Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: Unfortunately, my exercise has been non-existent this week. I think my conference earlier in the week really threw off my schedule. Plus, Cyrus had two late nights of baseball so I had 12+ hour days and just couldn’t squeeze it in. I’m not sure how next week will net out either. My parents arrive tomorrow and their bringing their dog, Sasha. She’s a Bichon Poodle mix like our Izzy. Unfortunately, she barks at every little sound. I normally leave for the gym around 4:30 a.m. and I know she’s going to start barking. I hate to wake my parents so not sure what I’ll do. I may just try and take some late afternoon walks all next week instead, which is fine too.

    @ Ell – Congrats on the loss. I know how frustrating it can be for the number not to move, but we’ll take any little move!!

    @ Kaye – Thanks!! You know your special to me and I love your support too. I really need to get a new hose for my CPAP, which I haven’t worn in a year now. I really need too. As much as I hate the thing, I know I would sleep so much better.

    @ Laurie – Hope your day moved along yesterday. I dread those state test. The kids get so worked up or at least Cyrus does. I know testing is needed, but I’ve never been a big fan and it should really only be a small percentage in a student’s overall success (just my opinion).

    @ Karen – Enjoy Sunday!! You know its coming so just plan ahead. Eat a bit lighter on Saturday and add a little more exercise so you’ll have more calories to use up. Plus, just start doing an Irish jig and dance those calories away. Have fun and enjoy Garetie too! I would love to meet her one day.

    @ Hansea – I saw the same recipe somewhere, but haven’t tried it yet either. I normally like my oats a bit sweeter so I’ll add a little brown sugar or some dried cranberries it just depends. Thoughts to your sister for strength. My friend’s husband had to skip chemo this week because his body is just fighting and he’s getting so sick. It’s breaking my heart to see them go through this. They did get some great news that their son was accepted into UGA (University of Georgia), which was his top pick. I’m so proud of him and this made his Dad smile, which he doesn’t do often.

    @ Little – Kettlebell’s will kick your butt for sure. When I was working with my trainer, she really focused on proper form and I can really tell a difference when I’m not doing the swing correctly. It’s a work out for sure. Congrats on the new weight goal. Woo Hoo!!

    @ Nettie – It’s nice to hear the students, staff and more importantly YOU had a good day. Always good to read. Hope Friday is similar and you have a great weekend ahead!!

    @ Ushkii – Woo Hoo!! It’s those baby steps you’re making and its making a difference. Good for you!!!

    @ Rain – Woo Hoo to you too!!! The fact you ran the whole time is HUGE! Good for you! Always stay focused on the positive. You did it!!!

    @ RobinB – Happy Belated!!! I’m sorry I missed it, but sounds like you celebrated in yummy fashion – Chocolate Martini? Oh my!! Good job getting ready back on track.

    @ L2T – Loved your post!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip. I know you had a bit of apprehension in the beginning, but it sounds lovely and watching whales too it doesn’t get any better than that. BUT, to be rewarded with being under 200 – happy dance for you!!!!

    @ Kelly – Cyrus and I did that same thing on our cruise. The sting rays are a bit intimidating because they were HUGE, but the staff is right there and they had them swim and lay right on our chest. Their skin is so soft. It was quite an experience.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    L2T--- I'm glad your trip turned out way better than expected! The whales sound amazing! Congrats on onederland, btw!

    I went to my first ever live Zumba class this morning! IT was a lot of fun! I found it more challenging than my home DVD's. I've always been so self-conscious to take a live class. I found that it wasn't a problem at all. :happy: I'll definitely make it part of my normal routine. I'm thinking Zumba classes on Monday and Friday and swimming and weights on Wednesday and maybe Saturday. We'll see how it plays out! It's nice to have a gym pass again.:love:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Over the next week, I'll try to jump on when I can. My parents arrive tomorrow for a week visit. We're excited, but I'm going to be a bit exhausted balancing work, Cyrus' baseball games, keeping my parents entertained plus keeping my sister and dad from killing each other. They get on each others nerves very fast. Oh boy. Enjoy the weekend ahead!!

    @ Karen & Laurie - I'm registered for T2T and so excited to share this wonderful event with both of you. I believe we had the hotel Saturday thru Tuesday - correct? I was going to go ahead and start watching flights. The sooner I get book probably the better to grab a good price. Super excited!

    @ p1x - I'm so glad you enjoyed Zumba. Good for you! It's often that first step that's the hardest, but you did it!!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @p1xy- Good for you for attending the live Zumba class! I used to go to Zumba classes when it fit into my schedule, and they were always a great time and good burn.

    @Susan- Thanks for the thoughts for my sister. If you try the pumpkin oats, definitely add some brown sugar if you like it sweet. Good luck with balancing everything with your parents visit in the mix this coming week. It sounds like you'll be pretty busy! Enjoy it!

    @SuperHeather- Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii- Nice job achieving your ABC on Thursday!

    @Kah- I've been on an excursion where we snorkeled and fed stingrays and then watched the guides bait some sharks and watched them feed (from a distance!)....I get the nervousness around some sea creatures, but I'm sure it will be great.
    Zoe's probably thinking 'Thanks for the box, Mom!' Our cats have their own toys too, but I've caught them playing with the kids' LEGOS at night!

    @Nettie- Yes, I get my slow cooker liners near the aluminum foil and garbage bags at our grocery store. I feel guilty buying them, because I think 'ooh. environment.' and 'err. unneeded expense.', but then I look at the messes I make in the slow cooker and the amount of sleep I get each night, and I think, 'It's okay. Pick your battles.'
    Good luck with your new running program! Take it slow and you'll catch the running bug like most I'm sure!

    @Tanya- TOM does it every time. :tongue:

    @L2T- Ahhh. What a wonderful sounding vacation! And Woo Hoo to Onderland! :drinker:

    @littleshadow- Congratulations on losing the 25 lbs!

    @Kaye- Glad you had a nice trip. :smile:

    @Laurie- I love that you know you did a good job because the students were mad. That made me smile. :smile: Junior High teachers deserve special badges of honor.

    @RobinB- Thanks for the well wishes for my sister. Thank goodness your birthday comes but once a year, right? Hoping your weigh in day goes well.

    AFM- I think I'm on a roll this week with logging and even though I didn't exercise as much, I've seen some low numbers on my scale. Tomorrow is official weigh in day for me, so I'm looking forward to it.

    1/4 weeks: Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share the recipe.

    5/31 days: Eat 3-5 servings of veggies.

    0/31 nights: Get 8 hours of sleep.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @hansea--good luck at your weigh-in--glad you are seeing lower numbers! I was sorry to hear about your sister's health. I just found out that a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. My heart goes out to you and your family--hoping your sister gets good news from her doctors. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--hope your visit with your parents is nice. I'm also getting excited about T2T. Yes, we booked a hotel for Saturday through Tuesday. I haven't started looking at flights yet. I think I will probably do that over spring break in a few weeks. :smile:

    @p1xy--glad you enjoyed the zumba!

    @ushkii--great job climbing back on that wagon!! :drinker:

    @kelley--you are going to have so much fun on your cruise. I'm also looking forward to swimming with stingrays and SHARKS!!! :noway: when I go to the DR this summer.

    @nettie--I think if your routine is working for you, there's no need to change it--especially since it sounds like the routines change. My personal opinion is you should whatever exercise you enjoy! :wink: As far as running, I hope you love it from the start, but don't be discouraged if you don't. I used to run 10 or 12 years ago and really enjoyed it. Then when I started up again 3 years ago with c25k, I was NOT having fun. The only thing that got me through the program was the memory of how much I used to enjoy running. I'm so glad I stuck with it b/c I do really enjoy it again. Stick with it and I bet you will catch the bug!

    @L2T--CONGRATS ON ONEDERLAND!!! :drinker: Also, so glad you enjoyed your trip--the whale watching sounds so wonderful--definitely something on my bucket list!

    @shadow--what a great milestone!! :drinker: Just think--if you do that 3 more times, you'll have lost 100 lbs!! :noway:

    @kaye--enjoy Vancouver with your family! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I have had 2 days of too many sugary and or salty snacks. :blushing: Yesterday started off fine, but went to a baby shower after work and grazed on the food. I ate too many calories but none of it was truly satisfying as a "meal." I then had to go to a budget meeting for our union and by the time I got home, I was so hungry that I just grabbed a couple of slices of leftover pizza from the fridge. Wish I would have taken a few minutes to log all of the shower snacks 1st b/c it might have led me to a better dinner choice. I ended up way over on calories for the day. :grumble: Then today I had an early meeting. The earlier morning left me scattered; I had planned to buy lunch at school (a healthy wrap), but and I forgot to bring my breakfast. I ended up compensating by eating Panera bagels someone brought to the meeting. I then got busy meeting with students during my lunch and grabbed another bagel rather than buying the wrap. Holy carb overload, Batman!!! I should still be under for the day, but my macros are abysmal!

    @tanya--good luck on your body composition challenge--you'll have to keep us posted on your progress!

    @robinB--Happy belated birthday!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: Thanks for the Michelob Ultra suggestion. I should probably clarify that I really don't like beer much and rarely drink it. In fact, when I occasionally order one my friends all gawk and say "You're drinking beer?!?!?!" When I do drink it, I only like light lagers or pilsners--think Heinekin, Stella Artois, or Harp. I know with all of the Irish festivities I will be tempted to enjoy a Harp or maybe even a Snakebite which is Harp mixed with Magners Cider (in case anyone didn't know).

    @holly--dogs take so much time and patience. Gunner was almost impossible to walk when we first got him, but lots of practice has made a big difference. He's still far from perfect on the leash--especially when other dogs are nearby. :grumble: As far as the sniffing the ground, when gunner gets into "tracking mode" I can sometimes get his nose off the ground by stepping right in his path. The scent of my shoe will sometimes break his concentration for a split second so I can get him out of that mindset. Not sure it will work with a beagle though--they are so scent oriented--but it's at least worth a try.

    @ell--whoohoo for the loss!! :drinker:

    Friday Fitness:
    Not my best week. :blushing: It's been a long, stressful week. Between the issues with my AP students and some union concerns, let's just say I'm really happy it's Friday! Next week will be rough as far as my schedule. I have meeting Tues, We, and Thurs--ugh!

    As I mentioned to hansea above, a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition, she found out that she carries the BRCA1 gene mutation so has elected to get a double mastectomy to reduce her risks of a recurrence. She also will have her ovaries removed prior to turning 35 to reduce her risk of ovarian cancer. She's only 27, so she has a few years, but still has to go through fertility treatments now to harvest eggs before she goes through chemo. She met us out after work today (she used to work at my HS) and it was really good to see her, but I hate the feeling of not being able to really do anything. :cry:

    I haven't gotten to the new recipe yet, but I bought some frozen butternut squash and intend to try to make soup from it. I'll let you all know how it goes and will share the recipe if it turns out good. Will probably make it tomorrow.

    March Challenge:
    1. x/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 6/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 7/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/18 AP presentations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + core work NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE ON WED
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work DONE ON TUES + shoveling DONE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Boy Y'all are chatty... and I like it! Might take me a little while to figure all this out but I want to try. So glad to see a nice, supportive, and active thread! I hope y'all don't mind if I join in!

    Have a great Night!
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to check in to keep myself accountable. Thank you for all of the supportive words about my run! I'm going for the first time without my app in about 10 minutes.

    I've been keeping up with my exercise, but I just feel.... fat. Like I am flabbier than I was a week ago (I didn't weight myself this week) so that worries me... I'm as accurate as I can be with my diary, but I can't be perfect and don't know what's in my food. This is really freaking me out and making me MORE scared to weigh myself. Also, though I don't think it KILLED my day, I bougt my visiting friend some thin mints and samoas because they don't have them in the UK, and ended up having 4 think mints and two samoas. It really scared me because I felt completely out of control... like I used to when I gained all of this week. Like I had zero choice and I HAD to eat them.

    Didn't end up going to DS this weekend due to rental difficulties, so I'm heading into LA with the friend to go see a live cast of a play and go up to Griffith observatory. Hopefully a day away from food/campus will let me get myself into gear.

    I hope everyone is well. Off on a run now. Not liking how I'm feeling so hopefully that will help.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Littleshadow- Whoo-hoo to reaching 25# lost.

    L2T- What a fantastic trip you had, glad it was success on so many fronts. The whales and dolphins sound beautiful, I would love to see them in person one day.

    Ushkil- I also think of # as pounds or the number sign and not hash tag that it has become now.

    Kelley- The triathlon is Sunday morning at 8:40. I am excited about the event. Good luck with shopping for the remainder of your cruise clothes.

    Susan- Enjoy the visit with your parents this week. I hope you are able to make it to the gym. If you can get out of the house continue to go at 4;30, the dog will settle down. I want to confirm the hotel and the dates that we will be gone. I can't remember if we are coming back on Wednesday or Tuesday. I also registered for the T2T so now it is time to book the flights. I am not of fan of testing either and this year I feel like we are testing more than necessary. This is due to our new teacher evaluation models that require us to gather data on student performance for the SLO based on the common core. Needless to say, I am just of tired testing as the students.

    SuperHeather1- Welcome and you have joined the group. Come back and visit often.

    Nettie- I think you would be okay upping the weights for a few more weeks. You can also switch the order of favorite routines for weight training.

    Today the sugar bug hit me again and I had to force myself to stop eating doughnuts. Thank God, that I threw most of the 3rd doughnut away today. Yes, I said 3. After testing this morning, I was extremely hungry and tired, so I ate a cake doughnut, then when I went down to the lounge, I brought the rest of them with me to give away. Well, I ended up eating another doughnut. They just tasted really good- I really like cake-like doughnuts. The next challenge came when the doughnuts that the school brought for the teachers came into the lounge, so I did good and tried only a quarter of the doughnut. It was good but that was it. Then a little later on, I went back downstairs and into the lounge and was hijack again by those killer doughnuts. Another doughnut ended up in my hand and as I was eating it going back upstairs to my room, I finally came to my senses and stop eating that doughnut. I threw at least half of it away. The scary part is that I could have eaten the whole doughnut without thinking twice about it. I can make the excuse about testing and being very hungry afterwards and that is true however, I need to have the will power to tell myself NO MORE DOUGHNUTS, one is enough.

    The only saving grace of this experience is that I did climb tonight so that helped to burn off the extra sugar. I truly realize that I need to say no to the extra junk food and be satisfied with 1 doughnut. Now, I know I can throw food away.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome to the new ones. This is truly unique place.
    I'm going to try to remember a few personals. If I forget someone, just remember how old I am. : wink:
    Susan, enjoy your parents. I miss the fun of having grandma and grandpa come to visit. Guess I have just exchanged roles. We are doing the visiting now.
    L2T, congratulations on onederland. So glad you had a great trip.
    Shadow, way to go on the first 25 lbs off. I divided my goals into 25 lb. increments. The first 3 came off pretty fast. This last one seems to be taking forever.
    We got the stuff to try the pumpkin oatmeal. Sounds yummy. I have some acorn squash at home. I'm going try a soup next week.
    Today we got in 2 good walks. This morning it was cloudy, but this afternoon the sun was shining. We could even see Mt. Hood.
    DD took me to Value Village today and I got my summer capris and a few blouses. I loaded my cart with size 14 pants, then added a few 12s. I put the 12s on first, and they fit, so I didn't even bother to try the 14s on. :happy:
    Have a great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Hope all have had a good week!

    shadow.... congratulations on the loss! it takes some attitude change to accomplish it! It feels
    so good to be eating healthier!

    L2T...... glad you had such a wonderful trip! I have never been there but it sounds like my kind of place!
    And the whales! How exciting! Thanks for sharing!

    Superheather......... Welcome ! You will find this a place to come for encouragement and support! Check
    in every day! Lots of nice people here!

    Jenn........ Jump right in! It has taken a while for me too! I've been coming here a few weeks now and
    feel like I have a bunch of new friends with similar challenges!

    Susan....... Have a great time with your parents! enjoy every moment!

    Rain......... Glad you are having a good time with your friend! You are doing great! I haven't gotten any GS
    cookies this year.........I know I have absolutely no control...........if i had them I would eat them! So someone
    else will have my annual box this year!

    Kaye........ have a fantastic trip and visit! Congratulations on the size 12s! Wonderful!

    this week has been a challenge.......... snow and not able to get out much. However, it is finally melting and better
    days ahead! I haven't exercised much this week....... Last Saturday i walked outside for an hour and later that night
    my hip became very painful......... It has bothered me all week. Never had this happen before. a few months ago
    a rheumotoligist told me I had osteoarthritis but nothing serious yet. Is this what 60 does to me?????
    It is ridiculous, this getting older!

    Tomorrow I am going for a Mary Kay facial and pampering! Can't wait!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    As of this morning I'm 7lbs of water down. I found my ankles again, so that was exciting. I SHOULD have taken a walk when I got home, MowMow wanted to but I was just too tired. I put 3 miles on yesterday at work and another 2 today.

    Sodium was a bit higher than I like it today, but it was still lower than doc wanted so, I won't complain.

    I know of someone who will miss my fat belly. Shepherd Book, it's his favorite pillow.(sorry, it's a bit grainy, it's quite dark iin here.)
    KRISTABLET - WIN_20140307_212816
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Went to the dietician today. It's the first time our scales have almost matched. Lost 5 1/2 inches this month. Not feeling very good. I hope you all have a great weekend.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Thinking of this body composition challenge has got me really pumped. I ordered some exercise DVD' s online and they arrive next week. I bought one HIIT DVD on the way home from work yesterday and WoW I really got the sweat going. I did 2 10 min sessions. I live doing intervals, as I love doing circuits at physio.

    I'm off to stay with my BF this weekend, we live about an hour apart and rotate between my place and his. It's much easier when he comes here since I have all the healthy food in my fridge. This is the first time I've had to pack food to take there since I've started MFP so it will be interesting to see if I can make this work. He can cook, but we always just eat out, so I'm expecting to be going to fast food places or for a sub or pita. And that's fine, I will make smarter choices and fit them into my day along with my healthy snacks. I will be curious to weigh myself Monday morning, however. On a good note, we are outside a lot, walking or hiking so I will be getting some decent exercise.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    I have been seeing the 223s on the scale since Thursday. Originally I was going to wait until Monday to log it but I decided to log it today. 2 more lbs to go before I pass the amount of weight I lost the first time on here. I am pretty excited to see that happen. Fitbit is officially telling me I have less than 100 lbs to go to reach my goal weight. 98.6 more pounds to go to be exact. Granted that is still a lot of weight to lose but I am thrilled that it is less than 100 lbs now.

    Today we are suppose to have temps near 50. I am hoping Brian and I can get to the park today for a nice walk.

    Kah - Thanks for the info on the liners. My MIL bought me a vegetarian slow cooker cookbook for my birthday so I have been experimenting with the slow cooker a lot lately. I have been using it a lot to make dishes with dried beans. I love the ease of throwing everything in the pot, turning it on low and letting it cook away. It is nice to come home from work on my late days and know I don't have to spend time prepping and cooking dinner.

    You will really like Grand Cayman. We stopped there on our cruise too. It is really beautiful.

    Lives - I have always been a water loving gal myself. Before deciding to change careers and go for teaching I toyed with the idea of going to school for marine biology. Dolphins are my favorite animal and I always thought it would be amazing to work with them. There is a place in Key Largo called Dolphin Plus. They actually have a dolphin therapy program for children with special needs. A job like that would be perfect for me, the best of both worlds. Dolphins and children. When I was looking into it, the thought of relocating to another state so far from my family just was not an option for me. I did visit Dolphin Plus though and participated in 2 swims with dolphins, one structured and one unstructured. I also swam with them in Jamacia but it wasn't nearly as good as it was in Key Largo.

    I've been on a few seal watching and whale watching tours here. I also have been on whale/dolphin watches in Delaware. When I was in Honduras and Grand Cayman I did snorkeling and scuba. One of the most amazing experiences was when we were doing scuba and I spotted a sea turtle swim by. It was such a beautiful sight to watch it glide peacefully through the water! Your whale watching tour sounds amazing. I am glad you had the opportunity to do it.

    SuperHeather and Jenn - Welcome!

    Susan - If Sasha barks all the time I am sure your parents are used to it. They may be able to sleep through her barking. Maybe you can speak to them and ask them if they think her barking at 4:30 am would be troublesome. LOL to the dynamic between your sister and father. I can completely relate. My mom and I are like that. I have learned over the years it is better to just walk out of the room when she gets under my skin rather than exploding. I hope you have a really nice visit with your parents.

    p1xyn1xy - Congrats on the Zumba class. I am happy to hear you enjoyed it so much!

    Hansea - Congrats on seeing some new lows. I hope weigh in day is a good one for you!

    Skinny - Sorry to hear about your friend.
    Thanks for the advice. I really hope I like it. I have been trying to get Brian to join me on C25K. I thought it would be fun if we could go on runs together on the weekend. So far he isn't biting. :ohwell:
    I love butternut squash soup. I have an easy recipe that I like to make with fresh butternut squash. I love that it's super easy to make and so delicious. I hope it turns out well for you!

    Rain - I can completely relate when you say you feel flabby. There are times I am feeling really good about myself and the very next day I just feel blah about the way I look and feel. Yum to the thin mints. Those are my favorite GS cookies.

    Laurie - That is a good idea to switch up the order that I do them. I didn't think of that. Thanks.
    I can relate to your doughnut issue as that has happened to me before. Especially if the doughnuts are really fresh. Glad to hear you realized what you were doing when you were eating your 3rd. I find I always learn from making mistakes such as those.

    Kaye - I have never tried making soup with acorn squash. Can you share your recipe, please? When I buy it I usually stuff it with a cranberry stuffing and bake it. I would love some more ideas of what to do with it.
    Congrats on the 12s fitting. That is fantastic! :drinker:

    Humbleheart - Enjoy your facial!

    MyMOwMOw - Love the picture. Congrats on the 7lbs down and finding your ankles!

    Tigredia - Congrats on shedding 5 1/2 inches. That is incredible. I am sorry you aren't feeling very well. Hope you feel better soon.

    Tanya - Congrats on the new videos. I hope you enjoy them. Hope you have a great time this weekend.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Weekend! I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm off to the gym soon, the spa this afternoon and then finish up some shopping.

    @Kaye~Congrats on the size 12s - that's great!

    @Nettie~Hooray for the loss and being so close to your first round with MFP!

    @Tanya~I hope you enjoy the new DVDs.

    @Kris~Hooray for losing that water weight, cute pic of your kitty - they sure are great snugglers!

    @Laurie~Good luck with your tri tomorrow! I know you'll do great and surpass the goals you've set for yourself. :happy:

    @Karen~I'm sorry to hear about your friends diagnosis, its so hard to watch friends go through that. I'm really close to a volunteer at the hospital and his wife (they are the same age as my parents) - I watched her go through a cancer diagnosis and chemo last year - it was so hard to watch them face that. She is still in a research study with additional cancer-fighting drugs, but otherwise cancer-free now. Wishing your friend the very best as she goes though this. :heart:

    AFM~I was two glasses shy of my 16 yesterday and had only one piece of fruit. :frown: I washed the wood floors last night, what an ordeal that is - takes hours since I move all the furniture (I'm crazy that way). But its done and they look great. Afterwards I started getting some things together while Zoe turned one of my suitcases into her new fort. :laugh: I've checked a few things off my to-do list this morning already, now time to get ready for the gym.

    March Goals:
    1. 6/18 days 16 glasses of water or more
    2. 0/4 weeks of a new recipe (have one to share, need to make some time)
    3. 6/18 days at least 5 veggies and 2 fruit daily

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Cardio NOT DONE :yawn:
    Wednesday~Cardio DONE!
    Thursday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day (probably pre-vacation housework) DONE (housework)!

    Have a great day!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Good morning beautiful people.

    Bizarre day yesterday. Aaron and I chowed down on pizza and cheesy bread and ben and jerrys. I was still under my TDEE though, so yay!

    Weighed in at 215 this morning!

    Total mileage 10.00.

    Gonna go to the gym tonight after work to get in a run. woo. (not really, but it needs done.)
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Kah- There's nothing better than looking at a freshly scrubbed floor. I like to move all the furniture, too. Floors don't stay clean for long at my house with two cats and two children, though!

    @Nettie- My weigh in day was awesome! Good for you on being under 100 to lose now!

    @Tanya- Sounds like that HIIT DVD was a good one! Have fun with your boyfriend this weekend.

    @ Tigredia- Congratulations on the lost inches! Hope you feel better soon.

    @ Mowmow- Kiss that water weight goodbye! I'm sure kitty will still love snuggling you, even when your belly disappears. You'll still be warmer than the floor!

    @humbleheart- Spring is coming...hopefully the warmer weather will be better for your joints! Facial and pampering sounds so relaxing and fun!

    @kaye- High five on the size 12's! You're inspiring.

    @Laurie- Good job ditching the doughnut. Sweets are my downfall for sure. Once you start, it's hard to stop with the junk food, isn't it?

    @Rain- I have those flabby days too. It usually happens when TOM is on its way or when I haven't lifted weights in a week or something. I'm going to be seeing my niece who's a Girl Scout this afternoon...odds are I will be coming home with some cookies. Thin mints, most likely.

    @Jenn- Welcome! You don't have to be as chatty as some of us can be! Just keep checking in. I find the accountability is helping me!

    @skinny- So sorry to hear about your friend. She has so much stress ahead of her. I'm sure just being there and listening will be a great help to her.

    AFM- I have a Saturday Success to report! Two actually...#1. Today was my weigh in day and I'm down another 4 lbs! Shocking to me, since I thought it would be 2-3 lbs. And, #2. There is a bag of chips on top of my refrigerator. My husband bought them about a week and a half ago. I have NOT touched them! Even more amazing...he actually bought two bags. We had opened the first bag a week and a half ago when he first bought them. There is half a bag of opened chips on top of my fridge....and I have NOT touched them!! That's Crazytown, people.

    This afternoon, I'm going to do some grocery shoppping, and then we're headed up to my parents' house since my sister (the one with the cancer) is driving in from out of state for a visit. And her daughter is going to sell us Girl Scout cookies. She's 5. I'm looking forward to her sales pitch. Hehehe.

    1/4 weeks- Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share recipe.
    6/31- Eat 3-5 servings of veggies per day.
    0/31- Get 8 hrs of sleep each night.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Aimee- Cheesy Bread and Pizza- YUM!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Yippee I'm back! a friend took me shopping yesterday and I bought a nice new littlel notebook/tablet that will serve me just fine. So glad to be back on--line the past week has been SOOOO boring with no media to play with.

    Its wonderful to be among friends again!! Thank you for the roll-over Laurie - I liked the collection of quotes - esp. the one by arnold schweitzer. I have read all 5 pages and feel I am caught up on all news - so sorry to hear about the sadness in some people's lives.

    The rest of you - Well ! Such progress has been made by so many people - I am just so happy to see that!

    Newbies - welcome to each and every one of you! Keep coming back!

    AFM - I still remain in iffy health. I had my right hip and leg go out (it happens once or twice a year from my arthritis) and on this past monday got 2 steroid shots in places in it. I am walking altho with pain. If not totally better I will see a lumbar doc next Friday - but I'm sure I won't need the appt. Am on major antibiotics for my sinuses again and will have another CT scan but not until April. I intend to have some fun and forget about that appt. til it happens. I am going to use the bldg. pool for some physiotherapy this week on my leg. Also I had not forgot my squats was doing them right up until my leg went out, and have been dropping into a squat whenever I need something low. Still love 'em.

    You guys keep rocking!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Robin!! I'm so glad you're back!! :heart: :drinker: :love: :happy: :laugh:

    I'm sorry to hear about your ongoing health issues, I sure hope these darn Drs are going to be able to get you on mended and feeling better!

    You. Were. Missed.