landfish Member


  • Don't marry the first person you sleep with when you come out of a combat zone unless you were sleeping with them before you left.
  • What everyone else said. Endurance is often specific to what you train for. I’ve settled on not being really great at any one thing, but pretty good at quite a few. I can run a half marathon on any given day, but the people who train to run half marathons will be faster. I’m not a fast cyclist, but I’m good on hills and…
  • This doesn’t really happen at my gym, but getting all judgey with out of shape people.
  • Halestorm's Cover of Still of the Night: Social Distortion: Ring of Fire, Making Believe (Kitty Wells) and Folsom Prison Blues
  • I log what the scale says every day. If the number is just a blip, it won't matter much over time. If it's anything more, I can spot trends more easily. Also, keeps me from obsessing over it.
  • I'm not a runner per se. I do one long-ish (~10 miles) trail run every Saturday and sometimes a shorter run when I can. I also cycle and do HIIT training (including strength) during the week. I've run off and on my entire life and have been into trail running for a few years. I started back up again to prepare for Spartan…
  • If you are still looking, Black Diamond Bod. I've used one for years.
  • I do classes at my gym so they provide the music, for good or ill. For things I do on my own (trail runs, cycling) the music on my play lists are all over the place. Here's a sample from the list I ran to yesterday: Do It With A Rock Star - Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra English Civil Way - The Clash Hillbilly…
  • I get up at around 4:45. This gives me time to eat and get things running. I'm in the gym at 6 doing fitness classes (cardio M-W, strength T-Th). After that, I ride my bicycle to work a couple of days a week (about 10 miles each direction).
  • TL;DR: Nothing long and drawn out and not alone. Given my family history, I will probably die from an aneurysm of some sort. My dad had an aortic aneurysm and survived thanks to some quick thinking from my mom. My grandfather died from his. My mom died recently from a cerebral aneurysm. Her last few hours conscious didn't…
  • My wife and I have both been overweight for a good part of our 20+ years together. I've never said anything to her about it because I don't think it's appropriate. I lost 55 pounds a couple of years ago and have managed to keep it off for a couple of years now (although I do cycle +/- 5 or so pounds). One day my wife said…
  • I'm 49. I lost 55 pounds a few years ago and have mostly kept it off. I did gain a bit more this fall than my usual 5 pounds, so I'm losing some more to get ready for races next year. For my 50th year, I'm doing a Spartan Trifecta, plus a couple of trail half marathons. I've also talked a friend of mine into trying to walk…
  • I'm feeling pretty good about the zombie apocalypse anyway. I have a few friends that are into that sort of thing and I know I can outrun them, which is really all I need to be able to do. Inferring a bit from what the OP originally said, I'm guessing she doesn't necessarily run competitively in the sense of looking to…
  • 400-700km a month? Wow. I admire that. I'm a functional fitness sort of dude and I like being fit enough to be ok at most things, even if it means I'm not great at anything in particular. It really hit me when I did my first trail half marathon in just over 2 hours. I didn't alter my normal exercise patterns much and was…
  • They are a lot of fun and a good challenge. A bit of upper body strength is helpful. There are walls that need to be gotten over and a couple of obstacles where you are doing something similar to swinging from monkey bars. That said, I'm not super strong in the upper body but I manage.
  • The classes at my gym incorporate a lot of stairs lunges and squats. I also do a weekly trail run that incorporates a lot of hills. As mentioned above, it activates a lot of muscles that don't normally get activated anyway. Also, I've found when I'm doing Spartan Races or trail half marathons that I really like having the…
  • Anyone still here? Did a Super and a Beast this year, training for a Trifecta for my 50th birthday this year Aroo!
  • Keeping a close eye on your temperature should help prevent curdling. Basically, you are just breaking down the emulsion. Also, avoiding adding anything really acidic while it's hot.
  • Because Radioactive Cat wouldn't do that would she?
  • No effing way I am giving up any number of things, but I am perfectly happy to get into the habit of eating less of them.
  • They are full of yum. However, I've had to accept that, at 47 years old and on my second time losing a lot of weight in my adult life, not my best breakfast option regardless of what the package says.
  • Guidelines. Based on experience, I run best on a diet that is about 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 30% fat. Things get skewed, but that's the mix I shoot for.
  • Today I learned how to set up application links between JIRA and Confluence when both are running on Virtual Machines. I also learned that I figured this out 4 days faster than my supervisor.
  • Sex. Trying to get as much in now as I can. I'll eat later.
  • At some point in the past, you were the youngest person on earth. At some point in the future you will be the next person to die.
  • War of the Worlds. I'm scared I'll come home one day and find you screwing the toaster.
  • The Ten Commandments "You can't drive the car, Johnny has the keys."
  • I don't eat clean on purpose. I know people who do and it invariably involves a lot of meat and butter. But, to get the calories I need with the right proportion of fat/carbohydrates/protein and the right amount of nutrients, I have to be pretty deliberate in my choices. A pack of pop-tarts has, I believe 440 calories,…
  • Seven Year Itch. It's got what plants crave.
  • I don't care if he did if I can get UA boxers again.