

  • Please read this with the mindset that I only have good intentions in posting this. I am afraid you will be offended, but I feel it is worth the risk for potentially helping you greatly. As a nurse, I'm a little worried for you. If that's enough to throw you into this much upset, I might consider going to your primary care…
  • I worked nights on the floor and in the ER for about six years between the two! I switched to days about three years ago and am so glad I did. There was so much I liked about the later shifts, but the advantages of not being a "lady of the night" were in my case too great to ignore. I actually am now back in school for a…
  • Mine have been accurate before, but really it's just a mathmatical estimation based on your settings. If you are a perfectly standard human being and do everything exactly how you say you will in those settings, then it should be fairly accurate. Most people either aren't a "perfectly standard" human though, or don't log…
  • http://www.reddit.com/r/keto/
  • First of all, don't forget that it's pretty much impossible to gain ten pounds of fat in three days. You would have had to have eaten in excess of 35,000 calories above your TDEE plus not pooped any of it out without being absorbed... so it's most likely water weight from eating foods your body isn't used to anymore…
  • I try to stay under 100 per day! Always looking for friends who eat similarly to me :) Added you & open to accepting other friends :) I have an open diary!
  • I am on a low carbohydrate diet, as instructed by my physician. I'm insulin resistant as a side effect of my PCOS, so it's really the best option for me. I have a friend who is Paleo, and have been thinking about working some of her recipes into my routine. Anyone can add me, and I keep an open diary to stay accountable to…
  • If I can reach my goal weight, I'm "upgrading" my wedding ring to be a constant reminder! Also, babies :). Want to be a fit mom when it's finally that time.
  • If you're counting carbs, you take the total number of carbohydrates and subtract the dietary fiber to get the total number of net carbs.
  • I eat low carb, and my physician is all for it as long as I get enough green leafy veggies and take a multivitamin. I am not super strict about it, but I am very mindful. My goal is less than 100 grams per day, I usually eat less than 50 per day. I go for high fiber items, and avoid potatoes (I make exceptions for sweet…