Wow, just wow! I actually have tears of joy for you and reading your inspiring journey. Thank you for sharing, and best wishes for your future.
Went to a friends wedding at the weekend and had such lovely comments on my weight loss. Made me feel a million dollars!
Try and eat more in the day. You wouldn't go out in your car in an empty fuel tank, its the same with your body, eat more when you're more likely to be burning it off. Then in the evening you won't feel so ravenous.
Wow!!! Congratulations and you are FIT!!!! Go and find that love!
Hi Kaz, I've been using myfitnesspal for nearly three months now, I've lost a total of 10.6kgs/23lbs. I've never had a gain, but I have had two weeks (separate) in which I've stayed the same. Looking back in my diary I believe this to be hormonal, and my carb (sugar) intake being higher than my targets. today I'm feeling…
Absolutely brilliant, well done you. I truly believe once people realise its not a diet and its a change in lifestyle, it all seems a little easier!
I've lost 20lbs and this maybe TMI but the biggest shocker for me is how good sex is again!