tonydixon3 Member


  • Thanks I'll probably just not log it peroid, so I'll be more calorie deficit, I usually don't like to log my workouts because of them being estimates, but I was about to chow down on some high calorie grub so haha thought I'd do it this time to stay under, I'll just be disciplined and not eat over my limit.
  • Been using this app religiously for three months, but haven't focused much on the community aspect, looking for more friends preferably female feel free to add
  • It's a great app especially if you are like me, and constantly on your phone, I've been using it for 3 months and it's become a norm to log in every days and log my food and track my goals and nutrition. Good luck reaching your goals there gorgeous!
    in Makayla Comment by tonydixon3 May 2015
  • I did, but lost my workout partner this past 30 days, and can't afford the membership no longer, having money problems for the time being, and I live in a rural area so membership costs are way overpriced here unfortunately, I planned on starting a chain, tire and sledgehammer routine till I figure out a way to get to some…
  • Appreciate the love guys helps a lot! My health has improved a lot these past three months, and that is what's important, just one of those days.