afroamericawriter Member


  • I don't do crunches or sit ups (most times) but I do a lotta exercises that engage my abs. So tighten your core as you do weights / kettlebell in various directions. Also, use core balls. They come in different weights - start small like 4lb with many reps till exhaustion before graduating to more weights. All the best
  • You got the first step by adding MFP, I'd say you should sync with an activity tracker so it could show calories burned and give you daily caloric intake for the day. As you progress, you can start adjusting the carb intake based on your activity
  • Hi, as a person who's worked with a personal trainer off and on I understand your frustration. I'd tell you some of the things my trainer told me just a couple of months ago. Your body needs time to adjust to a new exercise regimen so give b/w 10 to 14 days to weigh yourself. Also, your body is changing in its composition…
  • Hi, College was when I started taking a serious look on fitness and health. So congrats! The one thing I see about your diet plan is its complexity in nature and as such will be very difficult to stay consistent. Why not start with small measurable steps? Yes regular old-fashioned oats is better than instant but instant is…