ivanswift760 Member


  • I have a heard using a vest while running and walking is bad on the joints. (Better then hand weights however).i use my weight vest when I need more resistance when doing sit ups, push ups, etc. I would suggest more cardio also.
  • Find an alternative drink!! I used to have a soda a day skyrocketed my weight maxed out at 225 lbs 5'9 guy. I changed my choice of drink to Lipton ice tea 100 calories per 16 ounce. Year later changed to Diet snapple teas they sell at cosco 15-10 calories per 16 ounce. My weight came down significantly. Lemon water has…
  • Funny how I gained weight as my wife was pregnant. I gained about 20 pounds maxed out at 225. (Height 5'9).Secret is too count ur calories and cook ur own food not eat out. Or if u eat out make sure it's a healthy alternative. Chik fil a? Maybe. When my son was small I would watch him. My cardio went out the door.…
  • I really likes insanity. I started last year I was at 225 came down to 205. Unfortunately didn't stick to it after I was done. (Shot back up to 215). i was only committed to the 2-3 month weight lost. Was not thinking long term like I am this year. Change of lifestyle help me more than insanity from 215 to 192 so far...