Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well today is going fairly well. I got out of babysitting as my nephew had a drs apt to get the all clear to resume normal activities after his concussion. I had my mom come over and help me get the computer set back up since hubby finally finished putting together the new desk last night. This piece of furniture took the words some assembly required to a whole new level, lol. After we got me back up and running mom and I went and got my haircut and ran some errands. I picked up some stuff for the house and grabbed some paint samples to go over with my husband. We are going to paint the front rooms in the house in the next week or so. I have very bright colors right now and would like to temper it back to something a little more soothing. I am thinking some soft greys with maybe an accent wall of darker blue. I will see what the hubby thinks. I have a new favorite treat. Quaker makes quinoa granola bars now and they are very reminiscent of eating a rice krispy treat and yummy yummy :) Now I just have to figure out where to tuck everything that was in the old desk since I seriously downsized when I bought this one. It was time to get something more size appropriate for the room it was in. I keep reaching down for the mouse and then remember this doesn't have a pull out keyboard tray. I never used the other one for the keyboard but I did the mouse. Oh well I will soon get used to it :)

    @melifornia I hope you are starting to feel better. There is nothing worse then and upset stomach n my opinion
    @kah and Susan I hope you are both doing well with your winter weather. I have the same thing here in Washington state we get a little snow and it shuts everything down. I am from Illinois and I just shake my head and stay out of everyones way.
    @skinnyjeanzbound MIL woes suck. Mine was impossible for the first 15 yrs of my marriage and she can still be hit or miss. I am watching her now with the newest dil and thinking wow I put up with that, I must really love my husband
    @Holly I hope all went well with the dr. Arthritis can be rough. I have been lucky so far but watched my mom suffer with it all my life.
    @lives2travel great job keeping the secret for so long. I cant imagine running around with that kind of news all bottled up inside me, lol.
    @tlh0407 I don't know how you keep up sometimes. You are always running with the kids or church. You have a very lucky family.

    Well I have procrastinated as long as I can. Time to get the house put back together after the great desk debacle. Have a great day everyone and remember you can do anything you really want to :):)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am truly exhausted today and work was a real pain. The kids are just acting like fools. After teaching all day then I had 4 meetings as well today.

    My wish is that I have a 2 hour delay due to the pending storm. We could either get an inch or a couple of inches or 2-4. I just want a good night's sleep.

  • Weazy16
    Weazy16 Posts: 20 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to our discussion. We are a great community - both men and women
    - and provide excellent support and motivation for your personal weight
    loss journey.

    This is not a group. This is an ongoing discussion of support and motivation and you can easily participate. There is no "joining" to do. Just post a comment! happy That's all it takes. Go to the last - most current page (600 and counting)and write a comment - whatever you feel like saying, and click the REPLY button. You will be welcomed by other people posting and hopefully you will return often. I try to send a welcoming message within a week of your first post.

    After posting, you can find your way back by checking your "COMMUNITY"
    tab, then on the "MY DISCUSSIONS" listing, and all the DISCUSSIONS you
    have posted to will show up. If you click on the STAR to the right of the
    DISCUSSIONS, that selects them as your favorites. Then you can click on
    the Titles of the DISCUSSIONS and doing that will return you to the most
    current posting on the DISCUSSIONS thread.

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    Welcome to each and every one of you as you start this journey - Robin

  • Weazy16
    Weazy16 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, my name is louise, 39 yrs, 5'6, 243 lbs. I've been eating clean for last five days while travelling with family, my inky exception has been some Kirkland trail mix with m&m, a bit with natural applesauce to ease me through my chocolate cravings. I'm really trying to trust that my body will let go the weight. I have been suffering from PTSD, anxiety and depression for several years and fight through it daily. My cortisol levels are probably always high which is not good and is know to make us gain, especially around the belly which is where I carry most of my fat. I had hand surgery three months ago and was very limited in what I could do as far as activities. I gained and easy 20 lbs. I also have chronic back pain. Today I did more excercise then I'm used too and now have very sore back. I'm struggling in trusting that my weight will come off. I'm trying to be positive but it's hard when weight issues has been an issue for a long time. I'm telling myself this is a new way to eat for the rest of my life. Realistically I also know it won't come off tomorrow so I need to be gentle with myself and love myself now. Support would be great though.
    Thank u
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Weazy16 - Welcome! The PTSD is probably making it even harder to relax into the healthy eating. Too often when we're stressed we turn to food. Just take it one day at a time and log every bite. What I like most about MFP is that it's so easy to see where the food you eat fits into the nutrition wheel. I use the MFP recommendations and tailor my food to get as close to the protein, carb, fat, and sugar recommendations as possible. I don't worry about the cholesterol or sodium levels tho, but I don't have problems with that. It's good that it tracks that so if that's something you DO need to watch, it's easy to do.
    Track every day, and check into this thread often. It's not a "group" but just a lot of really great people that will give you all the support and encouragement you could wish for.
    And remember, exercise releases endorphins, which helps reduce stress. So even 10 minutes of exercise several times a day can make a BIG difference in your stress levels.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited February 2015
    Oh I forgot - AFM, we had another buffet today, ITALIAN pasta was the word of the day! I forgot about it and had made a really tasty shrimp pasta for dinner, so I ate half of my dinner and then took a spoonful here and there, and logged every bite. I managed to taste everything I wanted to and still stay under ALL my goals (calories, fat, carbs, and sugars) and come close on protein. So I'm happy!
    Wednesday Wish - I wish they would stop having buffets! The table is 10 steps from my desk! But I always sign up to bring a salad and get to take the leftover salad home.
    BTW - if anybody wants to friend me, you can look at my food diary.
    - Tracy
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited February 2015
    @tracy (goins)--that's great that you stayed under calories with the pasta buffet!


    @laurie--only a few weeks until Spring Break!!

    @tammy--ironically, my MIL and I got along fine for 23 years. I saw her nasty side now and then, but it was never directed toward me. In fact, my DH and his siblings would joke that I was her favorite, and if anyone needed to "have a talk" with her about anything, they would elect me b/c I knew "how to handle her." I, of course, never caved and did their dirty work--"she's YOUR mom"--but they admired how well I got along with her since she's so difficult. Now, apparently, I'm the reason her son won't speak to her--even though I encouraged him to make up with her for almost a year before hearing her nasty messages about me on our answering machine. At that point, I decided I'm done. He can make up with her if he wants to, but I'm done encouraging it.

    @kelley @holly--yeah, as I told my husband, we've had worse things happen to us than someone leaving $1000 in our mailbox. Silver lining.

    @kelley & susan--what the heck is an "ice grinder"? You both mentioned it in your posts about shoveling, but I've never heard that term. Is it a southern name for a snow-blower? (Kind of like a water fountain is a "bubbler" up north)

    @susan--sorry your weight went up more than you'd thought, but I know you can kick it in gear and get back on track. As you said, you've gotten settled into the job and house, gotten Cyrus settled in the new school. Now it's time to focus on YOU! :smile:

    @melissa & tracy (tlh)--I love the way you ladies think regarding the money. However, I'm pretty sure we will be more practical and spend it on bills. At least we got a little splurge on take away for dinner tonight (even if it killed my calories!).

    @amanda--glad the daughter's ankle is healing so quickly. Sprains can take longer to heal than fractures.

    @L2T--congrats on the daughter's upcoming engagement. That must have been really difficult to keep secret! I would've been in constant fear of letting the cat out.

    @niki--I'm up for whatever the group decides for the March challenge. :smile:

    AFM--I had an "over" day today for several reasons. First, someone brought Dunkin munchkins to work. I can usually resist donuts, but I LOVE the cinnamon powdered munchkins. Then a colleague who I don't get to see much lately (both of us have been so busy in and out of school), asked if I had time to go for a drink. I had planned to go to the gym after school or grade, but I did neither and went for drinks instead. Finally, DH decided to order Chinese take away for dinner. It's something we do maybe 3 or 4 times a year, so I didn't protest and just enjoyed it. I can still make my goal for the week by eating better over the next few days, so that's what I'll do.

    I just realized as I was updating goals that I haven't done my 8k yet this month, so I will have to do that on Saturday.

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that robin is doing well. I hope she enjoyed her trip to AZ and is fully recovered from her cataract surgery last week.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: 1/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 2/3 balance; PT DONE; 2/2 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 balance; PT DONE; 2/2 runs
    Week 3: 3/3 balance; PT DONE; 2/2 runs
    Week 4: 1/3 balance; PT; 1/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/64 BNW journal reflections
    2. x/64 AP essays
    3. x/ 64 AP quizzes

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--rest day
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--PT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • PieceofCake08
    PieceofCake08 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi new to the group! I have 130 pounds to lose! My Wednesday wish is that I would love to be able to wake up to my alarm clock!
    @susan I am currently a resident of Columbus, OH, but I was born just north of Atlanta GA and I have friends and family freaking out over the snow. I do get a little laugh out of it, even though I do understand why they get so worked up over the snow lol.
  • Hey ya'll. Yet another newbie here. We'll, new to the thread not weight loss, dieing and exercise. Ok my goal weight loss of around 150lbs. Down 40lbs so far. Looking for inspiration and guidance.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~LOL An ice grinder is a huge machine that breaks up the ice on the highways so they can clear it out of the way (and in this week’s case, make room for more :lol:)

    @Susan~I’m sorry for your recent gain and it being more than you anticipated. You know what to do, so I have no doubt you’ll kick it into gear and get back on track now that you and Cyrus are settled. :wink:

    @L2T~Congrats to your daughter on her upcoming engagement, exciting times ahead!

    Welcome to @weazy16, @pieceofcake08 and @ladymedic17638~You found a great group for support and encouragement. To get the most out of this thread, check back often so we can get to know you.

    AFM~Its been a terrible week for exercise, the weather has definitely put a damper on that and my gym was closed (they never close) for a couple of days as a result also. :confounded: I’m so glad things are back to normal this morning, got in at regular time so shouldn’t have to work late—back to the gym, need to do weights tonight. That “S” word is in the forecast for tomorrow morning—so if you’re keeping track Texas made up for an entire winter in one week with freezing rain Sunday, sleet Monday and snow on Wednesday. Geez! Snow is expected again Friday morning and freezing rain on Saturday morning—enough already, bring on Spring! :wink:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am going to hang around after drop off at the kids' school this morning to participate in "Move to the Groove". It's hip hop, choreographed dancing led by the school's music teacher and they do it a couple times per month. I'm glad it's happening today on my day off from work. It will probably be the most challenging exercise I do all week....and that's a little sad. I'm getting soft and lazy. I haven't run a significant distance in months and I'm not going to follow through on the half-marathon I was going to sign up for in May. I plan on getting back into training mode in a month so I can be ready to do a 10K in June, and then do the half in September again.

    @ladymedic17638, @PieceofCake08, @Weazy16 - Welcome!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - I love that you keep track of your week as a whole and never let one bad day get you down. And...mmmm. Chinese. So much water retention, but worth it. ;)

    @GOINSTD12 - Smart idea signing up to bring the salad!

    @LaurieK70 - I'm sorry your students are acting so nuts. Begin the countdown to summer!

    @jtconst - I love picking out new colors and all the planning. I love the look of freshly painted walls....but I hate the work!

    @Susan - I know it's a serious problem in the south when even a little snow or ice comes, but it is amusing to us northerners, too. I have a friend who grew up in WI, but since college has lived in various locations throughout the south. She posted on facebook last week that she couldn't wait for things to warm up so her boys could play outside was 41 degrees by her. We've been hovering between -20 and +20 for so many weeks, I lost my mind with joy when the sun came out and the temps rose to about 31 at noon the other day. I went for a walk on my lunch hour and ditched my head gear! But, if they don't have the appropriate heavy gear/snow pants, etc (And why would you have that stuff when you live in Georgia?), I understand why her kids can't get outside. It's probably funny to southerners when people up north lose their minds over 90 degree temps in summer.

    AFM- I had an okay day yesterday....lots to do again today. So, I better get going!

    Calorie Goal- 14/25
    Exercise Goal- 10/12
    Lift Goal:
    Leg Press-185/200
    Abs- 152.5/165
    Back- 152.5/165
    Triceps- 82.5/90
    Biceps- 82.5/90

    2015 Mantra: You Know Better! ~and~ Finish This Baby!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Tammy…lots of errands accomplished! I’ll have to look for those quinoa bars…sound yummy! As far as keeping up, it’s just as a Mom (you know), you do what ya gotta do. I go to bed later than I should, my house is not as clean as I’d like it, but they’ll be gone some day and then I can have my clean house. Love the memories we are making!
    @Tracy…Buffets are tough at work. That’s one advantage of working from home, no more all day temptations of the desserts that people would bring in.
    @Karen…I had a friend that worked very hard and got out of debt and she always said her goal with unexpected money (tax returns, bonuses from work etc) was that 80% would go to bills and 20% was fun money. I’m glad you at least had some dinner on her.
    @Hansea…Moove to the groove sounds fun. Enjoy!

    AFM: Yesterday I had supper at church. I didn’t have a ton of calories left because of Girl Scout cookies (dang Caramel Delights!!!) but when the only thing they had for supper was Cream of Potato soup and Tomato Basil soup, it made it a bit easier. That was followed by my Children’s Education committee meeting. It’s such a great group of women and we get the ideas flowing and pretty soon, our time is over. We are currently working on putting together camp Sunday. If anyone has experiences with this, give me some ideas. We’d really like to increase the number of kids from our parish that attend summer bible camp.

    Thursday Truth: My name is Tracy and I am a salt addict (chips, sunflower seeds). While the angel on my shoulder won on Tuesday night and kept me from turning into the gas station; last night, I stopped at the convenient store and bought sunflower seeds and soda. I then went on to read for 3 hours while chomping on those and drinking that dang pop. Today is the first day of my new resolve to avoid sunflower seeds as it leads to water retention and too many calories!!

    Well, I already have my jug of water to flush this extra salt from my body. Now just to stay away from them in the future. The cookies are hidden, so those should be okay. Apparently, I’m not ready for tempting food to be around – pretty fresh back to eating within calorie goal so I should stop tempting myself. I just always think “Geez,Tracy, you are a grown woman! Just don’t put it in your mouth!!”

    Have a great day everyone. Be safe if you are having bad weather (shuffle when you walk if it’s icy, bundle up if it’s cold…we’re at -14 this morning). And if you are some of the few that are having beautiful weather…enjoy it for the rest of us!!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited February 2015
    @newbies - Welcome! You've found a great resource on MFP. This thread is full of people who are willing and able to guide and support you. Come back often!

    @susan - Sounds like you're on track to get that debt paid off and to have money for Cyrus' college expenses. Don't they have some sort of automatic scholarship program in Georgia for students with a certain GPA? I really wish we had had that in NC! I know you're disappointed that you gained more than you thought. I did too when I finally got the courage to get on the scale. But, it's water under the bridge and beating ourselves up is not productive. I've already lost some of the "homing" pounds I gained over the last couple months and will get the rest off in the next couple months. Then I can concentrate on those last 20 pounds. The chocolate cake looked pretty good, but I'm a carrot cake girl. Perhaps you have a few picture of carrot cake porn I could vicariously enjoy?!?

    @skinnyjeanz- Your MIL sounds like quite the prize. You and DH are handling her well by not responding to her crazy. Yay for extra money!

    @mnwalkingqueen - You're wise to let DS learn the consequences of his actions now instead of later. I hope he takes this opportunity to go back to school and finds something he's excited about doing.

    @tlh - Darn those cookie pushing Girl Scouts! They are lurking everywhere right now. DH loves the Thin Mints as do I. I asked him nicely to take any he buys to his office to enjoy. I've just gotten back on track and temptation like that is the last thing I need in my house.

    @kah - Sounds like Texas is having the same weather as NC. I'm with's time for spring.

    AFM - We got way less snow (about 1.5") than they predicted so I hope to take another cold walk at lunch. Thanks to everyone who offered congrats on DD upcoming engagement. I talked to her last night and after catching up on her work, school etc. casually asked what they had planned for the weekend. Her response " Nothing exciting". Little does she know!

    Hope everyone has a good day and stays warm!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited February 2015
    I wanted to share the cakes I complained about last week. These are the cakes that had to be redone so late into the night. Loved how they turned out especially the bows and zebra print.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @tlh0407‌ - Wow! Those are beautiful!

    @GOINSTD12‌ - Nice job handling that unexpected buffet. I'm proud of you!

    AFM, I'm feeling pretty much back to normal today. My energy levels were back after I took an unexpected two-hour nap yesterday. :smile: Appetite finally returned last night, although I'm still being cautious about what I eat. Didn't quite crack 1200 calories yesterday, but drank lots of water and kept down cottage cheese, applesauce, Activia yogurt, Belvita biscuits, bananas, and some crackers. I have all of that with me at school today as well (I'm subbing for vocal music), but so far have only had time to eat the Belvita biscuits.

    Another question for y'all: I'm supposed to go to dinner with a friend tonight. We probably won't have a chance to go again for a few weeks, so I hate to postpone, but I'm not sure where to suggest that we eat to avoid upsetting my stomach as it recovers. Definitely not Mexican! We have places like Applebee's and Montana Mike's (steakhouse) here. Suggestions on where to go? What to order?

    (I did weigh myself this morning and if I hadn't already had some water to drink, I'd have been in one-derland! Now to hold on to that...)
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015

    (*) Our standard and continuing GOAL is the Calorie Challenge... Each person is challenged to stay under (or within 100 calories of) their MFP recommended daily calories. We hope everyone posts their tally at least one time a week.

    (*) (*) The Second Goal is "ALL IN" - in whatever capacity you choose. Put all your effort in this. Suggestions have been:
    1 ... Continue what we started in February, as some feel they need more time on the "EXERCISE ALL-IN".
    2 ... Renew our dedication to our Calorie Challenge Accountability to accurately log every bite, sip/lick/taste and move. "MARCH ACCURACY"
    3 ... "GREENING MARCH"; which is a spin on the 2014 March challenge ... which had 3 choices ... 1- share a recipe, 2- Eat a veggie or salad every day, 3- Water goal of adding 1-2 more cups to what you normally drink.
    4 ... Your "MARCH on March ALL-IN" goal of your own customized goal.

    (*) (*) (*)
    As always, we have "Suggestions" for when you post, useful if you don’t know what to ‘say’.

    ................Goals and Ideas for daily posts (not mandatory)
    Monday - check in (how are you doing? Any successes or struggles this week-end.)
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have a personal goal you want to share with us?)
    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? … weight related or not, realistic or not)
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to ‘fess up’ or ‘get off your chest’?)
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?)
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished, focus on the positive of the week, NSV (non scale victories).
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself … update your personal life.)


    Make your decisions about your goals and Get Ready to share on Sunday or Check-in on Monday with what you will be doing in March.
    posted on page 678
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Thursday!!! Well, Atlanta didn’t get the BIG winter storm 2015 as they predicted, but we did get a light dusting, freezing temps, etc. . . Roads are clear so work was no problem. Kids are out again. Go figure. As we were on lock down last night, what better way to pass the time than 6 months of Pay Day with Cyrus. Lord give me strength!!! Well, I gave myself a little pick me up with a glass of Pinot. LOL!!!


    Also, did I mention how much easier posting pictures is now? I love it!!!!

    I’m glad the weather didn’t hit because we’ve got tickets to Wicked tonight at the Fox Theater. I’m going with my bestie Shawna and her two kids. She’s my friend who lost her husband in December. We’re going to dinner and the show. Can’t wait!!

    @Kelley – I’m so glad you worked things out. I know how hard you work whether it’s your job or on your health. We want to know our hard earned money is being well spent. Cruise? Where to now? Cyrus asked me if we’re taking one this year, but I told him not this time. I think we can do every other year. It’s just too much. We’re spending Spring Break at my parents in Sarasota, which is my favorite beach anyway out on Siesta Key. Very low key. I can’t wait!

    @Tammy – Don’t you HATE assembling things. I think kids toys are the worst!! I wonder if it’s a age thing. I have done the same thing going from brighter or deeper colors to more soothing. I want more of an oasis versus a dark surrounding. I had gray in my last rental and really liked the walls.

    @Laurie – Hugs my friend!!! I’ve always said MS teachers are saints. I see Cyrus and some of his friends. Bless you!!! Hope you have a better day and not so hectic. The weekend is around the corner. Thank goodness!!

    @Weazy/Louis, @pieceofcake, @ladymedic – Welcome!! You have found a hidden gem on MFP. The thread moves pretty quickly during the week and weekend not as much chatter. There’s about 15 of us that check in daily and have been together for 2+ years, but that doesn’t matter. We always welcome anyone and the support is here if you want it. You just have to check in!!!

    @Goinstd12/Tracy – Another buffet? Boy, they feed you guys a lot. You did great by tasting everything and still staying under your goals. You rock!!! And yes – no more buffets!!! LOL!!

    @Skinny/Karen – I was inquiring about the ice grinder too. I think I was asking someone else if it meant shoveling. Inquiring minds want to know.  I just read Kelley’s explanation. Now we know. Also, thanks to you and Kelley for the positive vibes. You know me and you know I can do this. I just need to keep telling myself that. As for your “over” day, you hit of some key trigger foods for me – LOVE donuts, Chinese and of course adult beverages. Sigh. I’m going to use your Wednesday Wish and hope Robin is doing well too. She really needs a break.

    @pieceofcake – I’ll be in Columbus the weekend of March 12th. My best friend since the 2nd grade lives off Rome-Hilliard. My son and I are going for a long week. Where were you born? I use to live in the Lilburn near Parkview, but now we’re in Johns Creek/Alpharetta. We love being back! I lived in Atlanta before moving to Las Vegas for almost 3 years. I moved back December 2nd and so glad to be here!!!

    @Hansea47 – You’re exactly right. I think the city feels like why spend millions on equipment you may use once every few years. I grew up in western PA. We would go to FL for break and it was in the 60’s, but we would still get in the pool. The same thing about playing outside. Nothing stopped us that’s for sure. No here. After living through 115 in Vegas, I think I can handle anything warm now. How was the “Move to the Groove”? I bet you shook off some calories. Good for you!

    @tlh0407/Tracy – Nice to meet you Tracy. LOL!! Are sunflower seeds that bad as long as there in moderation? I guess if it’s a trigger food though you can’t stop and that’s understandable. I can relate. One time I was eating something (I can’t even remember). I did the same thing and talked to myself. “Seriously Susan, do you really need to chew on that?” I spit it out immediately. Why do we do this to ourselves??!! Also, nice job on the cakes – you’re doing a really nice job!!!

    @Lives2Travel – Yes, GA has the HOPE scholarship. Basically, if you attend a state school and keep a B average, tuition is paid. The program keeps changing all the time so I’m hoping by the time Cyrus graduates something will still be in place. It’s basically funded by the lottery. I guess quite a few states have adopted similar programs and used GA as their model. I have a friend with 2 daughters at UGA and he paid about $10,000 last year and that’s it for both. Thanks for the encouragement on the weight gain and you’re right. What’s done is done and time to move on.

    @Melifornia – I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I would probably stick to places you can get soup and a lighter dinner like a chicken dish. I don’t think you would want anything too heavy on your stomach.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @melfornia - I would keep it simple. I have IBS so when I am having symptoms I just order a plain hamburger, no fries and just eat that. I try to avoid anything processed, marinated, sauced or seasoned. Drink water and just keep it simple. Your tummy with thank you.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone ... I've read through all the posts and personals ... so there's not much for me to say that hasn't already been said. I will say, however: that I hope all of you who are cold and tired of winter will have a reprieve soon in the new coming month; that anyone sick or worried or stressed gets some relief from their cares and troubles during this holy time of Lent ... whether you are a believer in Jesus or walk to the tune of a different drummer, or no drummer at all; and that wherever you are and what ever you do, remember that love is stronger than hate, desire is fleeting but commitment long-lived.

    Thursday Truth ... I am a 60's hippy grown old. A flower-child who found mysticism a warm and welcoming pool of water. A woman who outwardly turned her back to her old ways to fit into Corporate America so she could support herself. One who is finding her true self in her senior years. A grandmother who hasn't seen her grandchild in 4 years. A mother her misses her child, and fears to upset his 'happy home'. A mother-in-law who is perplexed by her daughter-in-law, and often searches for the similarities between them. A sister who calls before stopping by. A hopeful gardener and nature lover who finds her best peace amidst tall and crowded trees that are reflected in a pool of water. All these things define me, yet mostly what people see is a short round 'old' lady who is as solitary as the bumblebee that lives in her fence post, the gopher who resides under the garden shed, the solitary bag of garbage in the can on trash day. But I don't mind, because I know who I am even if those around me do not. I am the mystic.

    February Challenge report
    Calories at or under goal 24 of 25 days
    ALL-IN - exercise at the gym 3 x a week between Monday - Friday = 0
    Follow-Through. Niki
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @New People – Welcome
    @Susan- I know the chuckle feeling about living somewhere cold moving to warm area. When my sister and I were closer we would travel to KY for Christmas. Lots of times people asked I where we were from because we wore shorts and it was like 40 or 50 outside, to us it was spring. You will get back on track. I am hoping he will consider a trade or technical school but I have no clue. Enjoy Wicked
    @Jtconst- Sounds like you had some quality time with your mom which is nice. Good luck on paint colors.
    @kah- the weather you have been having is bad so I can see why the gym closed. Stay safe with more snow coming.
    @Hansea- Good luck with the hip hop class
    @tlh-I have been able to avoid girl scout cookies for 3 years now, but feel your pain they are addicting. I taught Sunday school for a while. Not sure the type of church you attend. But have you thought of like a hip hop theme or something that is real popular with the ages of kids you will have. We always had a hip hop Sunday with local artist who were Christian rappers performing and then the sermon was geared for the teens and pre-teens we got a lot of people to attend on those 2 Sundays each month. OMG! Your cakes look great and I am starving almost wanted to lick the computer screen good thing I am at work.
    @Melifornia- Glad you are feeling better.

    AFM- Thursday’s truth: I couldn’t fight the fast food demon today and had Arby’s King Fish Combo. I thought fish would have been a better option but I was wrong. As for the doctor visit I am just happy to say my knee made noise when I was there (thank you Jesus). Doctor was starting to think I was a little crazy my vitals were very good and he did some examine with no pain then it made noise. He wants me to try taking Glucosamine for 3 -4 months to see if that helps before expensive things like xrays or MRIs being it only hurts in the extreme cold and only going up stairs. However the scale has not moved in almost 3 weeks but something is changing because I can now where a shirt that I haven’t been able to fit in 3 years.