Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I had a pretty good weekend. I had planned to go running this am but woke up to snow. It has stopped and cleared up. Now I am debating if I should go or just do a workout at home. My only concern about going is my legs are still a bit achy from Saturday's run. I am afraid that I may be even more sore when I come home and won't be able to walk. So I am torn between waiting one more day or sucking it up and going out today.

    Shadow - I watch Walking Dead too. Skinnyjeanz does too.

    Oh Robin, LOL to the vacuuming. Isn't it a really good feeling when you put that much effort into cleaning house? I love sitting back and looking at how pretty everything looks.

    Damensha - I have the flex so the recall didn't effect me. I don't have any problems with mine. I wear it all the time.
    I have cats too. One of mine is named Harvest Moon but we call her Moo for short.

    Josie - Welcome!

    MOwMOw - I believe the recipe below is what I used this time around. I am not 100% sure about the recipe though because I had it saved on my laptop. Yesterday morning I had a mishap and spilled my coffee on my keyboard. I cannot get some of my keys to work and cannot enter the proper password to log on. Brian (who works in IT) tried to fix it but it looks like it's really bad. I can't remote into my laptop from my PC either because my laptop is technically "off" because I am not logged in. :sad:

    Instead of frying I scooped them on a baking sheet (using an ice cream scoop to make even tots) and baked at 350 until they looked done. 30-40 minutes maybe. I used swiss cheese in place of mozzarella because that's what I had in the fridge.

    Rain - Any advice on what I should do? Should I keep repeating day 1 until I cam able to make it through the entire walk run sequences before moving on to day 2. Or should I keep doing day 1,2,3 then repeat the entire week? I was thinking that I would go with the first option and master one day before moving on to the next. Never mind. I was just playing with the app and realized it is the same workout each day during week 1. I don't know why I thought it was different. LOL :blushing:

    Laurie - I am glad you did great with the Triathlon. Also really glad to hear you had a great time at the wedding and looked fabulous in your new dress! Wahoo all around for a super weekend. :drinker:

    Dani - Welcome!

    NewMeadow - Welcome!

    Kah - Isn't it funny how tuned in kitties are? Mine always begin acting very clingy too right before a change is about to take place. Thanks for the advice on running!

    MNWalking - Glad to hear the mammogram came back good. What do you have to do for the full cancer screen?
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Laurie sounds like a great Triathlon- way to go!

    Karen you should of drank Jameson's and Guinness on your Irish trip:laugh:

    Today I am going to start exercising. I take a statin and my muscles always ache because of them but with diabetes I should keep taking them. My arms are always sore so lifting weights may not be any different. I am going to do

    Tricep Extension
    Ab Crunch, 3/4
    Chest Fly
    Bicep Curl, Alternating
    Ball Squat
    Bench Press

    Cardio: Long Slow Distance is a workout that should be done at a comfortable, slow pace. If you are just beginning an exercise program, or if you are needing an easy, slow, recovery day workout, a Long Slow Distance workout will develop your cardiovascular endurance base. Your prescribed exercise intensity for this workout should be at a pace that you can comfortably carry on a conversation while exercising.

    Standing Achilles Stretch-Wall
    Seated Neck Rotations
    Standing Quadricep Stretch
    On all fours Back Cat Stretch
    Seated Deep Breathing
    Standing Hamstring Stretch-Chair

    I am tired of not losing any weight and having the flabbiest arms I have ever seen. Hopefully I will stick with it this time.
    So here is a Monday and Tuesday which will repeat. It looks like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are cardio and strength. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are cardio and Flexibility.Sunday is a rest day.

    10 March 2014
    Cardio Duration Warm Up Cool Down Heart Rate RPE
    Long Slow Distance- 2
    20 min. 5 min. 5 min. 110-121
    110-121 Very Light - Moderate
    Strength Weight Repetitions Sets RPE
    Tricep Extension
    10 lbs. 10 2 Very, Very Light - Light
    Ab Crunch, 3/4
    Body Weight 10 2 Very, Very Light - Light
    Chest Fly
    15 lbs. 10 2 Very, Very Light - Light
    Bicep Curl, Alternating
    15 lbs. 10 2 Very, Very Light - Light
    Ball Squat
    24 lbs. 10 2 Very, Very Light - Light
    Bench Press
    24 lbs. 10 2 Very, Very Light - Light
    11 March 2014
    Cardio Duration Warm Up Cool Down Heart Rate RPE
    Fartlek/ Speed Play
    10 min. 5 min. 5 min. 110-121
    110-121 Very Light - Moderate

    Flexibility Hold Time Repetitions
    Standing Achilles Stretch-Wall
    30 sec. 3
    Seated Neck Rotations
    30 sec. 3
    Standing Quadricep Stretch
    30 sec. 3
    On all fours Back Cat Stretch
    30 sec. 3
    Seated Deep Breathing
    0 sec. 3
    Standing Hamstring Stretch-Chair
    30 sec. 3

    I feel like I should be taking bets on if I’ll make it:laugh: . Hopefully being accountable here will be enough.

    “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~Jim Rohn

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Overall it was a bust weekend. I was over calories AND sodium both days. I was under the DRs sodium, but not under what I set MY limit at. I was barely under maintenance both days.

    Tomorrow I get paid so I can *FINALLY* get to the grocery store and stock up. I've got a running list going and I'm so out of everything my list is HUGE and expensive.

    Sunday was a complete bust. I was great all day and even took a gorgeous salad to my church potluck... then I tasted the spaghetti sauce and went nuts. I had seconds on spaghetti AND bread with butter on it... that tipped me well over my calories. I'm going to have to either stop going to the potlucks, show up AFTER the food is served, or learn to control myself. I'm actually leaning towards showing up after the food is served. There are leftovers but by that time we're starting our discussion groups and there isn't time to eat.....

    Robin (and Nettie) Vacuuming is always my very last thing on cleaning days. Once vacuuming is done I always wander from room to room and just admire how tidy and clean everything looks. For me it's this incredible sense of accomplishment and contentment in my little apartment.

    Nettie - Thanks for the recipe. I've seen lots of recipes for zucchini tots and when you posted I wondered which one you used. I'm looking for stuff for this week for meals. Love that your doing C25K. I need to do some searching and make a list of all the 5Ks this summer/fall and start getting ready for them (I only walk though). I did that last year for Thanksgiving and it really motivated me to get out and walk, I didn't want to be the LAST person straggling over the finish line.

    I've worked my last days of overtime and catching up from being gone for so long. Now I'm back to straight 8 hour days and will be home by 4:35 every day (until the weather clears and I start walking to work again, then it will be more like 4:55)... WOOHOOOO. I can start cooking again and not just grab the first thing I can shove into my mouth!

    Kah - My boys get like that too. On Monday mornings they are always quiet and pathetic while I'm getting ready for work. MowMow just hunches on the edge of the couch like a ginger meatloaf and watches me... Book follows me from room to room rubbing on me constantly. I don't travel often, but when I go crazy cleaning and ripping things apart and carting stuff OUT of the apartment they always know company is coming and they get clingy and worried.

    Kaye - Congrats to you on your size 12!! I know that whatever store I'm in when that happens I'll be doing the happy dance through the aisles....and possibly singing....
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm so excited right now! I decided to skim the Sunday computer ads late last nite just to see if my notebook was on sale elsewhere and it was! So I called the place where I bought it, which had price-matching, and I just got $100 off the purchase price of my computer - WOOT! One phone easy as pie. Loved it.

    I got out and did the rounds at Target for about an hour and a half pushing a cart, then went to Michaels and bought a few stems to refresh a very stale arrangement I had over the kitchen sink. I also bought stuff I didn't need at all, which is getting returned today! I've been trying to find a Tiny, tiny tiny lamp for my secretary desk, and that is one tough task! (I'm looking for under 10 inches tall)

    Love to hear all the comments. One that rings loudly is eating chips or chrunchy foods. I haven't had a chip or anything dry and chrunchy like that since my mouth troubles began Nov. 15th - can you believe that? I wouldn't voluntarily go that long for anything under the sun believe me! WOW how I miss the taste of those salty snacks! Just can't tolerate them at all.

    Welcome Karen Leona's Friends, and Glad you found the thread !!!!! Please, keep coming back and don't forget to ask questions if you have any!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    @Damensha - it's very overwhelming trying to keep up with everyone at first, I'm pretty new as well and I still have trouble getting all the personals in! 9 miles is a lot, but it's been a gradual increase. Before I started distance walking back in 2011, I could walk for 45 minutes tops. Now I've done a full marathon, a half, numerous 10 k and 5 k races, not to mention all of the training walks, When we trained for the full marathon, we walked almost 300 miles over the span of 18 weeks. Makes 26.2 seems pretty short! :wink:

    that is amazing!!! before my surgery i could walk 10 km but find it so boring!! what do you do to keep motivated to keep going?
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Laurie- congrats on your triathalon!! so great to be increasing your distances.

    Tom- I am sure you will be able to stickw ith it if you just approach it like an appointment that has to do be completed each day. Start slow!

    Actually managed to stay mostly on track yesterday except for a couple rice crackers my daughter had out. And no binge eating last night!! finally...
    Out for a walk this morning after my blood work. Managed to get home before the rain started. Bonus
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi everyone! It's great reading about everyone plugging along! Welcome all the newbies... feel free to add in!
    Robin... glad you're back! Nice job on the discount. :smile:

    It's been a mixed weekend for me. Saturday was my day off and mainly spent it hanging with the kids and hubby. Mom came over in the evening for dinner. :) I got a headcold... so this was nice and quiet. Sunday (I hate daylight savings) morning, I was up getting ready for work and I suddenly felt ill. Stopped what I was doing to just breathe for a few seconds and then I was on the floor. I don't actually remember falling. Freaked my hubby out good and proper. I've got at pretty nasty foot long bruise down my back. I got a choice from the hubby... back into bed or a trip to emergency. :tongue: He called work for me to tell them I was sick. Like he didn't trust me to stay home.:blushing: I was dizzy off and on throughout the day but I feel better today. I'm thinking my sinus cold is messing up my equilibrium. However no Zumba class for me today, that bruise on my back is painful. I might do a low intensity routine on the Wii later just to get my steps up. And yes if it happens again I'm going to emerg., if I didn't my dh and mom would probably hogtie me and drag me there. lol! Still good to know there are people watching out for you. :smokin:
    I would do more personals but I'm sorry... my head still hurts. Later gator!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I had a pretty good weekend. I had planned to go running this am but woke up to snow. It has stopped and cleared up. Now I am debating if I should go or just do a workout at home. My only concern about going is my legs are still a bit achy from Saturday's run. I am afraid that I may be even more sore when I come home and won't be able to walk. So I am torn between waiting one more day or sucking it up and going out today.

    Shadow - I watch Walking Dead too. Skinnyjeanz does too.

    Oh Robin, LOL to the vacuuming. Isn't it a really good feeling when you put that much effort into cleaning house? I love sitting back and looking at how pretty everything looks.

    Damensha - I have the flex so the recall didn't effect me. I don't have any problems with mine. I wear it all the time.
    I have cats too. One of mine is named Harvest Moon but we call her Moo for short.

    Josie - Welcome!

    MOwMOw - I believe the recipe below is what I used this time around. I am not 100% sure about the recipe though because I had it saved on my laptop. Yesterday morning I had a mishap and spilled my coffee on my keyboard. I cannot get some of my keys to work and cannot enter the proper password to log on. Brian (who works in IT) tried to fix it but it looks like it's really bad. I can't remote into my laptop from my PC either because my laptop is technically "off" because I am not logged in. :sad:

    Instead of frying I scooped them on a baking sheet (using an ice cream scoop to make even tots) and baked at 350 until they looked done. 30-40 minutes maybe. I used swiss cheese in place of mozzarella because that's what I had in the fridge.

    Rain - Any advice on what I should do? Should I keep repeating day 1 until I cam able to make it through the entire walk run sequences before moving on to day 2. Or should I keep doing day 1,2,3 then repeat the entire week? I was thinking that I would go with the first option and master one day before moving on to the next. Never mind. I was just playing with the app and realized it is the same workout each day during week 1. I don't know why I thought it was different. LOL :blushing:

    Laurie - I am glad you did great with the Triathlon. Also really glad to hear you had a great time at the wedding and looked fabulous in your new dress! Wahoo all around for a super weekend. :drinker:

    Dani - Welcome!

    NewMeadow - Welcome!

    Kah - Isn't it funny how tuned in kitties are? Mine always begin acting very clingy too right before a change is about to take place. Thanks for the advice on running!

    MNWalking - Glad to hear the mammogram came back good. What do you have to do for the full cancer screen?

    Jnettie: Per my mom they put some sort of dye in your body do a cat scan to see if they see cancer anywhere in the body. Your suppose to get checked 10yrs prior to the person your related to was diagnosed. My mom got stomach cancer at 50 so I am a year late.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @p1xyn1xy- I hope you're feeling better. That sounds scary!!!

    @Robin- yay for price matching! I'm also looking into purchasing a tablet soon. :)

    @mowmow- I also have a really hard time staying under on sodium and sugar. :(

    @Nettie- LOVE the new picture!!! :) I also watch the Walking Dead :)

    @newmeadow- Welcome! I had 155 to lose when I started, and now I've only got another 65 to go! The light at the end of the tunnel is there :)

    @dani- welcome :)

    @Laurie- Way to go on looking amazing at the wedding :) That's always a great feeling!


    I logged at 216, but this morning I was 215.4, so I'm hoping to be at 214 by this time next week :) I'm really excited, and I can feel it for getting closer to losing the 100. I'm the lightest I've ever been in my adult life, and it feels amazing. I've had multiple people tell me I'm an inspiration, which is really bizarre to me. I haven't done anything they couldn't do. It's all possible with determination! :)

    I'm also very excited because the BF weighs about 190, so I'm looking forward to weighing less than he does. He's a scrawny little twig of a thing. :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    It was a good weekend for me, all around. I packed just enough snacks to make it the 2 days while I stayed at my BF's place. We went out to eat for main meals... I ended up eating a whopper and half fries (more about the fries later), a spicy bean pita, bagel and cream cheese, chocolate dip donut and chili over 2 days. I have to say for eating out all weekend, and making sure I added in healthy snacks, the only thing I went over on was my sodium... big surprise there LOL. We also did some hiking/geocaching on both Saturday and Sunday, and though I told myself I wouldn't weigh until Monday morning, I pulled out his scale and hopped on it Sunday morning. I was down over a pound! I did notice that when I was eating my veggies and hummus for snack Sat night while we were watching a movie, he opted for banana pudding instead of his usual bag of chips. I'm pretty sure he would have preferred the chips to the pudding, I think he did that as to not eat them in front of me.

    OK, back to the fries... As long as I can remember, I've never left a morsel of food on my dinner plate, ever. I made a realization just last year, that my mom always made us eat everything on our plates. If it was something we didn't like, we sat until bedtime at the kitchen table if the food was still there. I know my mother was just trying to get us to eat properly, or enough, or teach us not to waste, but it definitely stayed with me all these years. Even at restaurants, I eat beyond stuffed because I payed for that food and I had to finish it. If it was free food, I felt I had to eat all I could to get the biggest bargain I could. I've been a bit more conscious of this lately, and when we were at Burger King on Saturday and I had finished my whopper, I was full. (Another feeling I have only lately been conscious of) So there sat half my fries, and my automatic tendencies were to eat the rest until the container was empty. Only this time, I realized I was full, and that I should leave the rest. First I closed the box, then a few minutes later I got the urge to dig in again. This time I moved the box across the table out of my reach, and finally a few minutes later I dumped the ice from my empty cup onto the fries. NOW I can't eat them! And it was the weirdest thing, I STILL wanted to open that box and eat them!!! After a few minutes the feeling finally passed. That may all sound weird to you, but I am finally conscious of this "habit" and am excited that this whole process may be easier if I can break it.

    @Laurie, congrats on your triathalon. I've been a fairly active and sporty adult, and I couldn't dream of taking on something like that!

    @Nettie... good for you for starting the running program. I can't even run for 30 seconds without feeling like passing out, yet I'm just a bit curious to give it a try (some day). My sister took up running last year, and she's lost a ton of weight and managed to keep her type 1 diabetes under great control.

    @Tom... good for you for trying to begin some exercises. They will get easier the longer you stick with it.

    Welcome to all the other newbies.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Tanya- Sounds like you had a great weekend! Identifying when you're full is a huge step. Good for you!

    @p1xy- Take care of yourself and I hope your sinuses clear up and everything is fine.

    @karenleona- Congrats on keeping your evening eating under control last night!

    @Robin- Silver lining to your mouth/tongue troubles: avoiding salty/crunchy snacks? At least there is something good coming out of your pain and discomfort. Way to find a discount on your new notebook, too! That's the kind of thing my husband is good at. If it weren't for him, I'd be paying way too much for electronics.

    @mowmow- Hope your week goes better than your weekend. At least you were under your doctor's sodium level.

    @Tom- Have you ever discussed an alternative to your statin with your doctor? My husband had achy leg muscles with the one he was on, and the doctor found something else he could take instead. My husband is only prediabetic though, maybe that makes a difference.
    Good luck with your new exercise plan! We'll be watching!

    @Holly- Hope your cancer screening comes back clean.

    @kah- Is your profile pic one of Zoe in your suitcase? My cats do that when we're packing. I'm not sure if they're trying to tell us not to leave because they'll miss us, or if they just think we've arranged a new bed for them! LOL

    @jtconst- Your waterfront adventures sound like fun. I love ferris wheels!

    @newmeadow- Keep checking in here. I'm relatively new to this thread and I've found the people here very motivating and encouraging!

    @Dani- Welcome! Great job with your losses so far!

    @Skinny- Good job being Irish without going too crazy on your calorie goal!

    @Laurie- Sounds like a very successful weekend! Great job on your tri! And how fun to see friends after such a transformation.

    @Rain- I hear you on the whole putting your own needs closer to the top of the to-do list! I usually go with the crowd, don't want to make trouble for others, etc. It's hard to have to disappoint people, but you have to think of your health and well-being, too.

    @JosieMomGramm- Welcome!

    @Jenn- I love your cats names! Cute!

    @Nettie- So proud of you for getting out there and running WITH your husband. I bet you guys look cute together, even if he has to take baby steps. Judging from your new profile pic, I'd say you DID decide to get out for another run?

    AFM- I worked the weekend, and it's Monday. BUT, the sun is shining today and it was 50 degrees outside during my lunch hour. Spring is coming! Woo hoo!
    Now I face a work out buddy canceled on me. So, I have I go to the gym as planned? Go home and go for a run in the beautiful weather and forgo my weight training? Or get out my bike for the first time since last fall? Ahh! Decisions!
    Last night I got 8 hours of sleep for the first time in a while. I've been working on increasing my sleep for a couple weeks now.

    2/4 weeks- Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share recipe.
    8/31- Eat 3-5 servings of veggies per day.
    1/31- Get 8 hrs of sleep each night.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    RobinEgg - Sorry you are still struggling my prays are with you, keep on keeping on.
    Glad to hear of the new people joining in and seeing the regulars making progress. I like reading the stories and trials. We all have up and downs and this is a great place to exam them and let them out in a safe environment.
    last week I did good on my goals I was under for 4 days Saturday was a huge blow out but the other days kept me in line. I was able to walk 5 days, I have been really working on that. Water I am still working on.

    A: Under for Calories 4/7 days a week
    B: Walk 3/7 days a week
    C: 8 cups of water a day 3/7

    Mon: off the wagon
    Tue: off the wagon
    Wed: A B
    Thur: A B C!
    Fri: A B C
    Sat: B
    Sun: A B
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @karenleona - regarding motivation - I've done all of my major races with at least one best friend by my side. The full marathon and the half marathon last October were both done with my two best friends. We keep each other on track and chat along the way which makes the time go faster. This time around, I'm training with one of my best friends again. It's harder to bail when you've got someone beside you who's walking the same distance. So there's that, and sheer determination. Heart disease runs fast and hard in my family. My dad died of heart issues at 60, my aunt and uncle both had heart attacks in their early 40's, and at 36 I have chronic high bloodpressure and problems with arrhythmia. I would like very much to be around to see my boys graduate from high school, get married, etc, so after my dad passed away, I decided it was time to get serious about my health. And here I am, a lot of miles later. :wink:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- Is that a new picture? I like the picture.

    Littleshadow- It is wonderful that you have a couple of best friends who walk and train with you for the half marathon.

    Kelley- Enjoy the cruise.

    Karen- Glad you had fun at the festival. All the festivals you attend sound like fun.

    Today was an easy workout with my trainer it was a total stretch workout. Meaning we stretched all the muscles in my body from the neck to the foot so now I am relaxed. However, my feet still hurt from dancing and the shoes but that should go away soon. It was a good day overall and surprisingly not super hungry but I did snack more than necessary today. I think I wanted something in my mouth. I am doing my best not to snack tonight since it is getting late.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @heidi--I think it's great that you're taking your health into your own hands!

    @ushkii--even with a couple of days off the wagon, you still made almost all of your weekly goals! Water tag!!! :drinker: :drinker: You're it! So go drink some water! :wink:

    @hansea--we hit 50 here in chicago as well--so nice to get a taste of Spring!! :smile:

    @tanya--that's a great breakthrough! I was just mentioning to someone else on here that I also struggled with throwing away food. It's amazing how certain habits become so ingrained from our upbringings.

    @aimee--congrats on getting to your lightest adult weight--you'll be in Onederland in no time! :drinker:

    @p1xy--oh my--that's scary! Hope you are feeling better soon! :flowerforyou:

    @karenleona--great job staying on track!

    @robin--awesome that you got the $100 discount--it sure pays to price-compare! :drinker:

    @kris--sorry you had a bad weekend food-wise. :ohwell: Potlucks (or gatherings with food in general) are really tough.

    @tom--I do not like Jameson or Guiness. I did have a couple of pints of Harp and a Baby Guiness shot (Patron XO and Bailey's)--does that count? :laugh:

    @nettie--so did you run after all? Oh, and I think you absolutely should adopt a dog to run with you. If brian gives you that look again just tell him "but karen said so..." :laugh: Seriously though, another good argument is that it's a lot safer to run with a dog. I live in a really safe area, but I still feel safer when I take gunner with me. Congrats on the starting c25k!! One of my new pair of runners are also saucony powergrid hurricane 15s--we're show twins. :wink:

    @holly--glad you test results came back all clear. :flowerforyou:


    @kelley--love the new pic of zoe! Gunner figures out something is up the minute the bags come out. I can't believe your cruise is this week!! You must be so excited!! :bigsmile:

    @laurie--awesome job on your tri!! :drinker:

    Welcome to all of the newlings!!! :flowerforyou:

    Recipe share:
    I made butternut squash soup the other day and it turned out really yummy. Here is the recipe:

    3 packages of Archer Farms (Target) frozen butternut squash
    4 cups of low-sodium chicken broth
    1 medium yellow onion
    3 mini red peppers (I'm sure you could use one large red pepper, but I had these in the fridge)
    1 cup heavy whipping cream

    1. saute chopped onion and pepper until soft
    2. add chicken broth and steamed squash
    3. simmer until heated through
    4. put through blender or food processor until smooth
    5. pour back into pot and add cream and heat through

    I tried it without the cream and it wasn't great; however, I don't think the full cup was necessary. Next time I will try it with just a half cup--I think it will be just as good. I also used the low-sodium broth b/c it's what I had in the cabinet, but I ended up needing to add a little salt to the finished product

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 8/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 10/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Thurs--rest day (late meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    If this picture works, it will be the newest picture of me at my friend's wedding. This was the pink dress I brought.

  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello! Not much to report. There was my favorite cold stone ice cream in the dining hall so I decided to splurge and go 100 cals into my exercise cals for this evening, but I haven't gone to Zumba yet so it's my first time seeing red! Don't like it at all, so that's extra motivation for my workout tonight. Weighed myself unofficially and I'm down 3 from the last time I weighed in! So that's nice to know. Really trying to kick it up with exercise now.

    @Nettie: Great for you! I didn't repeat any weeks until the last one, but I had a deadline to stick to. I really pushed myself to run for as long as I could on my program (which was not the traditional C25k, and featured "free runs" where you could walk as much as you felt you needed to). It was REALLY frustrating and difficult at first but around week 5 or 6 all of the pushing myself paid off. and I started to actually have fun and be able to run for much longer than I thought I could. You'll get there!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The weather today was a mixed bag. It was raining too hard this morning for me to walk gs to school. It cleared up enough for me to walk him home. We tried to walk after dinner, but it started to blow and rain so we had to cut the walk short. It is supposed to be nice for the rest of the week. I can hardly wait to see the sixties by the weekend.
    I made sweet acorn squash and apple soup for dinner along with honey oatmeal bread. The recipe is from If you type the name of the recipe into the search it is the first one that comes up. I thought that it was really good. It doesn't have any protein though, and it didn't stay with me very long. I'm still under calories so I think I will find something else.
    Have great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - what a pretty picture - I love that color on you - I should be calling you skiinny now

    Serenity - what a revealing story in your memory about your mom making you wait until you'd finished eating dinner - we had that kind of pressure but not quite as severe at home too - I'm very happy you shared your story with us as I'm sure it resonated with a lot of us.

    Ushkii - I am very impressed with your consistency and thats whats going to pay off for you in the end. The more effort you put into this the better and more frequent successful days you will have - so just remember that one word : Consistency. Make it your own.

    Sorry, I am running on fumes tonight. All the exercise I got running thru stores yesterday left me with an aching leg today and I could only find one comfortable position today and was back taking pain pills. Rats. :grumble:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good Morning all! Not much to report here other than the high today is expected to be 77. I plan to work outside on the patio for as much of the day as possible since by Thursday it'll be raining with a high in the 40s.

    As of this morning, I've lost 96 lbs. I was hoping to reach 100 lost by Friday (which marks 9 months since I started), but barring a stomach flu, I'm not going to get there. And I'm OK with that. Yes, I would have loved to have been able to say I lost 100 lbs in 9 months, but 96 is not too shabby. I'm still coming to grips with the fact that losing the rest of the weight (54 lbs) is going to be a fight for every pound. I knew it would happen, but was hoping it would be later rather than sooner. I guess I was lucky that the first 90 came off easily and consistently. I need to stop focusing on specific dates to attain a weight and start to just focus on the next goal number. In other words, I need to be more patient!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day