Relationships...What Not to do



  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    s131951 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    s131951 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    s131951 wrote: »
    Don't mansplain. Plantain? sustain? maintain? Samhain (haha, not how it's pronounced.)

    Are you talking about manscaping? 😂

    I think that's agreeable to some and others, not.

    No, I mean is that the word you were looking for?

    NO, but thank you. I think mansplaining is a man talking down to a woman or assuming ignorance.

    Did I just do it? ugh.

    Oh, sorry. Never heard of that terminology. And no, you didn't. 😉
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    If your partner says "no" about something, no means no. Not maybe, not try again later, it means NO. You wanna talk about it at a later date, cool, but don't blatantly disrespect another person because you didn't like the answer you got.

    What do you charge for training? I need to send someone your way....
  • FriendlyNeighborhoodEngineer
    Communication is key
    Sometimes the truth isn't good enough
    Never let anyone physically or emotionally abused you... Love doesn't hurt
    If you think that they aren't saving that leftover in the fridge because it's been there for a day or two, most likely you're wrong
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    If your partner says "no" about something, no means no. Not maybe, not try again later, it means NO. You wanna talk about it at a later date, cool, but don't blatantly disrespect another person because you didn't like the answer you got.

    What do you charge for training? I need to send someone your way....

    What kinda training are we talking about here? I work on a tier level. Some levels are more "intense" than others. ;)

  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Don't surprise them when they come home from work by converting the garage into a shrine for Whoopi Goldberg.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    If your partner says "no" about something, no means no. Not maybe, not try again later, it means NO. You wanna talk about it at a later date, cool, but don't blatantly disrespect another person because you didn't like the answer you got.

    What do you charge for training? I need to send someone your way....

    What kinda training are we talking about here? I work on a tier level. Some levels are more "intense" than others. ;)


    Not quite @slimgirljo15 intensity. ;) Just the basics, like not draping every piece of furniture in the living room with dirty clothing.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    If your partner says "no" about something, no means no. Not maybe, not try again later, it means NO. You wanna talk about it at a later date, cool, but don't blatantly disrespect another person because you didn't like the answer you got.

    What do you charge for training? I need to send someone your way....

    What kinda training are we talking about here? I work on a tier level. Some levels are more "intense" than others. ;)


    Not quite @slimgirljo15 intensity. ;) Just the basics, like not draping every piece of furniture in the living room with dirty clothing.

    :laugh: I'm freaking hugging this 🤗
  • RevGym2
    RevGym2 Posts: 252 Member
    My mom has given me a list like this so that I’ll know what to do when I have my first girlfriend. I want to show her everything you all have suggested to see what she thinks and if it should be added to the list.

    Thank you for being helpful
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Don't start an argument you can't finish in the potpourri aisle at Target.
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Don't get wasted in front of her parents and start crying about your ex. True story.

  • LiftingSpirits
    LiftingSpirits Posts: 2,207 Member
    Cowsfan1 wrote: »
    Cowsfan1 wrote: »
    If she tells you she wants needs something from you - maybe take it serious even if you think it’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard

    I like really this one. A little female perspective. I told my fiancé I wished he’d give me a kiss in the morning, even though I’m usually still sleeping. I know it made no sense to him and he doesn’t really get it. But everyday since he has woke up, walked around the bed and has given me a forehead kiss. I know because it wakes me up, but I don’t say anything. And this small little kiss, it starts my day off on a good note, it fills my heart up and makes me feel so loved, it reminds me he cares about what I need.

    Funny you mention this - just happens to be a request i did not take seriously

    I think a lot of people (maybe more men than women?) forget that the little things matter. I rather have someone kiss me while they think I am asleep than buy me flowers.

    Now you tell me... I've watched you sleep so often and didn't want to wake you. If you just unlock your window, next time you'll get a 😙


    I don't know if this is creepy or adorable! 😂
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Don't leave your *kitten* in the middle of the floor and then be surprised when she curses and screams at you because she broke her toe/foot AGAIN because of something dumb you did while being an inconsiderate *kitten*.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    edited October 2019
    Cowsfan1 wrote: »
    Cowsfan1 wrote: »
    If she tells you she wants needs something from you - maybe take it serious even if you think it’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard

    I like really this one. A little female perspective. I told my fiancé I wished he’d give me a kiss in the morning, even though I’m usually still sleeping. I know it made no sense to him and he doesn’t really get it. But everyday since he has woke up, walked around the bed and has given me a forehead kiss. I know because it wakes me up, but I don’t say anything. And this small little kiss, it starts my day off on a good note, it fills my heart up and makes me feel so loved, it reminds me he cares about what I need.

    Funny you mention this - just happens to be a request i did not take seriously

    I think a lot of people (maybe more men than women?) forget that the little things matter. I rather have someone kiss me while they think I am asleep than buy me flowers.

    Now you tell me... I've watched you sleep so often and didn't want to wake you. If you just unlock your window, next time you'll get a 😙


    I don't know if this is creepy or adorable! 😂

    Not creepy at all 😜
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    Don't marry the first person you sleep with when you come out of a combat zone unless you were sleeping with them before you left.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Don't surprise them when they come home from work by converting the garage into a shrine for Whoopi Goldberg.

    This made me laugh pretty hard. It reminds me of the time my mom decided she was scared of Ellen Degeneres due to a nightmare, and I taped magazine photos of Ellen in every glass part of her china cabinet.

    (I wish I could say "when I was a kid" but it was in August of this year)
  • Okillhavecake
    Okillhavecake Posts: 4,855 Member
    Never try to start a conversation while the footy is on
  • mtndewme
    mtndewme Posts: 724 Member
    Don't download random crap onto their computer.
  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    mtndewme wrote: »
    Don't download random crap onto their computer.

    By random crap you mean what exactly??? Asking for a friend