Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~Hooray for price matching!

    @Hansea~Yes, that is my cat Zoe – she is just plain silly!

    @aimeemarie~You are SO close to that 100 goal!

    @L2T~You’re close also, I think 96# in 9 months is amazing!

    @Ushkii~You are being really consistent, great job!

    @Tanya~Great job recognizing you were full and didn’t finish the fries over the weekend. My mom never made us finish our meals, but I can remember her taking drinks away from me because I would just drink the milk or apple juice she gave me instead of eating dinner. You were really active all weekend, so even though you splurged a bit on meals I don’t think it was detrimental – one of the reasons I’m not too worried about cruise food for the next two weeks. I normally head to the promenade deck and walk the track for an hour every day after breakfast, so plan on continuing that trend this cruise.

    @Laurie~:love: the dress, you looked fab!

    @Karen~Soup recipe looks really good, thanks for sharing. Yes, definitely excited!!! :laugh:

    @P1xyn1xy~How scary, glad your DH insisted you stay home. Hope you are feeling better soon!

    @Nettie~That is one thing that annoys me about the recipe builder too, anytime I want to modify a recipe I have to delete the ingredient and re-add. Like the new pic!

    AFM~Played racquetball with my trainer yesterday, the energy level for both of us was down – probably a result of DST – so we didn’t play as well as usual. No new goals really except to stick to my plan of daily walks after breakfast while on the cruise, I did this on my last cruise and only gained a couple of pounds - I tend to choose the healthier food options but do indulge here and there. I mean who can watch movies under the stars without a martini and popcorn?! :laugh:

    March Challenge:

    1. 7/18 days 16 glasses of water or more
    2. 0/4 weeks of a new recipe (have one to share, need to make some time)
    3. 7/18 days at least 5 veggies and 2 fruit daily

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~None (working late)
    Wednesday~Session with Trainer
    Thursday~Cardio? (May have to work late)
    Friday~None (pedicure and pack!)
    Saturday~None (embark Ship!!!)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Tuesday.

    Yesterday I ended up going to the park before work and did Day 2 of C25K. When I first got there the trails were empty but there were a few cars in the parking lot. I am guessing they were having some type of class in the community center. About 15 minutes into my session I noticed a few other people joining me on the trails. It was cold, windy and a bit rainy (mostly a fine mist). I had a difficult time doing the running portion for the entire duration the app told me to. I ran (more like a slow jog) as long as I could then brought it down to a fast walk. I then started giving myself little challenges such as "this time I am going to run to the (various marks - soccer post, flag, garbage tree, bench)' Once I got to that point I started walking and counting in my head until I heard the signal to walk. By the end of the workout I noticed I was able to run a bit longer. My very last running spurt I stopped 5 seconds before it was time to walk. I was proud of myself. My new profile picture is of me from yesterday right when I finished my session.

    I have a question for all you C25Kers with iPhones. Do any of you sync your C25K workout to MFP? If so, have any of you experienced a problem with it? When I sync with MFP it syncs but then my iPhone shuts off and I cannot turn it back on unless I plug it in. This has happened twice to me. The first time my battery was actually really low. It happened again yesterday. I had almost a full battery when I began my workout so I was puzzled that it ran through my battery so quickly. When I got into my car and plugged it in I discovered I had a little more than 50% battery left. Very strange. I am wondering if it is a glitch with the app. I looked on the app store yesterday to see if anyone else reported this problem when syncing. I noticed two people posted recently they have difficulties syncing to MFP but it sounded like they could not get it to sync at all. I don't have that problem, it just kills my phone after it syncs. Any suggestions? :huh:

    Goals for this week - Get my last C25K session in. Tomorrow and Thursday they are predicting rain and snow so I have to see how the weather goes. Ideally I would like to get it in this week one of those days but I may have to wait until Friday. My off days I will be doing Gilad routines from his Quick Fit System (same routines I have been working on). I think next week I would like to try incorporating some of his other routines in. I don't want to make too many new changes at once as I am still feeling the C25K changes in my legs. I am afraid if my entire body is tender I will not want to do this anymore. :wink: My legs do feel so much better today than they did after my initial session on Saturday, so that is a good sign!

    Tom - Sounds like a good workout. I hope you stick with it. I know you can do it!

    MOwMOw- You are most welcome. Just make sure you get as much excess moisture out of the zucchini as possible. I ended up grating it into a colander and putting a bowl on top of the zucchini to help squeeze it down and left it in the sink for an hour. Then I put it in a dish cloth and squeezed away. They were so much easier to handle with less moisture and cooked better.

    Robin - Congrats on getting some money off on your laptop. I love when things like that happen!

    p1xyn1xy - I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and bruised up. How scary that must have been for you all. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    MNwalking - I find that very interesting. I didn't know they did such a thing. How do you go about getting screened? Is it something your regular doctor refers you for? I ask because my mom was diagnosed years ago with lung cancer. I think it would be a good idea to have a screening done for myself.

    aimeemarie - You ARE an inspiration!!! :flowerforyou:

    Tanya - Your fries story reminded me of something I saw on the Kardashians. Yes, I watch that show. It's my guilty pleasure. Anyhow Khloe did the same thing dumping her ice on her fries so she would stop eating them. She then joked about still eating them and asked if it would be gross if she did. Good for you for being conscious of what was about to occur and seizing control over it. I am proud of you!

    Hansea - Yes. I did get out there and this time had the courage to go by myself. It was a great feeling. :smile: Tough call on what to do. I am curious to see what your decision was.

    Laurie - thanks. Your stretching session sounds heavenly! I love the picture of you and your friend at her wedding. You look amazing! Look at your collar bones!!! I cannot wait to be where you are.

    Skinny - That's funny. I tried making the point that it would actually be safer for me to run with a dog. He wasn't buying it. He told me to strap a harness on my cats and take them with me. LOL I will definitely tell him you said it's ok. What color did you get your runners in? Mine are teal and pink. It was between those or the Saucony Guide 5s. They both were very comfortable. The Guide 5s are an older model and he was going to give them to me for a cheaper price just to help move them out of the store. But there was something I just liked a bit better about the Hurricanes.
    Thanks for sharing your butternut squash soup recipe. I have never tried putting peppers in mine. Great idea!

    Rain- In a way I am glad I don't have a deadline to stick to. This certainly allows me for a bit more flexibility with repeating the weeks. Right now I am having a difficult time getting through the entire 60 seconds of jogging. Who knows, maybe day 3 will bring something different for me but as of right now I don't feel anywhere close to moving on to the next level. I'll get there one day though! I was chatting with my cousin the other day and found out she recently got back into running too. She would like to do a 5k as well. We agreed when we both are ready that we would do one together. That gives me more of a goal to work for.

    Kaye - Thanks for sharing the link to that recipe. It sounds delicious.

    Lives - Congrats on the 96 lost. That is fantastic! You have come such a long way in a short amount of time. You should be really proud of yourself. I hope you get that patience you are looking for.

    Kah - I just don't know why they don't fix that already. I know a few other MFP users have complaints about that as well.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.:flowerforyou:

    Hansea47- I have talked to the doctor and switched from Lipitor to Pravastatin (sp?). I guess I should try to change again.

    Karen- I had to look up what a baby Guinness was. It does look like a little Guinness.:laugh: I cannot drink tequila. Back in the olden days I drank way too many TNTs (Tecate and tequila) one Cinco de Mayo. For 50 cents you got a shot of tequila and a Tecate beer.

    Jnettie- Sounds like some good work on the C25K keep it up!

    I am pretty sore even from the light weight lifting. I got sweaty from it so I was exerting some energy. I was too lazy to do the cardio but I did get 7,218 steps for 2.69 miles. Tonight I’ll try to do the cardio with the flexibility since the flexibility should be easy.

    “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lives2T - you've done a stupendous job getting your 96 - count 'em - o=96 pounds off, so start celebrating anyway - WOOT GIRLFRIEND!!! :love: :heart: :drinker: There should be a balloons smiley! Oh it will soon come, your P Goal of 100 lbs and on that day you can certainly celebrate more! Just enjoy the moment now!

    Kah - you have a great plan for weight control on your cruise and I am so excited for you! :flowerforyou: You go have a martini or three And have a ton of fun!

    JNettie - Love the new picture - it so embraces the new, running you! You really impress me how you've changed from a Gilad girl in the house to a runner on the streets! That is one powerful transformation. Just look at yourself! I don't care how many miles you can't run yet, you've run 100 miles in my eyes in fabulousness!

    AFM - I was up from 3-6 with pain, but now feel much better. I think I'm going back to the dentist to have my tooth shaved down further - it still is drilling into my tongue and causing great pain. He did a good job the first time but it was on an emergency basis and he just kind of winged it not knowing for sure the depth or anything. Now we know its not been done enough because its still a big aggravation.
    I still have to have something in my mouth (preferrably ice-cold) all the time. Ice cream is the perfect remedy. Baileys and milk comes in second, but haven't had that in a month. Had way to much ice cream - way way too much. Perhaps I can leave that habit at the dentists this week.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    littleshadow - Your boys are a great motivator; I know mine are for me, good luck.
    skinny - Ok drinking the H2O, tag, this wagon needs seatbelts!
    RobinsEgg - Thanks for the encouragement, I am still in line with my 1.5 lbs. a week after this week’s weigh in. even with a day a week that i have fallen off the wagon. You are right about consistency i need to work on that, Keeping up with my goals will work toward that. Good luck on getting rid of the ice cream, maybe frozen yogurt?
    L2T - Congrats on 96 #s! that is so great to hear. You will have to let us know what things you did or had to give up along the way.
    JNettie - Great job on the C25K. Planted seeds last night; sweet 100s, Beefsteak, and roma tomatoes along with cumberers, Jalapenos, zucchini and snap peas. I am also going to try some cilantro in a pot.

    AFM: We have a little light snow today that is just making the roads wet, it is supposed to go away later. It is good for our water and grass, I live out west. I do great on days that I have oatmeal for breakfast. If i do a light lunch then i have lots of room for a good dinner, which i really like. If i am busy during the day my hunger does not brother me much. It is just getting in the water that is a problem. I set my weight loss to be 1.5 lbs a week and last week was up but this week was right on line. So I will try to keep under calories and hope this trend continues.

    A: Under for Calories 4/7 days a week
    B: Walk 3/7 days a week
    C: 8 cups of water a day 3/7

    Mon: A C
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Good Morning Y'all! I hope everyone's night was restful. I know I said this before, but I'm SO Glad that I found all of you and this thread! Reading all of your accomplishments, frustrations and goals gives me such inspiration! Y'all make me realize that I'm not in this alone, and that I will reach my goals with hard work, dedication and lots of friends by my side!

    Josiemomgram - Welcome! I'm not much of a bowler but I bet you can certainly burn off some calories that way. The last time Hubby took me bowling I actually did drop my too heavy ball on my backswing and it went to visit the folks in the next lane over. :embarassed:

    LittleShadowFeet - You're Still my Hero! I get tired and want to quit after walking for 1/2 an hour, but I'm working on it!

    LaurieK - My friends had a movie themed wedding and it was tons of fun too. BTW... you Rocked the sleeveless dress! The color was beautiful on you!

    Daw0518 & Newmeadow - Welcome! I'm a newbie here too and these folks are Awesome! Settle in and enjoy the chat!

    Kah68 - I have wanted to go on a cruise for forever. I hope your's is Fabulous!

    Mnwalkingqueen - (love the name!) Getting mammograms can be scary especially the first one. I'm so glad that your's came back good! Here's hoping that your other screens come back just as nice!

    JNettie - Thanks for the flex info! I'm really wanting one of the bands since I don't trust my pedometer, and my phone can't pick up stuff I do when I don't/cant have it with me. Oh, and ya gotta love the kitties!

    Morgori - Sounds like you have a great plan in place! Good luck with the workouts, and BTW, I LOVE the quotes! thanks for the inspiration!

    RobinsEgg - I love discounts, it's like a mini unexpected Christmas gift! Ooohhhh... Michaels... that and Hobby Lobby are almost as much a weakness for me as food is! Those Painful nights Suck! I'm glad that you are feeling some better this morning!

    p1xn1xy - Goodness! It sounds like you had a pretty nasty fall when you passed out. Feel better soon!

    Aimmemarie - You Can Do It! I totally understand about wanting to be smaller than your BF. I've been bigger than my hubby ever since we met. I don't know if I'll ever match or pass his weight as he's trying to lose some too, but I have dreams about it! LOL! Please tell me what it's like when you get there!

    Tanya - Good for you with the fries! Makes me want to throw some food away just to see if I can do it! I was also a "clean plate kid" and brought it into my adulthood which, of course led to over eating, which led to me being where I am today.

    Ushkii - Great work on your goals!

    SkinnyJeanz - Your soup sounds Yummy! I have a good recipe for Curried Pumpkin Soup that sounds a lot like this. It's warming up here and instead of looking forward to fresh tomatoes and watermelon I am now craving Butternut Squash soup and Zucchini tots. :huh:

    Rainandwood - three lb is a great loss even if it is "unofficial", and you are rocking the running too! Woot!

    GrandmaKaye - And now I'm also craving Sweet Acorn Squash & Apple soup too. It sounds yummy too!

    Lives2Travel - 96 pounds is Awesome!! You are soo stinking close to that 100 I bet you can smell it!

    AFM - I've been working the past couple of nights with one more to go then it's Off for my 8 day stretch... I am SO Ready for it too! I"ve not had any more major foibles with the diet since the night of the "Fresh, Hot, Small Squares" on Friday which makes me happy. I do need to work on remembering to do my BS both times everyday though. I've got a MD"s appt. for in the morning after work and I just know that she's going to give me That Look over the skips in my log tomorrow, but I am actually looking forward to the visit. It's been three months since I've been to see her. I've lost 25 pounds since then and am hoping for better lab results than the last set. I just hope that my booty isn't dragging after work and I can look as good as I've been feeling these days. Wish me luck!

    Have a Terrific Tuesday!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:
    March Goals:
    4/31 - days 10 glasses of water or more
    0/4 - weeks of a new recipe
    8/31 - Either a salad or at least 3 veggies/day or both
    Exercise Goals:
    3/12 - Walk 3 days/week
    4/8 - Home workout x30 min. 2 days/week
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - OK, now I'm really jealous. A 2 week cruise and martinis?!? I LOVE martinis (the dirtier the better). Hope you have a fabulous trip!

    @jnettie - I hope I get some patience too. I do think I'm doing better in that arena than in the past, but I still have a ways to go.

    @robin - thanks for the kind words. It will be a huge triumph whenever I get there. Hope the dentist can alleviate your pain. Although the ice cream does sound yummy......

    @ushkii - Hmmm.... I've really only done one thing. Stayed within my calorie goal most of the time. Like maybe 95+% of the time. I did a bit of exercise (walking) along the way, but truthfully not that much. This year I am focusing more on exercise, but not forgetting that moderation and calorie counting are still the most important thing. That and not quitting. Ever.

    @damensha - I am close and perhaps that's why I'm impatient. I mean really, why can't weight come off as easily as it goes on? Not fair. Hope your doctor's appt goes well.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone!
    My daughter knocked our laptop onto the floor last night and broke the power adapter. My husband (gadget-obssessed) is freaking out. He is working on replacing it ASAP, but in the mean time, I'm only able to access MFP on my phone at home as we're trying to reserve the laptop battery power for his project that he's working on. So, I'll only be able to get onto the thread if I have down time at work.

    My goal this week is to keep my sleep streak going...2 nights in a row! Woo hoo!

    My final decision last night was to try and get the best of both worlds...I took out my bike and rode it to the gym! I got about 20 minutes of cardio on my bike while enjoying the beautiful weather, AND I got my weight lifting done. And it was light out the whole time. Thanks, Daylight Savings for making the evenings sunnier!

    I have some baking to do this week. Going to make a pretty cake and some fun cookies for our church bake sale. Hoping to keep my BLT's to a minimum!

    I stand on my scale each morning to keep myself in check. Well, this morning, I saw a strange thing. It thinks I lost another 4 lbs?? We'll see....I have a feeling it will go back up a bit by Saturday (official weigh in). If it sticks, I will be kissing the 260's goodbye! I will be back where I was last July before I took my promotion at work and stress-ate my way back up about 25 lbs.

    2/4 weeks- Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share recipe.
    9/31- Eat 3-5 servings of veggies per day.
    2/31- Get 8 hrs of sleep each night.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. The activity here this morning is inspiring.
    L2T. I think you have done amazing and I agree that the biggest secret is consistency. It took me a year to lose 80#. At the rate I am going it will be long time before I reach my goal, but purposely slowed down so I wouldn't get burned out before I got there.
    Ushkii. You can do this. Just be consistent and don't be too willing to make excuses. Just dust yourself off and climb back on. I wish there was a seat belt. I like that idea. Just think about being healthier and looking better when your boys get home. They will be so proud of you.
    Laurie. Your dress is such a pretty color. I love having something I feel great in. I hope you will find other occasions to enjoy it.
    Kah. Enjoy your vacation. I know you have been planning it for a long time.

    AFM: I lost 0.5 today. I'll take it. Every little bit counts. It all adds up. I'm making Japanese curry for dinner. It isn't bad for calories, but is sure off the charts for salt.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Wow it is almost overwhelming that there are so many of you in this group. It is so inspiring & encouraging to read all your comments & postings. Love to hear of more recipes that are easy & low cal. I was so disappointed to go to our small town gym & find that my card lock, card would not work to let me in & there was no one in the office (suppose to be) & no one else exercising at 11:30am. I could not fit in any other time that day as I was very busy with some extensive studies all day & evening. I did go back to see if there was something wrong & my card did work later that night. I went on line to their website & others have complained on other dates of this happening to them. It just sucks as one gym closed down & this one did not open up for almost a year later, the only one in town. And like I said there is no rec center or indoor pool either. It sucks living in a small town!!! Anyway I am going to try again today to get some exercise in at the gym, before my chiropractic appointment. My back has really been giving me pain since last wed. My goals for the rest of the week is to drink more water, although I already drink lots; keep my calories down especially during the night,( I have a struggle with night time snacks, although they are healthy but still add up calorie wise) try to get more active each day dispite my pain, & lose 6-10lbs by the time we leave for our holidays April 6th. to Hawaii.
    Thanks to you all for you warm welcomes & your encouraging words!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Tuesday Goals: My son is home for Spring Break and as promised, we hit the gym yesterday! He worked me out pretty good and I had no idea just how weak I am!! I am a little sore today, but will still go back tonight and do lower body (we did upper body yesterday). I struggled, a LOT. I really need to take baby steps because I have never done weight training in my life! Low weights and low reps to get me started with a good foundation, that’s my goal.

    I am playing “catch up” again!

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    @littleshadow – congrats on hitting 25 lbs lost!!

    @L2T – welcome back! Your trip sounded terrific! And of course, who could resist a frozen margarita while enjoying that vista! Where in south Florida are you from? Although I was born and mostly raised in Pittsburgh, PA I have lived in Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach for last 35 years.

    @Susan – thanks for the Birthday wishes! I hope you are enjoying your parents’ visit! I am sure they are enjoying Cyrus’ baseball games!

    @hansea – thank you also for the Birthday wishes! I am glad it only comes once a year, heck I’d be happy if it skipped a year here or there too! My weigh in day did go well! I was down .5 which having the week that I did, I’LL TAKE IT!! Congrats on YOUR weigh in on Saturday and also for NOT eating the chips!! Kudos to you for being so active in your church and community!

    @Karen – and thank you for the Birthday wishes too! I hope your Irish Fest was a success for you! And btw, the Snakebite sounds intriguing!

    @Kaye – Congrats on your size 12s!!! That is my first BIG goal, size 12! That’s where I was about 7 years ago when I lost 70 lbs. Glad to hear you had a good time with your daughter and her family.

    @MowMow – congrats on finding your ankles!! Mine have been MIA for about a week or so. I am hoping they reappear this week! LOL

    @Tanya – What HIIT DVD did you get? I am thinking about doing something more than the HIIT that Leslie does in her Walking with the HITS DVD. I can SO relate to the “clean your plate” childhood stigma. Children were starving in Africa, afterall!

    @Robin – WELCOME BACK!!! When reading your post from Sunday, I could almost hear your carpet breathe, “ahhh”. LOL

    @Laurie – Congrats on your triathlon! I am looking forward to my Color Run in May; I can’t even imagine a triathlon right now! LOL Isn’t it terrific to hear such great feedback from people that you hadn’t seen since before your lifestyle change? Great stuff right there!

    @Nettie – Your day at the park sounded like a huge success for both you and Brian! Congrats and keep it up! You are going to leave me in the dust on Fitbit! LOL I could not agree with you more on the “edit” option here on MFP. Not just in the recipe builder, but other areas too. In some ways the App is more user friendly than the website.

    @p1xy – Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I had a similar episode last summer. Only I was laughing! I laughed so hard that I passed out for a fraction of a second. I mean, it was so fast that when I came to, I was still laughing. After my daughter helped me off the floor, I had a doozey of a bruise on my arm and I actually ripped oven door right off the hinges. It can be very frightening.

    @aimee – you are inching closer and closer to ONEderland! Keep it going!

    I always miss Sunday Share, so I will do it today:
    My name is Robin and I am from Pittsburgh, PA but was transplanted in south Florida as a teenager. I am a 48 year old single mother of two, they are 22 and 20 years old. Both are in college. My son, the oldest, is an athlete at an out-of-state school and my daughter is going to school locally. My daughter is on this journey with me, but isn’t partaking in the forums and what they have to offer. Her loss!
    About 7 years ago, I lost 70 pounds. While playing coed softball, I broke my tibia plateau and well, being laid up for 9 weeks put me in a tailspin into my old eating habits and there I was back in January 2014 having gained those 70 pounds plus 10 more! The injury resulted in some permanent issues that make fitness a bit of a challenge, but I am determined!!

    Until next time; wishing you peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :laugh:
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Wednesday wish - there's so many of them!

    1. I wish there were more hours in the day
    2. I wish I had the energy to use the hours that i'd like added to the day
    3. I wish Australia did not have so many dead spots in internet/mobile phone coverage! That's because I lost my streak because we went camping on the weekend. We were only 50km from the nearest regional city too.

    Sorry guys, I've been 'lurking' - watching, reading, but not posting. I never feel I have enough time to do it justice. You are all amazing people, being so generous with your kindness & praise to everyone on here. It's a privilege just knowing you.

    Keep on keeping on,

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My age is showing again. It was the kids in Korea that were starving when I was cleaning my plate for them. Wish they had the food.
    Drop by as often as you can, Naomi.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    I did get to the gym after I seen the chiropractor. He was able to give me a good ajustment in the areas that were giving me pain, my upper back & sciatica, so I decided to try the gym. It felt good, so I am now putting ice on those areas so they don't start giving me pain.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I ordered 4 Gillian Michaels DVD's on the weekend, they were cheap enough to see what the fuss is all about. I went to physio after work today and did 20 min on the bike and 30 min of upper body weights. My trainer is upping my weight almost every week, I just wish it would make my arm flab disappear faster! So I got home and my DVD's had arrived. I tried the 30 day shred, level 1. It wasn't too bad, I never do well with body weight cardio (jumping jacks, etc) so that kicked my butt, but the strength and ab portions I got through pretty nicely. Another few workouts and hopefully I won't need to do any modified versions. (except pushups, I still can't do real ones). Needless to say, my arms are going to be extra sore the day after next (I always get DOMS), just in time for another workout at physio. It will surely be a lower body session!

    @RobinB... the HIIT video I have is "10 minute solution" High Intensity Interval Training. It has 5 different 10 minute workouts, for different body groups. I picked it up at Best Buy.

    Sorry I forget who has lost 96 lbs in 9 months, (I have to start making notes) but congrats!! That is a fantastic accomplishment! I've lost the same 15, 20, 25 lbs over and over again. I'd like to say I've lost a bigger number one day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys!

    Tired and fighting a headache for 2 days. Yesterday I thought it was just a "present" from my day of fun on Sunday (even though I didn't drink that much). But it's stuck around for a second day--not quite a migraine so not sure why it won't go away. :grumble:

    Carching up on some shows on the DVR, but I will try to get back on later to do personals.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    L2T- Great job on losing 96 pounds in 9 months that is amazing and to put it in perspective that is a little over 10 lbs a month. You are doing a fabulous job.:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Kelley- Have a great time on your cruise. Sounds like you have a great plan for exercising on the cruise.

    Nettie- A fast walk is really a slow jog so you are doing great. When I started running, I would also set markers for me to run until I worked up to a whole lap (1/8 mile). Just keep doing it and it will get easier as you are already starting to notice. Regarding the issue with the phone and the battery going down quickly: it could be your cell phone battery. :grumble: Do you use other apps and notice the same issue? I would try to play games on my computer, just a few minutes into the game the battery would be gone, and the phone would shut off. I had to get a new battery for the phone. Try a battery warehouse for a new battery.

    Tom, I hope the flexibility is easy for you. I like the new picture on your ticker.

    Robin- Have you tried sugar free popsicles instead of ice cream? The popsicles may be the thing you need. You could also make some crystal light and freeze it like a popsicle without the calories.

    Jenn-Good luck with your doctor’s appointment. I am sure she will be happy with your loss.:bigsmile:

    Hansea- I love your solution and that you were able to bike to the gym and get the weight training done:love: . I actually choose to walk outside today, so I could enjoy the sunny weather and I was deciding between the bike or a walk. The walk won out today. I hope the weight loss sticks.

    Josie- A trip to Hawaii sound delightful. I went to Oahu and Maui back in the 90’s and I want to go back. I loved:love: Maui, if you go there take the trip to the top of the volcano and check out the sunrise- it is truly amazing but cold. It casts a shadow so appears to be another land mass out in the ocean. I also love my chiropractor and a good adjustment, glad you were able to lift today and yes, slow start more reps works great. Work on form while your son is at home.

    Noami- Just check in when you can even to say Hi.

    Karen- I hope your headache goes away.

    Today, I survived another day of state testing so one more day to go this week. I opted to take my last period outside today to do work and enjoy the clouds and sun. Food has been good again; however, the doughnuts found their way into my mouth today. However, I planned for it and stayed under my calories. I was so tired today that I just had to leave school a little early. I knew I wanted to walk today since I have plans for the next two nights after work. I opted to walk outside in the sunshine instead of the gym, it felt great to get outside and soak up the sunlight. Tonight, I am still tired so I needed a down night.

    To catch up on sleep so I can focus the rest of this week.
    To start figuring out sub plans so I can go away at the end of the month without rushing at the last minute.

    Sunday-Triathlon DONE plus dancing
    Monday-Trainer stretching workout DONE
    Tuesday- Walking outside 1.5 miles DONE
    Wednesday-Rest or swim
    Thursday- Class Rest day
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday-water aerobics
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--love the dress and you look fabulous in it! Maybe you can bring it to NYC--we can all plan to do one fancy night out on the town! The doughnuts got to me today too, but I managed to stop at half of one. Still way over my planned calories today. :grumble:

    @naomi--glad you dropped by!

    @robinB--I didn't end up having a snakebite, but the day out was fun. It is an interesting taste, but sometimes a bit on the sweet side b/c of the cider.

    @josie--that stinks about your gym. I would just keep letting them know and hope the problem gets remedied.

    @damensha--I know--it really seems like we should be past the winter squashes, but the weather here says otherwise. We are due for another snowstorm tonight. :ohwell:

    @ushkii-I also find that when I'm really busy I do better with not eating. It's the days when I have to sit in boring meetings (like this afternoon) that I end up snacking too much.

    @robin--hope your dentist appt yields some relief from the pain.

    @tom--isn't the Baby Guiness so cute!! Those TNTs sound deadly!

    @nettie--my sauconys are white with aqua blue and a bright yellowish green accents. My new asics are bright pink and orange, so I've got most of the spectrum covered. :laugh: Laurie is right about a slow run taking the same energy as a fast walk. That being said, the slow run will work the same muscles as a fast run, so when you get tired try to run very slowly versus walking. It will help build your running muscles faster that the fast walking will.

    @L2T--amazing progress!! My weight loss slowed after about 45 lbs, so you are doing twice as good as me! :wink:

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings--I'm karen, 44 yo HS English Lit. teacher from Chicago. Married with one fur-kid, my dog, gunner. I'm usually much better about getting on here and doing personals, but it's been a rough week so far. I promise I will get to know you all soon. :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    Ugh. Going out all day Sunday the same weekend we lost that hour to Daylight Savings Time has taken its toll. I'm TIRED! :yawn: :laugh: I also have meetings all week after school which isn't helping. Yesterday I ate a bunch of coffee cake someone brought to the office. I decided to flip days so I would meet my calorie goal. Today someone brought dunkin donuts and I managed to stop myself at half of one, but I'm still way over my calorie allowance. I don't want to flip days again--and honestly there isn't a day in my zig-zagging that allows for the 2100+ calories I ended up eating. :blushing: I'm just going to chalk it up to a bad day and get back on track tomorrow.

    Tuesday Goals:
    My main goal is to find enough time to exercise this week. Yesterday it was gorgeous out, so I ran outside with gunner instead of going to the gym. It was great to finally get off the treadmill, but I didn't burn nearly the amount of calories I would have at the gym. Today was a late meeting, as is thursday. Tomorrow I have the gym planned, but we are supposed to get a bunch of snow so it may turn into shoveling instead.

    Another goal is to keep up with my grading this week. I'm collecting 50 research papers next monday, so I need to keep up with other assignments. Right now I'm working on grading those journal reflections my AP kids had to write about their internet cheating. It is illuminating to say the least.

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 9/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 11/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Thurs--rest day (late meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everybody,
    It's late and I've got a paper to finish by the end of the evening, but I promised myself I'd check in everyday so here I am! Not my best day today at all. Had to go to a talk during my usual dinner time, and the only thing available was a baked potato bar. I got barbecue sauce, onions and olives on mine but I have no idea how much I ate. I also went to an event later and completely lost my will power when confronted with free trader joe's snacks so I'm fairly disappointed with myself, even if I didn't go over with exercise cals.

    Run tonight was rough, as I kept feeling ill every 5 minutes and stopping because I thought I might throw up on the side of the road. It would always pass and I powered through, doing a 5k in 43 minutes of running. Not ideal, but I'm proud of myself for not giving myself permission to stop because it wasn't ideal. I figure if I force myself to run 5k every day, even the days when I need to stop, I'll eventually get to be a proficient runner.

    I hope everyone's well! I've had a little time to catch up on personals and I'm so impressed with everyone's fitness this week!
  • Sidvand
    Sidvand Posts: 1
    Good morning everyone. My name is Cindy and I'm new to this group. I've been struggling with my weight my whole life. I can't remember a time I wasn't! I'm 45 years old and have decided this time I'm going to do it once and for all. My main obstacle is my brain!!! I'm an emotional eater so when something happens it eats away at me and I get thinking about it and get upset then eat! I'm sure a lot of women out there know exactly what I'm talking about!

    I have 3 beautiful almost grown up children and a wonderful husband who I've been married to for 25 years this year. I ride a motorcycle and am part of a local women's riding group. I find their support helps me tremendously. My hubby also rides so the two of us can often be found hitting the open roads. This has been a long, never ending winter. I have found myself to be depressed and miserable a lot. I can't wait to get out on the bike again. I find it very therapeutic.

    I drive a city bus so even though it's not an active job, I'm exhausted, mentally, by the end of the day. Long days, heavy traffic and unruly customers make for a tiring day!

    I look forward to getting to know the people in this group. United we stand!!!

    Take care :flowerforyou: