ldalvarado Member


  • I would definitely suggest eating something small before you run. I run 2-4 miles every day and I eat a piece of toast with fruit, or a hard boiled egg with a glass of almond milk before I go out. At 5'1" and 128 pounds I am lucky to burn 200 calories at 3 miles. I use a Garmin Forerunner 220 running watch that has my…
  • I think it depends entirely on the workout itself. Long, strenuous workouts require more nutrition and possibly a linger wait time to digest a bit. For me personally, I can eat a piece of toast or hard boiled egg plus a little fruit and then go for a 3-4 mile run within 15 minutes of finishing.
  • Did you eat before your run? I cannot run in the AM without a little something in my stomach or I will come home and eat everything in sight. Also, how did you get your 400 calorie burn? That is alot for a 30 minute run. On average, the burn is 100 calories per mile depending on your weight.
  • I had a half piece of toast and a small bowl of melon cubes before my AM run, then I had a bowl of shredded wheat and bran with almond milk for breakfast.
  • I counted everything I ate. Just because I know I ate too much doesn't mean I won't be accountable for it. And yes, it was my kiddos and I hadn't seen them for a few days so we had a blast.
  • I cannot eat processed food. Specifically anything with inulin (chicory root) in it, which is very common in foods to bump up the fiber. I also avoid white sugar, white flour (or any processed/enriched flours) and fried food. Call me a batty old lady, but I truly believe a lot of the US health woes are caused by processed…
  • I don't know your gender, age, height or weight, but I would not recommend eating only 1000 or 1100 calories a day.
  • Drink plenty of water. If you drink a glass a water and 15 minutes later you are still hungry, then eat something like a little string cheese and a couple of crackers. Also try chewing gum or brushing your teeth.
  • I tried it once and really liked it, but found it to be too expensive going forward. $169 for three meals for 4 people is $40+ per meal.
  • I am in my 40s and was diagnosed with Hashi's almost 30 years ago. While I felt better on meds (Synthroid originally), I have done so, so, so much better moving to a doctor who treats symptoms and no blood tests. I did lose my weight while on Synthroid (in 2001) but my treatment plan fell apart in 2007 and I switched…
  • My hypothyroidism story started almost 30 years ago when I was 19. I have Hashimoto's which goes beyond just underactive thyroid and into auto-immune disease. There have been some stretches in my life that were really difficult. I recommend getting your thyroid symptoms under control before you really dive into losing…
  • Have you calibrated your digital scale? There should be instructions for how to reset it to actual 0 if that makes sense.
  • While it is good to have an end goal, for me focusing on the smaller ones is what makes each hour, day, week, month easier to work through. Celebrate the small things... the first 5 pounds lost, or the first 10% of your weight gone, or the first mile you walk, or the first piece of birthday cake at work that you walk away…
  • Newbie here. I will be 46 next week. I wax and wane on my fitness. In 2001 I lost almost 50 pounds with Weight Watchers, and other than the period of time around the birth of my 2nd child, I have maintained my weight pretty well. But I am always looking to be more fit. I started running in 2008 and have done so off and on…
  • I eat oatmeal almost every day. 1/3 c oats, 1/3 c water, 1/3 cup 2% milk plus 1 tsp honey. Mix in a pan and heat on medium over the stove, stirring until it is the consistency and thickness you like. I add in 1 Tbs raisin and 10 g pecan pieces