mystgrl1604 Member


  • I just count plain water. If I drink anything else, I log it under my meals. I try to hit 4L/day but usually hover between 2.5-3.5L/day.
  • It's a journey. You will have bad days interspered among the good. But the main thing is that you dust youself off the next day and try even harder! Never give up! Give yourself some slack if you're finding it too hard. Set smaller, more achievable goals. These small goals will add up to become big ones. Good luck to us…
  • Try the classes! As a beginner who has 100+ to lose, I found it extremely motivating to be in the classes. I tried all the classes on offer and chose the ones that was the most fun for me. It will be tough but you'll get used to it and as long as you pick something fun, you won't even mind that it's tough. Haha!
  • Oh wow thanks. This would really be helpful! With my current weight (244lbs) BMR=1881 No exercise=2257 (minus 15%=1918) Exercise 3x/week=2586 (minus 15%=2198) Exercise 4x/week=2668 (minus 15%=2267) With my goal weight (130lbs) BMR=1279 No exercise=1535 Exercise 3x/week=1759 Exercise 4x/week=1815 So technically, with my…
  • Haha thanks! I do weights before cardio because I want to be able to give my all with weights and I can't do that if I'm all tired from cardio. Plus I do classes for cardio so I have the instructor to push me if I'm lagging behind, but there is no one to push my muscles if I'm too tired to lift heavy. Lol. Regarding doing…
  • I do days and nights so I'm a bit all over the place. I just log everything midnight to midnight, don't really care what meal it's in as long as the calories are logged in. Haha.
  • Zumba! And any dance classes. They're so fun you forget how long you're there. Hahahaha! Gets me sweating like maaaad.
  • Haha don't worry! When I first started, I can barely keep up. Now nearly 3 months on, there are still times I have to stop to catch my breathe but I've been able to do more and more each time. I think once I can go and push myself to the max without stopping for a breather, it will be time to find a harder class. P.S. I'm…
  • I've set my level to sedentary and eat my exercise and step calories back. That way, if I haven't done much for the day, I won't be eating much for the day.
  • SO I should aim for 1400 calorie intake or less? That makes me really sad :( :( :( Does that mean if I eat more than this, I'll gain weight? But I've been eating what I was eating and losing, albeit slowly. Im confused. Yeah I get less hungry with more protein, but I find it really hard to get a lot of protein in without…
  • Just say thanks and change the subject. Hopefully they'll realise that it's a sensitive subject for you. Or just joke about it and be proud! You've lost so and so pounds! That is amazing!
  • WORD! Hahahaha! Both my boyfriend and I started our weight loss journey together so we each took each others measurements and weights and everything. It was very embarrassing for me as he's a big muscly guy with just a bit of podge on him while I'm a big fatty with little to no muscle on me, but he's been so supportive!…
  • I'm the same! I've set my activity to sedentary and track my steps and exercise. If I don't walk around or go to the gym, I'm not gonna be eating much for the day. It's a big motivator for me coz I love my food! Hahahaha! Plus I feel guilty not going to the gym, since I only go about 4x/week as it is, and most people on…
  • This is an awesome story! Hahahaha! Way to go! As for me, I don't really see or feel a change. I don't see any changes and my clothes still fit the same. I've been measuring though, and the inches are going down. Dunno how my inches can be going down and yet my clothes still feel the same but I live in leggings and loose…
  • Been working out for 3mos and sticking to a calorie allowance for week. I dont see any changes, but the tape measure says im losing inches, which is good. Main change i've noted is my endurance is so much better. I can do more cardiovascularly which is awesome! I can feel muscles on my arms!
  • Higher volume food leave me full for a short while only :( hungry again a couple hrs later, and dont really have time for munchies at work. I usually log between 1500-2000 most days, with a day of 2500 and another of 2200 within the past week, which was due to bad food choices. I might try logging half workouts then, cant…
  • im losing weight slowly, which I suppose is a good thing although I wish it was faster. Lol. But if it means going hungry, I'd rather go slow instead. I get hunger headaches as it is, plus I get hangry. Hhahaha. Hearing that MFP is more or less on track with the calories (give or take a few, i suppose) does reassure me a…
  • That would leave me too hungry and i'll end up binge eating.
  • Yes of course. I was just clarifying what the previous poster was stating.
  • Awesome. Just means I need to keep doing what I was doing, which was my goal anyway haha! just makes it easier for me to do it one at a time instead of making all the changes all at the same time. Thumbs up!
  • Im assuming that's the probability of me getting pregnant. 3.5 chance out of a hundred.
  • Thanks everyone :) I think the reason most people don't stick to their diets and go back to old habits and regain everything and more, is that they went on a diet in the first place. Too much change is unsustainable. Sooner or later you will give up coz it's too much hard work. For me, it's been a little change here, a…
  • I have both and I work on my feet for 12.5hrs 3-4days a week and gym (strength training, Zumba, Dance, Mat and Beam Pilates) on my days off so no rest for my feet really. Just foot rubs and stretches in the evening but mostly I just work through the pain. I wear a shoe with good support at work as otherwise I won't be able…
  • I try! Hahaha! Though Im not sure what i won? *uncertain* hahahahahaha
  • I log everything...sometimes shamefully (especially if I've had take-away or even worse, McDonalds), but it keeps me accountable. And I still try not to go over my calories, but if I do, I'd go into that much deficit the next day.
  • :( that doesn't bode well for me. Im trying to develop healthy habits and Im hoping they stick, as I've been fat all my life and want a change. Once I get this weight off, I hope it stays off! Hehe.
  • My weight fluctuates during the day and everyday, but I only take into account days when I actually drop lbs. haha! I do both strength and cardio training 2-4x a week depending on previous commitments (work/life getting in the way) Hour of weights before an hour of cardio. Hated exercise before this, but now I look forward…
  • Book an induction if you're new to the gym experience. It's priceless. They tour you around the place and if you ask, they'll even show you how to use any and all equipment you're unfamiliar with. Take it slow and stick to stuff you're familiar with, but always try a new machine/equipment/exercise or two every time you go…