Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Rain- I drive 4 hours to see my sister, and if I'm alone I drive it straight through. I recommend eating a nice, protein rich breakfast and bringing along a big bottle of water. I don't snack in my car.
    I am super impressed with your run! 45 minutes is awesome!

    @Kah- Just think about the long slow burn you're getting in zones 1-2. I can't remember exactly, but wasn't it that your trainer found that you should work down in the lower zones for longer periods? Instead of going off like a firecracker, you're going to glow like a campfire! Burn baby, burn! :happy:
    Thanks for thinking of my sister. I didn't add the honey to the oats at the beginning because I'm lazy, and it said 'optional'. :laugh:

    @Aimee- Too bad about your run. But you're already 1/5 of the way to your mileage goal! Woo hoo!

    @ushkii- Keep up the mindful eating. I know you'll gradually leave those old ways behind. And thank you for thinking of my sister.

    @mnwalkingqueen- I think more water may be your answer. I know I definitely feel fuller on days where I'm getting all my water.

    @Ell- Yay! Another pound bites the dust!:drinker:

    @Nettie- Thanks for the prayers. I'm glad everyone was behaving better today at work! :smile:

    @littleshadow- Thanks for the sympathy. I'm amazed at my sister and how well she deals with everything life has thrown at her.
    I also get that nagging feeling that maybe I'm not meant to be healthy. It gets so frustrating when things stall out. I'm glad those feelings never last long. I think the seasons and a change of scenery usually get my mind back in the right place.

    @skinnyjeanz- It will be interesting to see how many of your students decide to do their journals and what their reflection with the reasons for the copying will be. Sounds like you have some fun stuff coming up...the Irish Funday sounds like a good time!

    AFM: I don't have a Thursday Truth. I did forget to mention that you really need to either grease your crockpot (like with cooking spray), or use a slow cooker liner (that's what I do) for the pumpkin oats. They are sticky!

    It's beautiful here today. Temps are up in the 20s, and the sun is shining...birds are singing, etc. I have real hope for spring. Going to order some new scrubs this afternoon. Half my stuff is 2x and half is 3x. I've been wearing some of my old
    (3x) baggy ones for so long that they're wearing holes in them. Time to dump the bigger stuff! Yay!

    I'm trying another new veggie-fied slow cooker recipe....meatloaf with cabbage in it. We'll see....

    Hopefully tonight will be the night that I get to bed at a decent hour!

    1/4 weeks: Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share the recipe.

    4/31 days: Eat 3-5 servings of veggies.

    0/31 nights: Get 8 hours of sleep.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    We are having a lot of server and network issues at work, so my internet access is sporadic at best – I have literally been working on this post all morning! I’m taking my chances and hopefully this post will take. I’m behind on personals, I’m sorry for anyone that I miss. I hope I can catch up more tonight.

    @Laurie~Thanks for handling the rollover, I enjoyed the quotes to get us there. I’m getting there with the summer clothes, I have shirts and did finally find a swimsuit last Saturday. This weekend will be all about finding shorts, there was still a limited selection last weekend but the stores told me stuff was starting to arrive and thought the selection would be better this week.

    @Karen~Hooray for the loss! I’m glad you were able to get through to your students, I hope they took what you said to heart and turn in “original” work this time, I also hope they take advantage of the optional assignment you gave – seems like a great way to improve their grade.

    @Kris~Great goals, slow and steady wins the race! I keep thinking about leash training Zoe, she wants to play outside so badly. Oy, drives me crazy when I have to wait long for my scheduled doctor’s appointment – no wonder your BP was up.

    @littleshadow~I’m sorry for the rough patch you’re going through. I can relate all too well of turning to alcohol when I’m upset or stressed out, I’ve been trying really hard lately to find other ways of dealing with it – exercise works well.

    @Nettie~When I warm up for a run, its typically walking for 5 minutes – also the c25k program will walk you through a warm-up. Never stretch cold muscles though. If you feel the need to stretch do it after you warm-up for a while – I never stretch until afterwards. I know your job often has challenging days, but those days where you are rewarded with a breakthrough must really make it worthwhile.

    @Kaye~Garlic roasted asparagus sounds yummy! I like Jimmy Johns for the same reason, I can have my sandwich wrapped in lettuce leaves and sub Dijon mustard for calorie/fat laden mayo.

    @KarenL~How frustrating your job situation is, I really hope your labor advocate can help you work around your employers ultimatum.

    @hansea~LOL. Thanks for sharing the slow cooker steel cut oats recipe – did you leave the honey out because of calories/sugar content? Maybe a natural sweetener such as agave would work well. Keeping your sister in my thoughts and prayers that all goes well with her doctor’s appointment and surgery.

    @Tigredia~Great job!

    @Holly~Did you give MFP permission to adjust your calories based on your Fitbit activity?

    AFM~Actually not much to report, I’m glad the weekend is almost here although I will have to work a few hours Saturday or Sunday so I can get ahead on some things prior to vacation. I really hate leaving too much for my boss to deal with, especially when I’m gone for two weeks. I was really tired Tuesday so didn’t work out, was still tired yesterday but did go to the gym for an hour of cardio – I think I have some resentment with having to back off a little on the intensity of my workouts, found myself getting into zone 4 a lot yesterday and my trainer just wants me in zones 1-2 for the most part. I just feel dejected during my workouts, I’ll get used to it eventually I’m sure.

    March Goals:
    1. 5/18 days 16 glasses of water or more
    2. 0/4 weeks of a new recipe (have one to share, need to make some time)
    3. 5/18 days at least 5 veggies and 2 fruit daily

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Cardio NOT DONE – too tired.
    Wednesday~Cardio DONE!
    Thursday~Session with trainer
    Friday~Rest Day (probably pre-vacation housework)

    I didn't know I should do that. How do I do that? I am just basically trying to figure out how many exercise calories I burn like today my fit bit says I burned 3000 calories so far but I only walked 30 minutes in a busy skyway there is no way I burned that many calories.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Phew, it’s taken me almost 3 days to get caught up on the last week!

    Thursday truth – I had a bad weekend, eating out 4 different times. Although I pretty much stayed under my calorie ceiling, we all know what that sodium does to us! Then came Tuesday (my birthday), OY! My daughter took me to Red Lobster and even though I had a Wood Grilled low calorie entrée, the Chocolate Martini, Biscuits and Triple Chocolate Brownie with a Birthday candle REALLY did me in!! I ended up nearly A THOUSAND calories over!! :blushing: I have been working out HARD since and this morning when I stepped on the scale, I seemed to have come through pretty much unscathed (so far). I was actually down .2 pounds. We will see what happens tomorrow on my actual weigh in day! YIKES!

    I have just a few quick personals on posts that stood out to me in the last week. (Excuse me that some might be old news, but I still feel a need to comment!)

    @hansea – Those Ice Caves , incredibly AWESOME!! And I am terribly sorry to hear about your sister. I hope there is nothing but good news in these next few weeks.

    @Rain – I am so excited and inspired by you and your running! Keep it up!!

    @Laurie – You are just a wealth of fitness information. I always look forward to you posts. It’s just your updates and personal comments, but you are always able to answer or have something to add to everyone’s questions and/or concerns! KUDOS to you!! :drinker:

    @skinny – Have you ever tried Michelob Ultra? If I am not mistaken, they are only 60 calories a bottle. Some people don’t care of it, but personally (since I am not a beer connoisseur) I don’t mind it. Either way, have a GREAT time!!

    @Nettie – Like a few others said, it warmed my heart to hear the story of your student’s victory in communicating his fall.

    AFM – I need to do better checking into this Forum! The motivation and support here is awesome. I have been so busy, but I need to stop by more often. (Still trying to get my daughter to participate in the Forums, she can’t be bothered!)

    Until next time: wishing you all, peace, love and weight loss! :flowerforyou: :heart: :laugh:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen: go here and do the calculations for BMR and TDEE. Fill in all the info as accurately as you can. Then see if the TDEE is matching up to the number on your fitbit for calories burned. This might clear up some confusion.

    Choose the activitly level (taking into account work, leisure, dog walking, shopping etc. and all step based activity-- walking--) Fitbit will track all this. Any non-step based exercise (core, calisthenics, yoga, cycling, weights and circuit) are very underestimated by Fitbit and should be logged.

    Something else I noticed... I am right hand dominant, so was wearing the device on my left hand. But at work, I do a lot of work with my hands, sitting down and fitbit was counting them as steps. I also use my left hand to deliver the mail so I started switching it to my right hand while doing these movements and changing back afterwards. Finally I decided to leave it on my right hand and change the option to "dominant hand" in the settings. I find it more accurate now.

    I hope this clears some of it up for you.

    AFM: Sorry I'm still not caught up on posts, I wanted to share the info above once I read mn's post. OK, so I think I figured out why I suddenly had a 2-3 lb gain while being so good. TOM has come to visit for the first time in almost 3 years. (a wonderful symptom of BC injections) I'm assuming that's the reason for the gain, I guess it makes sense, right?

    The place I go to physio has several challenges throughout the year and give out prizes based on losses of BF%, visceral fat, and metabolic age. They have this really neat Tanita scale that can measure these things as well as water%, lean muscle mass, and BMI too. So this next 3 month challenge starts next Monday and runs until June 7th. It is a body composition challenge, based on measurements and before and after pictures. I signed up, so I get weighed, measured and photographed next Tuesday when I go. I will definitely have to add a 3rd appointment to the week if I am going to see some serious results. Since I've lost some inches already in the last month, this will motivate me to keep going at a good pace.

    And lastly, my BF%, BMI and visceral fat have all lowered since I started back to physio in late January.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I didn't know I should do that. How do I do that? I am just basically trying to figure out how many exercise calories I burn like today my fit bit says I burned 3000 calories so far but I only walked 30 minutes in a busy skyway there is no way I burned that many calories.

    Do you have your Fitbit account and MFP account set to sync? Once you do that thru the apps section (found on the menu above) - everything on MFP will automatically sync with your Fitbit account. Subsequently, MFP will adjust your calories to compensate for the activity.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Okay I just bought Zoe a bunch of "guilt" toys, why is it that she is playing with a box from Zappos?!
    @Kah- Just think about the long slow burn you're getting in zones 1-2. I can't remember exactly, but wasn't it that your trainer found that you should work down in the lower zones for longer periods? Instead of going off like a firecracker, you're going to glow like a campfire! Burn baby, burn! :happy:
    Thanks for thinking of my sister. I didn't add the honey to the oats at the beginning because I'm lazy, and it said 'optional'. :laugh:

    You're right and yes he did - I'm being lazy this week, with so much to do I didn't want to be at the gym for two hours. He did get a little upset with me today when I told him I worked out some in zones 3-4 yesterday :embarassed:, so I'll do as I'm told from now on. :ohwell:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Rain-Traveling trips- I agree with the high protein breakfast. Snacks if you want them-fresh veggies-carrot sticks, celery sticks etc. and water. You can also try granola bars.

    Tanya- I love the challenges that your gym sets up. Good luck with this challenge.

    Kelley- Cats love boxes- they can snuggle in them, hide and just curl up or play pic-a-boo in a box. Try a paper bag as well and she what Zoe does. My cat use to love both items plus tearing up tissue or news paper. Good luck with the shopping for shorts. Sometimes, we need to learn what not to tell our trainers and there are times we just need to do a hard workout quickly so we can move on with our lives.

    I survive the testing today but the kids were extremely chatty today and hard to calm down. My 7th graders are annoyed because I assigned seats and broke up the worst of my cliches who were busy talking yesterday. Needless to say, I did a good job with the seats because they were mad at me and they did not talk as much as usual. Success for now.

    Truth-I ate way to many sugary snacks today. I brought doughnut for the kids and of course I ended up eating a few. I would have given them all to the kids but I did not have enough for the whole class to have seconds. Then I had candy this afternoon while getting ready for a meeting. I hope most of the snacks I brought for that meeting are gone and not waiting for me in my classroom. If they are then I will deposit them in the teachers lounge so I am not tempted to eat the extra food.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We had a good drive to Vancouver. There was rain in the gorge, but no snow on the mountain. Our traditional stop for ice cream at Biggs was a bit "expensive" in the calorie department, but I did a no sugar added one.
    Have a good evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Finally hit the 25 lbs mark today, and am in the 240's for the first time in 3 years. Feels good to be making some real progress, especially with how hard I'm working at it. Enjoying the kettlebell workouts, it's nice to have something a little different.

    Friday Fitness: Well, we're still training for the 1/2 marathon so my fitness is mostly walking, walking, walking. We have a 9 mile walk this weekend, and because the trails are still icy and it's going to be snowing tomorrow, it will be another indoor one. Can't say I'm looking forward to 72 (!!) laps around the track, but it will be a good calorie burn! :p
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Friday.

    Well, Friday is traditionally my Starbucks treat day – today I didn’t make the wisest choice. They had some new breakfast sandwiches – the egg & cheddar on multigrain toast was a good choice from a calorie and fat standpoint but way more carbs than I like to eat at breakfast (45g). I’ll need to choose carbs carefully the rest of the day, especially since it’s an off-day from the gym. :grumble:

    @Laurie~Zoe :love: anything not nailed down that she can play “soccer” with! :laugh: Sounds like testing with your students went well, good choice in breaking them apart to get through it. Don’t worry too much about the extra snacks yesterday, today is a new day. Is your tri this weekend?

    @rainandwood~Great job with your run! When I travel by car I usually carry protein bars (I like Quest), Luna Bars, or nuts in 100 calorie packs. I always have sugar-free gum or mints with me also – keeps your mouth busy. :wink: If you stop, grab water or unsweetened tea instead of soda. Also, try and stop for a 5-minute walk to stretch your legs – it’s bad for circulation to sit for 4-5 hours without moving around. Have a fun trip!

    @littleshadow~Congrats for making the quarter-century mark! I :heart: kettle bell workouts!

    AFM~Except for missing a scheduled workout on Tuesday, it’s been a fairly decent week so hopefully I’ll have a loss on Sunday when I weigh with my trainer. Tonight will be a rest day from working out – but have running around to do after work for some vacation stuff followed by some housework. Tomorrow I’ll get to the gym early for a long cardio session and then shop in the afternoon after an appointment at the spa.

    March Goals:
    1. 6/18 days 16 glasses of water or more
    2. 0/4 weeks of a new recipe (have one to share, need to make some time)
    3. 6/18 days at least 5 veggies and 2 fruit daily

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Cardio NOT DONE –:yawn:
    Wednesday~Cardio DONE!
    Thursday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day (probably pre-vacation housework)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I read this post/blog by someone yesterday it gave me hope. Thought I would share. I love hearing other peoples stories of success and struggles it helps me know I am not the only one.

    How I lost 360lbs in 15 months - with photos
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning!

    Back from Cabo where yesterday I ate breakfast outside on a sunny terrace watching the whales in the distance. Today I'm watching the cold drizzle fall on my gray winter yard. Blech.

    This is where I say you all were right and I was wrong. It was a great trip and worth 2 long days of travel. I would have flown for 3 days straight just for the experience of being 5 feet from a humpback whale and her calf as they surfaced to breathe and then dove deep flashing their their tails straight up. Truly an awesome sight. The next morning (as I was sitting on the beach), I was treated to the sight of a humpback breaching. Wow.

    The weather was perfect, the resort was wonderful and DH's coworkers were tolerable. We even got lucky yesterday and made our connection in Phoenix in less than an hour. That was a miracle since we had to go through immigration, get our checked bags, go through customs, recheck our bags, run from terminal D to A, go through the 6 lines deep TSA security line (getting patted down as usual) and sprinting to the gate just as they were closing the doors. That'll get your heart rate up!

    I was very mindful of my eating, logged every day and only allowed myself one giant frozen marguerita while sitting at an open air bar in the harbor gazing at the famous Cabo arch. I mean, who could resist that? And this morning the scales says 199.6!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I cannot believe it is Friday already. This week flew by.

    I saw a new lower weight yesterday. I am hoping it sticks around the weekend so I can log it on Monday.

    My new fitness goal is to start C25K next week. I am both a bit nervous but excited at the same time. I have never run before so I don't know if I am going to like it. I hope I do. I decided I am going to do a variety of videos that I have on my non C25K days. I really like the ones I am doing now so I may continue with the strength training portion of them and work on increasing my weights. I also have Gilad's Ultimate Body Sculpt Series (Core & More, Cuts & Curves, Power & Grace) and would like to try to incorporate these as well.

    I have always heard that you should not do one routine too long because your muscles become used to the routine then it is no longer effective. Does anyone know if this is true? Do you think it would be ok if I still did the strength training portion of Gilad's Quick Fit but work on going from 8 lb weights to 10? Or do you think it may be better to switch it up completely then come back to it at a later date? I have been doing his routine for 15 weeks but the combination of routines change from week to week. I don't know, I keep going back and forth on this. Any suggestions and input would be appreciated.

    Tigredia - Congrats on the loss. It is always exciting when you see the scale moving!

    MNwalking - You are not alone. Fitbit confuses me too at times. I wish I could help you out but I don't I would be much help. From my understanding though Fitbit also calculates the calories burned by just living. So I am wondering if part of that number is calories burned by living?
    I didn't know I should do that. How do I do that? I am just basically trying to figure out how many exercise calories I burn like today my fit bit says I burned 3000 calories so far but I only walked 30 minutes in a busy skyway there is no way I burned that many calories.

    I just saw this. Maybe you can go into the section that shows you where the calories burned are. Look for the ones in the time frame of your 30 minute walk and add them up. That should give you the estimated calories burned for your specific walk.

    Ushkii - I am still at the point where it would be really easy for me to slip back into my old ways as well. I still have to put a lot of thought into it so I don't over indulge. One thing I have noticed is it does get easier over time with lots of practice and a few mistakes here and there. Keep sticking with it and never give up. :flowerforyou:

    Kah - Sorry about the internet problems. I know how frustrating that is. I hope by now they sorted out the problems and you are back running free of issues. Thanks for the advice about running. Sorry to hear you are struggling to stay in the lower zones. That sounds frustrating.

    LOL about the Zappos box. I have a picture of Harvest Moon laying in a box from Kohls. The writing on the box says "Unique Comfort System" or something along those lines. If I find the picture I will post it for you.

    Rain - Congrats on the run. That is fantastic news. I hope you have fun this weekend. As for the long car ride and no stops along the way, maybe you and your friend can pack some easy things to eat such as granola bars, fruit (like grapes and berries), trail mix.

    Hansea - I've never heard of slow cooker liners before. But I just recently began to experiment with slow cooking. Are the liners something that are sold in the grocery stores?

    RobinB - Happy Belated Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:

    Tanya - TOM definitely explains the gain. I hate when it creeps around and I see that gain. Good thing though, once TOM leaves that weight will magically disappear. Sometimes if you are consistent with logging, exercise and water you may even see a new lower weight. That always is a nice surprise!

    Kaye - Glad to hear you had a good drive.

    Littleshadow - Congrats on reaching the 25 lb mark! You are doing so well. Keep up the fantastic job!

    Lives - I am glad to hear you had a great trip. What an amazing experience with the humpback whales! I have to say I am a bit jealous. I love marine life.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Our server/network issues seem to be resolved this morning, lets hope it stays that way!

    @Nettie~I use my slow cooker a lot in the winter and those liners save so much time and clean-up. You can find them in the same aisle as food storage containers/wraps. I think they are stored next to the aluminum foil.

    @Holly~Also, check out the "Fitbit Users" group here on MFP. There are some "sticky" topics to help you understand how to set it up for syncing between MFP and FItbit along with understanding the calorie adjustment.
    Good morning!

    Back from Cabo where yesterday I ate breakfast outside on a sunny terrace watching the whales in the distance. Today I'm watching the cold drizzle fall on my gray winter yard. Blech.

    This is where I say you all were right and I was wrong. It was a great trip and worth 2 long days of travel. I would have flown for 3 days straight just for the experience of being 5 feet from a humpback whale and her calf as they surfaced to breathe and then dove deep flashing their their tails straight up. Truly an awesome sight. The next morning (as I was sitting on the beach), I was treated to the sight of a humpback breaching. Wow.

    The weather was perfect, the resort was wonderful and DH's coworkers were tolerable. We even got lucky yesterday and made our connection in Phoenix in less than an hour. That was a miracle since we had to go through immigration, get our checked bags, go through customs, recheck our bags, run from terminal D to A, go through the 6 lines deep TSA security line (getting patted down as usual) and sprinting to the gate just as they were closing the doors. That'll get your heart rate up!

    I was very mindful of my eating, logged every day and only allowed myself one giant frozen marguerita while sitting at an open air bar in the harbor gazing at the famous Cabo arch. I mean, who could resist that? And this morning the scales says 199.6!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

    I :love: reading this! I'm so glad your trip turned out better than you imagined (I won't say I told you so :wink:). I love to watch humpbacks, they are such gentle and interesting mammals. When I went to Alaska a couple of years ago, we took a whale watching tour - never did see any breach but did see 10-15 tails and some really cute babies. Also had some sea otters and seals come right up to our boat - so cute!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Lives - I am glad to hear you had a great trip. What an amazing experience with the humpback whales! I have to say I am a bit jealous. I love marine life.

    @jnettie - Me too. I'm a total geek for all things marine. I grew up in S. Florida and have always loved the ocean. When we took the whale watching tour in a Zodiac, we also saw seals on the rocks at the base of the Cabo arch, a few sailfish jumping, sea turtles and got in the middle of a school of Pacific White Side Dolphins who were jumping right along side the boat. If I ever get back to Cabo, I'd take that tour again in a heartbeat.

    @kah - Go ahead and say it. You were totally right!! Alaska is on my list of trips I want to take so I'll look forward to seeing more whales. They are fascinating and magnificent.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    We are doing a private tour with a group from our ship (only 8 of us in all) in Grand Cayman to Sting Ray City and Turtle Cove (?) so will be snorkeling and feeding sting rays - I get nervous around certain sea creatures, but am looking forward to the ice blue waters and this excursion.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Friday fitness: yuck, ok so I have been walking about 30 minuites a day for almost 3-4 times a week now and it is going good. Free and now that our cold weather is going away this will work for now.

    Might try to go camping for a night today but have not done anything for it as of yet. hummm. a party tommorrow so that is always a hard time for me and i usually go over. I have been good the last couple days since getting back on the wagon.

    littleshadow - Great Job on the 25# loss. (yes that symbol still mean pound to me) lol
    L2T - Good job on the logging on vacation, it sounded wonderful.
    JNettie - THANKS for the support, you are Great!

    A: Under for Calories 4/7 days a week
    B: Walk 3/7 days a week
    C: 8 cups of water a day 3/7

    Mon: off the wagon
    Tue: off the wagon
    Wed: A B
    Thur: A B C!
  • SuperHeather1
    SuperHeather1 Posts: 9 Member
    Would love to join!!! Thank You!!!