in WODs. I love the program so far but been stuck at a plateau as far as fat percent and muscle mass. Im also working on tweaking my supplements that I take to make sure im utilizing everything I should be!
  • NaomiLiveLift
    NaomiLiveLift Posts: 2 Member
    @kateabusse What you're doing is like pressing on the gas of a car, while pressing on the break at the same time! It is ALMOST impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. To gain muscle, you have to eat more, to lose fat, you eat less. It's that simple.
  • JHM23
    JHM23 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'7" and trying to bulk. It's very difficult when your a hard gainer. I've had a high metabolism for years and it's such a pain even to put on fat. :/
  • PatrickWegner
    PatrickWegner Posts: 8 Member
    High metabolism here as well. I'll be 39 in august. Eating more to pack on the weight, cardio to cut fat and weights to gain muscle. I line dance Friday nights, 6-12 volleyball games Thursdays and gym every day but sunday. Hats off to you girls for taking charge and making positive changes. GREAT JOB!