Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Still trying to catch up
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Not the best day these last few days. Really struggling with not eating sweets, and I feel like I've lost no weight so I skipped my weigh in today. By the numbers I look all right, but I worry because since I have to eat in a dining hall, my estimates could be way off.

    Still keeping up with exercise despite the friend/huge amounts of homework, but I decided to take today off from running and do elliptical instead since my ankle was bothering me, since I'd be in better shape to run my 5k tomorrow because of it.

    Dietitian looked at my diary and said I look ok and balanced, but suggested that I eat more for breakfast. I sort of have no idea how I'd reliably fit in the rest of my day within my calorie goal. I need to think on this.

    Hope everyone is well! I haven't quite caught up yet, but I'm getting there!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today we got a good walk in the sunshine. I'm glad I made it happen because there is rain in the forecast for tomorrow. For dinner I made garlic roasted asparagus, really yummy.
    Have a good night. Kaye
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Wednesday wish:

    I wish that my pooch would go away so I can drop down into size 14s. Size 15 is the lowest I can remember being, and that was as a pre-teen.

    Lent starts today...I'm not Christian, but I'm pretty sure it might be a good idea for me to try to give up the sugary type stuffs as well as takeout (Subway and Chipotle) as a bit of a detox.

    I lifted yesterday, and I feel great today! :) (Sore, but great!) Hopefully getting to the gym tonight after work for some chest/biceps and a run.

    Decided (a few days late) that my March goals are going to be getting back to working out 4-5 days a week, cutting chocolate back out from my diet, and running at least 50 miles total this month.

    Here's the breakdown:
    Week 1: 2/4 days
    Miles run: 6.86/50
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Bump to catch up later.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Quick pop in to say hello.

    Wednesday wish: For the kiddies (and staff) to be well behaved today. All my students except for one were off yesterday and wore me out. All day I was fighting off aggressive behavior/ inappropriate attention seeking behavior, self-stimulatory behaviors, PICA (eating inedible items - crayons, books, puzzle pieces, blocks), a child yelling at me and refusing to follow directions during structured work. My patience was really low between my students and staff. As the children engaged in inappropriate behavior, my aides just stood there and watched them rather than redirect them. I was being pulled in 5 different directions at the same time doing it all while my aides didn't do anything. I felt like a broken record yesterday telling my staff to redirect them and stop the inappropriate behavior.:noway: Really, it's not rocket science. If you see a child flip over my area rug and is pulling strings from the bottom of it destroying my carpet, you really should stop him and redirect him to the activity he is supposed to be engaged in. <smacks self in head> Sadly, I have been fighting this issue with them from day one. I even pushed and got 2 trainings for them. An informal one by me and a formal paid one given by my boss. They are nice ladies but really are clueless. It makes my job 100x more difficult. Yesterday it just wore me down and I felt like I hit rock bottom. Needless to say it was a glass of wine with dinner kind of night last night.

    I was chatting with my boss last night about the day and told her about the one incredible moment that happened. My one student, who was being so good, has significant speech delays. His language is emerging but has a long way to go before he is able to hold a conversation. If he happens to fall while playing in gym he will run up to me and say "Are you ok?" I have been working really hard with him to give him more appropriate phrases to say. Recently he began showing interest in the other children and wants to play with them but has no clue how to. Yesterday while all 3 classes were in the gym he began playing with one of the boys from the older class. The older boy was dragging him and spinning him all around the gym with a hula hoop. That was great within itself because neither boy socializes with other children. The older boy pulled a bit too hard (My boy is tough and used to rough housing with his older sibling) and my boy fell. My boy ran over to me and said "I fell" rather than his "Are you ok?". I was so excited and surprised when he did this. This was huge for him! I was so excited it brought tears to my eyes. That moment certainly made up for the crazy rough day that I had with everyone else. It was my proud teacher moment for the day. :love:

    I hope everyone has a successful and wonderful day.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I just got through all the weekend posts. So many great victories!!!!

    Robin - Hope you feel better soon!

    Yesterday, I posted a wish thought it was Wed already. What a week so today I will post a goal drink 8 glasses of water this whole week.
  • tenathequeena
    I wish I could eat whatever I wanted and still lose weight. I wish I weighed 175 instead of 275. I wish I could find bras that fit (I live in Costa Rica. Everyone here is tiny). I wish I could fit into my skinny clothes. I wish my thighs didn't rub together when I walked. I wish I was pretty. I wish I could walk faster without getting out of breath or having leg cramps. I wish I lived next door to my twin sister. I wish I could find a job that I love. I wish I could stop wishing and be happy with who I am and what I have.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Quick pop in to say hello.

    Wednesday wish: For the kiddies (and staff) to be well behaved today. All my students except for one were off yesterday and wore me out. All day I was fighting off aggressive behavior/ inappropriate attention seeking behavior, self-stimulatory behaviors, PICA (eating inedible items - crayons, books, puzzle pieces, blocks), a child yelling at me and refusing to follow directions during structured work. My patience was really low between my students and staff. As the children engaged in inappropriate behavior, my aides just stood there and watched them rather than redirect them. I was being pulled in 5 different directions at the same time doing it all while my aides didn't do anything. I felt like a broken record yesterday telling my staff to redirect them and stop the inappropriate behavior.:noway: Really, it's not rocket science. If you see a child flip over my area rug and is pulling strings from the bottom of it destroying my carpet, you really should stop him and redirect him to the activity he is supposed to be engaged in. <smacks self in head> Sadly, I have been fighting this issue with them from day one. I even pushed and got 2 trainings for them. An informal one by me and a formal paid one given by my boss. They are nice ladies but really are clueless. It makes my job 100x more difficult. Yesterday it just wore me down and I felt like I hit rock bottom. Needless to say it was a glass of wine with dinner kind of night last night.

    I was chatting with my boss last night about the day and told her about the one incredible moment that happened. My one student, who was being so good, has significant speech delays. His language is emerging but has a long way to go before he is able to hold a conversation. If he happens to fall while playing in gym he will run up to me and say "Are you ok?" I have been working really hard with him to give him more appropriate phrases to say. Recently he began showing interest in the other children and wants to play with them but has no clue how to. Yesterday while all 3 classes were in the gym he began playing with one of the boys from the older class. The older boy was dragging him and spinning him all around the gym with a hula hoop. That was great within itself because neither boy socializes with other children. The older boy pulled a bit too hard (My boy is tough and used to rough housing with his older sibling) and my boy fell. My boy ran over to me and said "I fell" rather than his "Are you ok?". I was so excited and surprised when he did this. This was huge for him! I was so excited it brought tears to my eyes. That moment certainly made up for the crazy rough day that I had with everyone else. It was my proud teacher moment for the day. :love:

    I hope everyone has a successful and wonderful day.

    Nettie- I am sorry your staff is so clueless. Your job is hard enough at times without clueless staff. I use to work with mentally challenged adults with behavior problems, so I know your stress. The reason I stopped is one of clients almost killed me by swinging a shovel at my head while we were shoveling snow together. I got a huge smile on my face while reading your win for the day how wonderful.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Some days just need a blanket. Wishing everyone a blanket if you need one.
    JNettie- thanks for sharing your school stories. I have so much respect for teachers of the mentally and physically challenged. DD works with one para who is just clueless. They have moved her from school to school and assignment to assignment trying to find a niche for her. It makes it hard for the others.
    Tena-the key to your success is your last sentence. Hang in there.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Good job on the turnover Laurie. Well I jump off the wagon for a couple days, it was very hectic time and lots of eating out which is never good for me. I hope to get back in a grove and make some move progress.
    Wed. Wish: to get back to living right, eating better.
    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days
    C: Drink 8 cups 3/7 days

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wednesday wish - I had remembered to set my alarm this morning so my whole morning was blown to kingdom come.

    I had my appt. with Dr. McHotty Pants last night. I did NOT get a lecture on my weight. I did however get a heck of a one on my blood pressure. My condition makes it very obvious (through my blood pressure) when I've been overindulging on salty stuff. I've been good for about a week but it takes about to for my sick little kidneys to flush out all extra sodium. That along with having to wait for an HOUR before seeing him(an hour in the crowded waiting room next to a baby with a poopy diaper) had my BP @ 157/96 last night when he took it.

    I got a decent lecture on my BP and how "most people need to watch their sodium, but in someone with your condition it is truly a matter of life and death"...... So I asked if that meant I couldn't stop for Chinese Food on the way home (I was kidding, seriously) ..then I think *HE* almost had a stroke.

    Anyway, point taken. I explained that I"m already back on the wagon.

    Had my blood test done this morning so we'll know what's what tomorrow or the day after.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    The 5k is March 30th :) It's called outrun hunger. I like to think of it as giving my fat to others.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I wish I could eat whatever I wanted and still lose weight. I wish I weighed 175 instead of 275. I wish I could find bras that fit (I live in Costa Rica. Everyone here is tiny). I wish I could fit into my skinny clothes. I wish my thighs didn't rub together when I walked. I wish I was pretty. I wish I could walk faster without getting out of breath or having leg cramps. I wish I lived next door to my twin sister. I wish I could find a job that I love. I wish I could stop wishing and be happy with who I am and what I have.

    me too....i wish i could be happy with who i am. You will get to 175....make small positive changes in your lifestyle
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I went to the dr with the hubby and they have put him on cholesterol meds and he got a lecture about diet and exercise and how he should cooperate with my suggestions since I apparently understood what needed to be done:laugh: Needless to say I got a chuckle out of that after we left. Once we got home I got the dogs out for a walk in between rain systems we have moving through over the next couple of days. I was really hoping to go hiking this saturday on the new trail we discovered but I am not sure the weather is going to cooperate. Oh well it will still be there later on. After i get done on here I have to give the dogs a bath since we found a flea on zeus again. I knew them being gone was to good to be true:grumble:
    My wish for this wednesday is that the bill on the truck is lower then we expect by some miracle. They are supposed to be done with it today and it is looking to be about 2000. Definitley a hit on the old budget.

    Mow sounds like a "fun" visit with the Dr. I love the chinese food crack. At least you have a sense of humour about everything.:happy:
    Jnettie your work is truly inspiring and I love to hear about your days with your students.

    Well I got to go bathe the dogs so have a great day everyone:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    litteshadowfeet- my heart aches for you. Try and think of the postive times you had with your dad rather than the end. Anniversaries are always hard but you can change how you respond to them. Although alcohol is a great way to temporarily obliterate feelings it is not the healthiest way. What about exercise when you want to drink? No reason you can't do as many squats as possible or jumping jacks till you are so worn out you cant think. Hang in there...April will be along shortly. Hugs

    Laurie- love the idea of an indoor triathalon where you compete against yourself. I am sure you will see some improvements!!

    aimeemarie- no chocolate during lent????:sad: :sad: No idea why i have developed this insatiable need for chocolate these past few years. Wish it would go away

    jnettie- so exciting when your students make progress. Boo to useless aides. My daughter is a special needs assistant and takes charge where ever needed. A substitute teacher actually told her she felt bad making more money than my daughter cause laura took charge of the group and did everything!! Sometimes she just gives the students the evil eye and that settles them down. Wonder where she learned that?? :laugh:

    myMowWow- laughed out loud when i read about you nearly giving your doctor a stroke with your comment about chinese food!!!!

    wed wish- no idea how to articulate what i wish....

    received an ultimatum from my employer stating i had to return to work by march 14 or resign or retire. Not sure how i can do that when i am not allowed to drive yet......waiting to hear back from my labour relations officer. Just what i needed....added stress...
    should try going for a walk now that the rain has stopped for the first time in 4 days....but i am so depressed i can hardly see straight...
    think i should give up bread and crackers for lent as i eat too much of both when i am distressed. We'll see if i can get through one day to start
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump :flowerforyou:
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi folks
    Noob here, I'm 41 and live in the UK, Cumbria to be precise. I live in a small seaside town where the wind blows allll the time :)
    I've been doing mfp since January and think I've finally found the solution to my weight, I sort of get it this time, if I eat less, I lose weight. After saying for years that I couldn't lose weight. Who would have known ?!

    @karenleona I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time with your employer, we are lucky here that our employment laws make it difficult to get people to leave, and I've just spent almost a year organising an ill health dismissal for someone who agreed that they should leave. I'm sorry that you are getting ultimatums and hope you are getting the support you need.

    my wish for today is that my TOM starts soon so the scale goes down again, lots of water weight going on here!

    jen :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Bump. Saving my spot, hopefully this post takes. We're having major internet problems at work so haven't been able to read/check-in. :sad:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Thank you Robin's sister! It's good to see Robin poking in! :happy: Hope you feel better!!!!
    L2T, hope you have a lovely time in Cabo. I know you weren't looking forward to it... but I bet it turns out great!
    kah, a nice drop! Small but it's always nice to see that scale budge!!! I hope you're feeling better and the doc figures what's up.
    mn, sounds like you've been doing some thinking. Maybe it will help you next time.
    Nettie, congrats on the pants... WooHoo! I'll let you know when I get to talk to the teacher. So far there was a substitute and a field trip. Told my son if he didn't give it to the teacher today there would be ramifications. I got some workbooks from scholars choice, to give him story or paragraph prompts. He has to do 1 a day after school. It may not be exactly what the teacher is teaching them but anything that helps him get his thoughts on paper and increases speed ... has to help. :) The thought of fresh asparagus sounds divine!!! I'll give it a try this year. :) Spaghetti squash grows like zucchini or pumpkins. They are great though!!! If you plant them don't plant them with the zucchini though. They cross pollinate and could end up with a very LARGE crop of zucchini. I had so much the first year I couldn't give it all away. lol! I'm totally trying the C25K in the spring. Pity my Mom moved out. It'll be harder for me to escape outside in the evening now. :( I'd walk in the evening when they're in bed, because she was in the house. Congrats on your win for the day.... probably went a long way to make up for the rest!!!
    Humbleheart... great job!
    Alicia, great job on the soup!
    KarenL, if I was in the lower mainland... I'd be dying to get out there, too. I love spring there. Magnolia trees, azalea bushes. So lovely!!! Just means you won't get to start till Alberta time. lol! We'll probably be mucking with our yards at the same time. That sounds really wrong about you employers.... let us know how it comes out!:noway:
    Alupinsk, I'm worried about lose skin too. I use coconut oil as moisturizer and they say rubbing it with loofa is supposed to help. Losing slowly is what helps a lot according to the forums. But it comes down to luck and age. Congrats about the teens!!!!! Not that far to the one hundreds now!!! I bet you can do 5k in under 45. You've come SO far!!!
    Laurie, sounds like a lovely dress... maybe you can find a shrug or something to go with it? I really like my iphone, but it really is preference.
    Susan, I hope you get some sleep. Such a crazy busy schedule. :) I'll admit I'm totally cracking down on him on the school stuff... he doesn't seem to mind. I think he knows he pushed me too far. I'm waiting for contact from the teacher, I sent a note requesting a meeting.
    Kaye, congrats on the new grandbaby... that sounded like a lovely blessing!
    Hansea congrats on the 3lb!!! Oh, I would've loved to see the icecaves. What a nice day!!!!
    tlh, that sounds like a great vacation! Sorry your feeling rough!
    Skinny, Great idea for March, I think I'll try to incorporate more raw veggies into my diet. I've already got some salad fixing and stuff. Awesome about the movement on the scale. The zigzag must be working for you!
    Mowmow... I once actually put my steps into my weight column. It said I would weigh 9763 lbs in 5 weeks! lol! The chinese comment was hilarious!!! Sometimes I think doctors have no sense of humour!!!! lol!

    AFM: March came in like a lion .... so out like a lamb. I can only hope. Month started with -37 degrees. :tongue: Car is in the shop FINALLY to be repaired. So I'll no longer be the scorned vehicle while driving. It was looking pretty bad. lol! The shops were so backlogged I had to wait 2 months to get in. Helped out in Kindergarten for my middle yesterday. Spent the whole morning cutting and pasteing to make upper and lower case alphabet flash cards. 4 copies. :yawn: Actually I kinda like it... it was out of my normal routine (and I got to use the guillotine cutter :happy: ) I am very proud...for Feb's challenge... I ate out 4 times. (2 were planned at the beginning of the month). This is BIG for me. However I started this month eating out 3 times.:tongue: And while I was under calories every day, I have a 6lb gain. LOVE THAT WATER WEIGHT! I had way too much salt (Maybe the chinese was over the top!). I am now trying to be very good. I've started the toning Zumba DVD. So before I do my regular Zumba, I'm doing that with weights. I actually like it. Everyone have a great week!!!