Pricklypineapple422 Member


  • I guess we don't know what OPs "set point weight" is though.
  • Many people are here, on this app, because their "set point weight" is 100s of lbs over a healthy weight. I don't believe in the whole "set point weight." Your body weight is a reflection of CICO. If I ate everything I wanted everyday I would be overweight.
  • You are entitled to an opinion just as much as I am. We both agree that there are many things to focus on besides the number on the scale, but everyone who maintains at the low end of healthy does not obsess over exercising or their weight. My point is that having (or achieving) a goal weight at the lower end of the…
  • What do you have your weight loss goal per week? It should be set to 0.5 lbs/week or slower. If it is set to lose weight faster I would start by adjusting that. Do you do other exercises? You mention eating back exercise calories on days you do cardio. If you do other exercises, is there a reason you aren't eating those…
  • She chose a weight within the healthy BMI range. While some may be happy with a higher weight, it is hard to argue that the lower end of the healthy weight range isn't healthy for OP specifically, only her or her doctor could really tell her that. My BMI is currently 19.4 and I am healthier than I have ever been, and I…
  • I had something similar happen at work yesterday, but handled it a bit differently. My coworker bought me 6 large cupcakes as a thank you for something I had done previously. It was so nice of him, and although I had already prelogged my entire day's worth of food, I had one of the cupcakes and didn't eat the couple of…
  • Some people are just predisposed to getting gestational diabetes - you can do everything right, eat the right things and exercise and still get it. Other people may have it and a cause CAN be poor diet and lack of exercise. Some people manage well with diet changes and exercise alone, and some will need medication, such as…
  • July 18 - 116.5 lbs Time to start thinking about maintenance. I also think I must be severaly underestimating my calories burned during running and exercise because I have been dropping weight a little too quickly. I know I need to increase my calories, but it is going to be a challenge because over the past half a year I…
  • Correlation does not always imply causation, so I could see if a study found a correlation between temperature control and obesity - but that does not mean it is a contributing factor.
  • Ran 5 miles this morning in 53:14, which is the longest distance I have ever ran. My goal was 4 miles, but I felt really good when I got to 4 so decided to run an extra mile. Also went rock climbing at my local crag this afternoon which included some hiking. So thankful for nice weather.
  • On the days I work I wake up at 5:20 and eat breakfast at 6 (overnight oats), I then drink my iced coffee on my drive into work and typically finish it at my desk (a total of ~275 calories including oats and coffee). I'm not necessarily hungry when I eat breakfast, but if I don't eat then I won't be able to eat until lunch…
  • To better my athletic performance :)
  • I used one of the calculators around a month ago and it said I was around 21% body fat which I thought sounded pretty accurate. I am getting a podpod test done in a week and a half so I could measure myself then compare to the bodpod results to see if the measurements were at all accurate?
  • Thank you, good luck to you too!
  • I just found this group and I'm really excited to fit in with all the other women here. 5'5" Goal weight: 115 lbs July 1 - 121.3 lbs July 12 - 118.8 lbs Just signed up for my first half marathon! Currently only running 3.5 miles so I have a lot of work to do.
  • I just finished having iced coffee blended with some ice and a scoop of protein powder and it may be my new go to! Absolutely delicious, and I'm always struggling to hit my protein goal so this will definitely help. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • I drink either cold brew or iced coffee and I have slowly decreased the amount of vanilla oat milk creamer I add to it. I currently drink 16 oz of coffee with between 5 and 15 of the creamer, which is a max of 25 calories. Changing over slowly has made it an easy adjustment for me, and I still really enjoy my coffee. If…