mmonaghan99 Member


  • Maybe try talking to a therapist about things that are stressing you out? I have worked in eating disorder treatment before and it's never an addiction to the food itself, it's always more about using food and eating to cope. Find some hobbies not related to food.
  • Hi I'm Mary, I am a newbie to OCR/running. I am planning on doing a regular 5k in a couple months, and my first OCR in June! I decided to start with a Warrior Dash because it seems like a good beginner race. My ultimate goal (maybe next year) is to do a Spartan trifecta!
  • I get rid of things that are cheaper materials, but I keep things like my nice Modcloth dresses that are made of sturdier materials because I plan to have them taken in once I have lost a bit more.
  • Often the bf and I will bake seasoned chicken breasts and baked potatoes/sweet potatoes for lunches, and get some of those steam-in-bag veggies from the produce section, and steam the veggies in the morning before work. We haven't been doing it lately because we got a little burned out on it so I've been doing sandwiches…
  • Yeah, her saying you eat too many carbs and then recommeding more is weird. And her plan has almost no fats which is not good for lifting. You need more protein and fat than that. And like you said, you end up going off the diet when you have to eat the same thing every day. If you get bored, if it feels like a "diet",…
  • That's an awful lot to lose when you are already so small. If you are having a lot of issues with your weight it might be good to talk to someone about it.
  • I think for a lot of people it basically means no processed food, just fruits & veggies, lean protein, & whole grains. But then you have the anti-carb people who say that grains aren't "clean"... Like the person above said, it means a lot of different things to different people. I try to eat mostly "clean" stuff, but if I…
  • I feel much better since I've been using the app. I have lost about 13 lbs so far! I've found that I feel a lot better from diet and exercise (I don't have a ton of time to exercise because I'm finishing grad school), and I am very motivated to stick with mfp. I like to cook and so does my bf (who is also doing mfp), so…
  • grilled chicken, black beans, and brown rice, with tomatoes, jalepenos, and homemade guacamole.
  • Since I try to never eat more than half of my cardio calories back (if I only do cardio), I just usually let myself eat back all of my cardio calories on leg day because I figure it will even out. That's only about 75 extra calories for me, but on leg day every bit helps.
  • If I know I might be having a treat (for example, a slice of cake or some pizza) I try to fit it into my day without going over. I don't consider this a cheat as long as I stay within my calorie goal (even if I don't hit macros). I don't do this much, every couple of weeks or so. I have full blown cheat days on special…
  • I agree with the other posters, do not do anything that you think will be too tempting for you. Also, you can totally take measuring cups with you. I haven't taken cups before, but I take measuring spoons to restaurants to measure things like salad dressing. I could see that it might feel a little awkward for you to do…
  • I personally think organic/free-range meat tastes better, but that is about the only food item for which I find a noticeable difference. If you are concerned with the environmental impact, I would suggest buying local if you have that option. Local produce, meat, and dairy is yummy, and it is often fresher because it…
  • My advice is to find something you love doing! If that's zumba, running, swimming, kickboxing, lifting, whatever it is, stick with it! You also don't have to go to a gym to work out! Go for a hike, or take a dance class! Anything active counts. For me, I enjoy cardio classes like zumba and kickboxing, I like yoga, but I…
  • I have a few! A green salad with lettuce or spinach (or spring mix, whatever you prefer), cucumber, tomato, and strawberries, fat-free feta, and raspberry vinaigrette. I sometimes put walnuts and/or chicken breast on it too. I also make a kale salad with raw kale (no stalks, just the leaf), walnuts (or another nut), dried…
  • I'm sorry that you had such negative experiences with HAES. But I think you might be missing the point of it. HAES is about focusing on behaviors, not size. This means that healthy eating, exercise, etc, are encouraged, but that the focus is on behaviors, not on size. Which is why I'm focusing my efforts on what I'm doing…
  • Why don't you just let yourself have a piece of cake? It won't "ruin" your day, even if you go over your calories. It's ok to go over every once in a while. We all need to have a treat sometimes. Just have what you are craving and get back on track tomorrow. :)
  • That's really not cool. Fat shaming, really? We're all here to get healthy, there's no need to say hurtful things like that.
  • Yeah I really want to, I'm planning to go back in a couple of weeks when my wrist has healed a little more from surgery.
  • Exactly! I used to be so much more active, I loved hiking and swimming and zumba, and especially weight lifting, and I just miss being active! I'm one of those people who loves going to the gym, and I am so glad to be working out more.
  • I am a social worker and I work with young women with eating disorders, and I see how damaging the unhealthy behaviors are and how the negative body image hurts them. I'm always counseling them about mindful eating, and it's time I do the same. I'm glad to know that there are health coaches are HAES advocates! I work with…
  • Noodles! Pad thai is my favorite, but basically any asian noodles or italian noodles, egg noodles... I love them! Also cakes and pastries. But obviously I don't get to have that stuff every day anymore, just sometimes.
  • I'm recovering from a wrist surgery after about 3 years of chronic tendonitis. I had to stop lifting when my wrist got bad, but now that I've had the surgery I'm trying to get back into it. I am just taking it easy and easing my way back in slowly. It's hard because I want to jump back into lifting heavy, but I know I have…
  • Swimming laps or something like water aerobics/aqua zumba/aqua yoga maybe? Working out in the pool is really low impact and it can be very fun! Also, don't discount stregth training, lifting some weights can help you get stronger.
  • Yeah, I'm going to have to try and take it easy, which will be hard because I miss lifting so much! But I know that I have to ease myself back in. I am also going to use gloves with wrist supports. I know that some people say you shouldn't use gloves, but with my injury I feel more comfortable with some kind of support.
  • I do breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack (if I'm hungry) and dinner. Sometimes I do a little snack or something sweet after dinner if I want, but a lot of days I don't eat after dinner.The breakfast thing is new, I used to have a hard time eating breakfast but I've been doing oatmeal with walnuts in the morning and I feel so…
  • You can add me! I'm starting at 303, trying to get to 200 (initial goal, once I get there I'll probably lower it).
  • If it helps you, then it's cool! I personally have made a choice to buy myself some nice clothes lately (modcloth junkie here), instead of cheaper stuff. The way I figure it is, instead of buying all new stuff when I lose, I can take the stuff that I already love to a tailor and get it altered to my new measurements! I did…
  • I like whole grain pasta! It's a bit less tender than regular pasta, so I tend to overcook it a little (same with brown rice). It tastes fine though, not exactly the same as typical pasta but it is really good and it has lots more fiber. Try it sometime! We almost always do whole grain, although the bf can't completely…
  • I'm getting my master's right now so I get the stress! I do regular popcorn, the light butter kind. And we don't spend a ton of time meal planning. He and I are both pretty good cooks (not to sound stuck up) and we have several meals we tend to rotate frequently, and then some we do less often. Last night he made turkey…