Love the Idea of losing weight but can't get myself to sacrafice for it



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    When you're ready, you'll do what needs to be done.


    You can dream all you want, but unless you're ready to do whatever it takes, it's not going to happen.

    You're not ready. When you've hit rock bottom and become desperate enough, it'll click and you'll do it.

    In the meantime, I recommend you simply log what you eat (don't pay attention to the goals) for data purposes and then read the forums for a while and maybe something will click for you.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Oh, and also? When I say "diet first," I mean counting calories. Nothing more than that. Eat a moderate amount and log EVERYTHING, but nothing is forbidden!
  • HeatherCrazyCat
    HeatherCrazyCat Posts: 46 Member
    Oh, I have another tip!
    If you can find a form of exercise you really enjoy then it won't feel as though you are making any sacrifices (and you get to eat more!)
    It could be anything - learning a new skill like a new form of dancing, taking Baby swimming... anything... if you genuinely look forward to it, you'll want to do more of it :-)
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    kyrannosaurus (or rather: Tyranno...) you might consider stop bullying people: "you need" to and "you have to" might reflect YOUR view of the world, but nobody asked you to put moral pressure on them.

    Thank you for correcting the spelling of my username (which is a play on my name and deliberate). You might want "to consider stop bullying people" by being passive aggressive and criticising their spelling.

    I think the word "need" is pretty appropriate. You cannot lose weight without making changes. Hence saying you "*need* to make changes" isn't opinion but fact.
  • ldalvarado
    ldalvarado Posts: 16 Member
    While it is good to have an end goal, for me focusing on the smaller ones is what makes each hour, day, week, month easier to work through. Celebrate the small things... the first 5 pounds lost, or the first 10% of your weight gone, or the first mile you walk, or the first piece of birthday cake at work that you walk away from.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    kyrannosaurus (or rather: Tyranno...) you might consider stop bullying people: "you need" to and "you have to" might reflect YOUR view of the world, but nobody asked you to put moral pressure on them.

    Thank you for correcting the spelling of my username (which is a play on my name and deliberate). You might want "to consider stop bullying people" by being passive aggressive and criticising their spelling.

    I think the word "need" is pretty appropriate. You cannot lose weight without making changes. Hence saying you "*need* to make changes" isn't opinion but fact.

    I agree there was nothing in that post that was even close to the Play on the name and accusations on the other hand Yah...that is getting there...
  • twinjamom6
    twinjamom6 Posts: 299 Member
    I can relate. Baby fat seems hard to purge. I have days where it seems like all I do is shovel food in my mouth. Before my last two pregnancies, I was a size 5. Now after having my twins in January, I'm still sporting maternity clothes and buying sizes alot larger than I want, and swimsuit? Yeah, right!. Its definitely depressing! This time, I am committed to losing the weight and getting my body back. Bob Harper said something on Rachel Ray the other day that really stuck, he was talking about moms and how we are focused on our kids and making sure everyone in our family is taken care of, and while we are doing that, we lose ourselves. But if we can't make time for us to get fit and in better shape, we are robbing them of something better. That really hit home to me because my days are spent running circles around my kids and husband and I make no time for me! Being the size I am now has affected almost every area of my life and I am to a point where I can't take it anymore. Its hard, I'll admit it. So far I'm making changes in everything my whole family eats. I've taken cookies, and sugary snacks off the grocery list. Its a weak spot for me because one cookie easily turns into 3, 4,5. There's been times where I've polished off a whole cake! Dinner for me is now a spinach salad with chicken and a light vinaigrette and two vegetables instead of pasta or rice loaded with stuff I can't pronounce. Hamburger Helper? Forget it! I've also turned into a label reader. I don't know if I have any tips to help you, but I'm in the same boat!
  • shennin001
    shennin001 Posts: 113 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    define cheating on your diet?

    That might be the issue...and not the cheat but how you view losing weight.

    If you look at it as eating the foods you love and crave and want just in smaller portions and that you aren't cheating by eating that food it can help.

    It sounds like you are over restricting your intake.

    I have lost almost eating regular foods like chicken, rice, pasta and yes even pizza, burgers, bacon, chocolate, beer....etc.

    Check my diary it's all there....

    Ok so cheating for me is both eating fast food and just over eating. I like the fact that you were able to lose weight and still eat some junk food like pizza (my fav).
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Nothing is going to change until you change.

    Good luck!

  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    You can eat some "junk food" and still lose weight if you eat a calorie deficit.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    shennin001 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    define cheating on your diet?

    That might be the issue...and not the cheat but how you view losing weight.

    If you look at it as eating the foods you love and crave and want just in smaller portions and that you aren't cheating by eating that food it can help.

    It sounds like you are over restricting your intake.

    I have lost almost eating regular foods like chicken, rice, pasta and yes even pizza, burgers, bacon, chocolate, beer....etc.

    Check my diary it's all there....

    Ok so cheating for me is both eating fast food and just over eating. I like the fact that you were able to lose weight and still eat some junk food like pizza (my fav).

    yah don't let fast food scare you...just fit it in your calories...just make sure you aren't restricting too much.

    I had pizza today for lunch and still have over 500 calories left to play with for dinner...

    Just remember no food is bad just monitor the quantities and exercise for more calories to really is that easy.
  • myGodwillhelpme
    myGodwillhelpme Posts: 2 Member
    I really like this that we dont have to reprive ourselves and we can eat whatever.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    There is a huge difference between wanting to be thin and wanting to do the work of losing weight.

    At first, just honestly log. Spend a week or two logging every single thing you eat. That's it. That's all you have to do. No skipping any logging.

    Then start adding things into your diet. Not subtracting or cutting back, but adding. Add eight glasses of water a day for a week. Then add a couple of servings of fruit and veggies every day for a week or two. Then add more fruits and veggies. Then add whole grain breads and pasta.

    If you don't focus on taking things away and just focus on adding, I think it's easier. There's no cheating.

    Remember, you really can't cheat, anyway. You do what you want to do, so even if you keep gaining, you're not cheating.

    If it turns out that you don't want to this or some other way of losing, don't feel bad about it. You're just not ready. So enjoy eating yummy stuff. No guilt. You'll lose when you want to lose! :)
  • morgan_mfit
    morgan_mfit Posts: 58 Member
    The beauty of calorie counting is there's no such thing as cheating!!!! Sounds like your first goal should be changing some of the ideas you have surrounding food. For me it was changing how I looked at food, it was definitely a thing I connected with love and pleasure, and still to do at times be honest! But I've worked to connect other aspects of my life with love and pleasure, the biggest one being working out!!! My main source of motivation is instagram. There's soo many awesome ladies on there who have come so far and are always updating with what they are eating and doing for workouts. None of it is hard, you just do it and the results happen! Seriously it's not any harder than eating a box of donuts, it's just the choice and mentality. Honestly I have realized that eating a box of donuts is actually harder than staying on track because of how I beat myself up afterwards, overeating makes my life MORE stressful and not less stressful like I would think.

    And just find a method that works for you. For me I needed to get an online fitness coach for instruction, motivation, and accountability. Now I am doing it on my own with the techniques I learned from her.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I get where you're coming from. Changing habits is hard at first. Counting calories is tedious, and disheartening when you realize you've hit your daily goal by lunch, and you're either going to fail the day, or be really hungry in the evening. So why even bother if you can't do it perfectly, right? This is not a winning mindset.

    Start, just start. You will have failures; restart at the next meal. Make a deal with yourself that you'll commit to a full month of logging everything. Make a deal that you will have 5 of 7 days in the green, and that the overall week will balance. Once you start seeing the results in your clothes, on the scale, get asked if you've lost weight - that will all help you stay motivated.

    I've been on MFP now since Jan 2013. I had a setback and am now having to re-lose the same pounds. I struggled with starting again this time around. And then somebody told me about dietbet. It was the kick in the *kitten* that I needed. Between counting calories with MFP and challenges on dietbet, I have lost 28 pounds since mid-March. Having reasonable goal weights to achieve by a deadline with my own money on the line? Oh ya, it's GAME ON! I've got staggered weigh-ins every week / week & a half so I can't procrastinate/find reasons to justify that cheeseburger. It's really been helping me stay focused, and seeing good results on the scale is addictive.

    Good luck!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have a suggestion, I don't know if others have mentioned. It's a slightly slower way to go, but instead of depriving yourself of things you enjoy, you could go into your "maintenance" diet right now. It's called "eating for the new you." ESSENTIALLY, you figure out what your calorie goal would be at your ideal weight, and you eat that. Every day, on average, from now on. So for instance, I put your age and "goal weight" into this calculator:

    And it says at your goal weight, you'd want to NET about 1600 calories per day. Every day on average. For the rest of your life. Maybe that will be easier than "dieting" at 1200 calories per day. Your loss will be a tad bit slower, but you also won't have to cut out the things you love.

    Editing to add: this way, let's say on your birthday you can eat cake and consume 2000 calories, but it not be "cheating." You just know that for the rest of that week you need to eat about 1525 calories each day to average out that planned calorie "splurge."

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I started a few times too. Getting past three weeks is tough one for me but once I hit about 4 weeks in, it starts to get easier.

    Keep trying and restarting. Try to shake that notion of "I already had one so I might as well have more". Just keep working at it and you'll get there.

    I seem to have a hard time with reducing calories when I eat carbs and treats so I feel like I need to go without (as much as possible) and then I am able to control my eating easier.

    Good luck and congrats on your little one!
  • BrendaMaldonado1
    BrendaMaldonado1 Posts: 25 Member
    I can perfectly understand... in 2013 i went from 216 lbs to 153 lbs... i had tried diets before and i never stuck to them i was too lazy to exercise even though i have a treadmill... what finally did it for me was seeing how fat i looked in pictures i was disgusted with myself for allowing myself to gain that much i had 2 kids my little one was 1/2 yrs old... so i decided enough was enough my size 14 jeans were fitting tight so i started eating healthy & working out it took months but at the end i was able to fit perfectly into size 8 jeans... i gained 15 lbs back in around 10 months i got comfortable and started slacking off got pregnant and gained 65 lbs... my little princess was born on april 24th (she is 10 weeks) and i have lost almost all the baby weight just have 14 lbs left (51 lbs lost) ... im determined ... i also work full time & now im the mom to 3 kids so when there is a will there is a way... i dont slack off and keep true to myself i can lie to ppl but i cant lie to myself or the scale...
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Im sure previous posters have all given you good advice, so pardon me if its more of the same.

    Part of the process requires you to commit and just do whats needed because you want it badly enough and those who cant manage it prever to make the choice of continuing the way there are and do no wnat it badly enough. No hiding from that, so overall its ok daydreaming about losing weight but you do have to ante up and do whats needed.

    The next point you made was only lasting 2 days, which is a sign of poor prep and motivation. The rough rule of tum id say would be c 1 week for each 1lb you have to lose as o how long it might take, so with 100lbs that could be close to 2 years at 1lb a week. Quitting after 2 days doesnt even get past the opening credits.

    Ways to get started.

    1. Knowledge- understand how it all works. It should make sense to you.
    2. Good planning, that incorporates the knowledge.
    3. Additional prep so you understand what it is and what you have to do.
    4. Mindset and contingency planning so you remain commited and focused.
    5. Take it in small steps, so its achievable and manageable.
    6. Keep it simple.
    7. Be your own best friend and encourage yourself to be consistent.
    8. Remind or understand why you are doing it. If its not importnat enough to motivate you then its not worth doing. the reason i started was for health as it was getting to a stage where I apprciated it was putting me at risk. That mattered to me.
    9. Baby steps so you cna start off easily and build progress in small stages.
  • sdraper2014
    sdraper2014 Posts: 81 Member
    shennin001 wrote: »
    I'm 28yrs and need to lose about 70-80lbs. I'm currently 230lbs and 5'5. I had a baby 3 months ago and was already 209lbs when i got prego. I day dream of how beautiful and great it's going to be when i lose weight, but i can't get myself to even do 2 days straight without cheating. I know i can do this it's just so hard to start. Would love to know who's out there that's already past this stage or is like me and just getting started.

    I started where you are, 5'4, 233lbs. I am down 11.5 and it has been about a month since I started. Add me as a friend if you like. Logging food helps, being accountable to myself was a big motivator for me, as was adding a few friends on MFP. I eat foods that are not good for me on occasion and just make sure they fit in my calorie allotment for the day or the week. I don't think it is great to start off in the headspace of a diet because psychologically it makes you feel like you can't have things, which if you are anything like me, you then want. I think of it more as ok, these are all the things I can have, and that does include occasional treats.

    Once you get going with it you might also find yourself getting much pickier about your snacks. My husband had chocolate chip brownie bites on the counter today and asked if I wanted some or if he could eat them all, I took one look at them and decided I wanted to spend my calories on something that I would enjoy more, before I likely would have eaten them just because.

    You can do it, but the right headspace will go a long way. Don't think of all the things you can't have, think about all the things you can have, like a smaller waist, more muscles, more energy, a longer life with your family. That is what keeps me going.