Weazy16 Member


  • I would like to join but my goal is to enter all my food, reduce craving and feel better.
  • I know that, not stupid but don't think my two young kids would have appreciated that. Was just saying when bored I eat which is dangerous
    in Bored Comment by Weazy16 March 2015
  • I shouldn't have written anything
    in Bored Comment by Weazy16 March 2015
  • Nope, lol
    in Bored Comment by Weazy16 March 2015
  • It's aerobics ... Tx
  • I sure am looking forward to all of these wonderful things such as my belly not being so heavy that I have to hold it up at times to give my back a break, to not have sore hips and knees, to rid of depression and lack of confidence, no more rubbing thighs, large breastsand feeling embarrassed! Really looking forward to all…
  • Thank u, yes definitely always thirsty with a/d. And ur right about mindless eating, licking Nutella spoons, a cracker here, cookie there, etc. when I eat healthy and control my blood sugar I definitely don't get these crazy cravings. Promised myself today was last time I shop for work clothing in plus sizes !
  • Oh and congrats on your weight Loss! Wow amazing
  • Thank u so much, nice to get feed back. Have been on several different anti since 2009, currently on cymbalta 60 msg. Definitely more hungry then most, just gotta shrink that stomach and not use anti as an excuse. Thanks again Louise
  • Hi, my name is louise, 39 yrs, 5'6, 243 lbs. I've been eating clean for last five days while travelling with family, my inky exception has been some Kirkland trail mix with m&m, a bit with natural applesauce to ease me through my chocolate cravings. I'm really trying to trust that my body will let go the weight. I have…
  • Oops what I meant was some food like eggs have very high calories and fat but I always thought it was a good fat and good protein. Fitness pal says high in cholesterol but I thought that was no longer true. Thank u for explaining my options. Have had two good days
    in New Comment by Weazy16 February 2015
  • Hi thank u so much for everything you wrote, much much appreciated! I'm 5'6 at 242 lbs, muscular build.
    in New Comment by Weazy16 February 2015
  • Should I not pout two lbs per week? I do find calorie intake at 1250 doesn't seem like much. I weigh 242 at 5'6
    in New Comment by Weazy16 February 2015