buffmgee Member


  • Oh and cutting 600 calories daily from a diet still leaves me 1500 calories for the day, and burning 1000 cal, doing HIIT is not u reachable as well
  • Sorry for the late reply guys, I really did set the bar high for myself intentionally, realisticly im only looking at 20-30 pounds and that may not even happen As I am going for a BF transformation mainly, and it's going great. My goal ATM is 220 and a 15/20% BF, again this may not happen exactly but instead of criticism,…
  • First off I love it that this thread is still going strong 3 years later, here is my breakfast and lunch. Add me fitness geeks. Blueberry shakeo and cabbage and kielbasa for lunch
  • I appreciate your concern sugar. It's for vacation in May, I've run the numbers multiple times and created many variations of eating plans and came up with a number of about 3.4 pounds a week. Keeping my caloric intake at 1400 daily( men need at least 1200 to sustain themselves) I can burn around 2000 a day with excessive…