Thank you, everyone
It is possible to exercise too much. You need to practice caution by replacing electrolytes (especially sodium & potassium) you are losing while sweating so much.
I know exactly what you're going through and it's extremely tough. I think we need to get a bit selfish and think about ourselves a bit in order to stay motivated. I have a very difficult time keeping my husband on track too and I've come to realize that I can't force him, so I'm going to try my best to focus on my…
Yes, sodium causes you to gain water weight. Besides drinking water, you can also drink natural diuretics like coffee or green tea. And, of course, cut down on the sodium! lol I know it's easier said than done, tho. The other day, I had Thai wonton soup and found out it had like 1500mg of sodium!
Either the Vitamix or Bullet or Ninja b/c you get to keep all the important nutrients that are lost with just juicing.
Don't feel alone. I too have issues finding positive features about my own looks. I hope to break through it and focus on my fitness journey. Remember that stress adds onto weightloss difficulty, so try to remain calm. <3
Thanks ladies! I actually have a Vitamix :smile: I'll try my best to buy my veggies and fruits in advance to blend.