sueatherbest Member


  • Hello, I'm transitioning from an HHCG diet to ketogenic and would like a community. Would this be it?
  • Hi! I don't have medical issues, so I can't relate, but I'm here for you. Steroids can really mess with your appetite, can't they? If I can offer some advice, plan your day, specifically your meals and beverages. I have found the pie chart that shows me my carb, fat and protein percentages incredibly helpful. I don' t…
  • How are you today? I pray you are doing well, planning your day as best you can...
  • Lot's of great supportive advice here, can't add much more, except I'm sending a friend request. I hope to be around for you as you will be for your husband and he for you
  • At least you're able to recognize the circumstance that you eat through. Understanding, acknowledging it will help you with a plan of action, make other choices, like choosing pickles over other binge foods. I used to start with sweets and then move on to salty until most of what was set aside for my kids to enjoy was…
  • Live your life One day at a time, too. You seem to be pretty smart and your English is not bad! You are making those payments for your computer, try not to let it worry you. For today, try to focus on your studies and prepare for tomorrow by planning your meals.
  • Wat to go about kicking that food out of the house!
  • There has always been something about food and comfort for me.Eating one cookie almost always leads me to other foods, especially salty foods, first sweet then salty. I remember becoming upset, once, when my mom gave me less milk than my brothers and I thought she loved me less. If you can stop with a single serving and…
  • So true, I think most eVery body on here has lost and gained repeatedly. I know I consider my self a weight gain expert! You name a fad diet and I've probably been on it. My goal now is to eat X # of calories , consisting of specific percentages of fat, carbs and protein and to determine the foods I can't have b/c they…
  • Alcohol will also cause water retention. When I drink I gain 1#/drink!
  • I use H.A.L.T. too. Especially at the end of my day when I soon tired and just want to reach for food to medicate.
  • I think all the dramatic weight loss plans work. I'm on phase 3a of the HHCG protocol, transitioning to more calories, after 6 weeks of 500 cal/day. One more three week phase and I'll be off the protocol (unless I can trick myself into believing phase 4 will last the rest of my life, which hasn't worked before). So my plan…
  • All really great advice, add to that to take a hard look at your emotions. Everyone gets bored and not everyone reaches for food to occupy time. Am I procrastinating? Am I choosing to sit around because I'm angry, fearful, anxious about something and I'm letting it get in my way? I tend to over work, run all day and into…
  • It's adapted from the A.A. Book. I'm a highly disciplined person and have success in most areas of my life except with food. I know it's not about white knuckling through the desire to eat when I'm bored, stressed, tired, angry or let myself get too hungry. I ask Higher power to help, and I get it but it's an ongoing…
  • There's definitely a lack of self care here, no breaks during the day, not eating regularly, no friendships. If your husband is supportive of the video games, you should enjoy that time... Pick one thing and do it for a month: get your meals squared away first thing in the morning or last thing at night, attend a group…
  • "We compulsive overeaters are undisciplined". I have so much discipline in all other areas of life but this is a difference between me and others. I can understand the rag doll analogy, especially when I'm looking at my behavior with food when I'm eating compulsively. The food is controlling me. Had a great day today!…
  • I don't think I struggle with depression. I eat when I'm bored, tired, angry, too hungry and stressed. White potatoes create the sensation of depression so I avoid them. I'm not sure if you're comfortable with cross-talk, but maybe some probing questions would help...
  • I feel like my personality simply cannot do this. I want to eat what I want to without consequence. I don't imbibe in other addictive substances or behaviors, just food. My family doesn't understand "just don't eat". Then the shame and the self hating sets in. I have no problem with exercise, just food, eating when I'm…
  • So another typical day for me, decided what I was going to eat, did fine until night, found out my husband was coming home (unexpectedly as usual) and started eating off plan. I didn't over eat, but I did eat food I have decided I shouldn't have. I also took in more calories than I'm supposed to have, which is overeating,…
  • Thanks! I'll Google it.
  • I overeat, choose to eat when I'm not hungry, to procrastinate, when I feel I've failed someone or at something, when I'm bored, too tired, too hungry, angry
  • Add me and I'll add all of you.I came to the realization about five years ago that I have a very serious emotional eating problem when I realized I had finished off a half a pound bag of peanut M&Ms in one sitting. I joined OA and that has really been helping me a lot but for some reason I'm just not going back to the…
  • I started with OA five years ago. I compulsively eat at night. I have trouble with working my program and getting with a sponsor, guess I want people posting here to help...looking forward to connecting with like minded people. Ways I cope so I don't use the food: knit, (keeps my hands busy), drink lots of water, which…