zutana Member


  • That's awesome! You'll make it - keep going!
  • Me too so I sent a friend request. This week's goal is to create a seven day meal plan and stick to the plan. Go after your goals!
  • You can do this - day by day. Planning the week's meals on Sunday really helps keep me on track. Not to say I'm not tempted but instead of picking up food on the way home, I know I have food readily available at home. I have 130lbs to loose so I'm right there with you; also have the sedentary job and a 2 hour commute. I…
  • Michelle - I'm there with you!! Let's connect bc I'd love to see posts too & feel the inspiration. I'm starting at 270 so more like 130-140 to lose. I know it can be done just need to get on the right path. I've tried MFP a few times but fell off. I'm on a streak of 3 weeks consistently working out and now want a tool to…