Brabo_Grip Member


  • This time x 100. I know OP has said nothing that really costs money, but BJJ and then a transition to MMA was a life changer for me. 100lbs lost. True functional strength - (traditional gyms have always and will always bore me to tears). Best shape of my life with visible abs for the first time in my life in my mid 40s.…
  • I think sone of aleeady hit upon it, but I will chime in - find excercise thay does not feel like “excercise.” Tradition gyms have always bored me to tears and i never last more than 6 to 9 months of consistency. I discovered Brazilian Juu Jitsu and MMA and was instantly hooked. I am always looking for a way to fit another…
  • Awesome Julie! I keep trying to get my wife to give it a try. I have succeeded in almost 7 years, but I’m going to keep trying. Ha ha!
  • Awesome! I love half guard (or as I call it old man guard, because I can really slow the young guys down using it.) Half guard bottom or half guard top is my jam either way, especially MMA.
    in Grinding Comment by Brabo_Grip July 2019
  • I have cut out red meat from my diet per my doctors recommendation because my cholesterol is a little high (otherwise he says I am in excellent shape fir my age. Hooray Jiu Jitsu). However, now I am just above anemic and need to get more iron in my diet. Obviously, more spinach is on the menu. Also certain types of fish.…
  • I would like some of Matt’s recipes as well. Personally I am a huge fan of sweet potatoes. I try to incorporate them in my diet especially when training hard. I also like the ease of steam in the bag veggies. I put them in the microwave and then put some Greek seasoning (Cavenders is the brand available here locally) and…
  • I unfortunately probably drink too much coffee everyday, myself. As for eating pre-workout, I’m usually still in my fast. I intermittent fast and usually my main workout of the day (noon) is usually in a fasted state. If I am getting in a night workout too, I will usually have a half sweet potato in anticipation of a night…
  • I have thought about trying yoga just to increase flexibility and decrease risk of being njury. The problem is trying to fit some thing else in my schedule! 😀
  • Here is something I wrote for BJJ Problems about a year and a half ago. Since that time I have been more focused on MMA and striking and have fought once wining by sub. I hope to fight again two more times until I go back to a heavy focus on Gi BJJ - though I am still training in the Gi once a week or so.…
  • Both of these look awesome
  • Also, any grapplers in this thread please feel free to add me as a friend. I know Tatami Matt already has. 👍
  • Good stuff! Scarfhold/Kesa is my “bread and butter” submission. I use it all the time. It’s something that not a lot of people use around here. Competition is so much fun. I hope you do compete and I wish you much luck! We have a number of folks that just completed for the first time at a local tournament this past…
  • Purple Belt - training almost 7 years. BJJ is what kicked off my commitment to fitness. Traditional gyms have always bores me. Found BJJ and with the lifestyle changes surrounding it, I dropped 100lbs. I have been more focused on MMA and striking the last 1.5 years. Made my MMA debut last year at age 43 in front of 500…
  • Lost 100 5 years ago and have more or less kept it off. (I usually add 15 or so back in the winter though that keeps getting harder each spring to take back off.) There is a bunch of good advice on here I agree with. Ultimately, and this may sound trite, but as someone once said “nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” For…
  • Sore as heck from sparring and getting beat on by the young bucks for two hours last night. One day they will know what it is like to be mid 40/s ha ha!
  • Being me there for my infant son was the inmpetus for me to lose 95 lbs and keep it off for the last 4 or so years. Feel free to ad me as a friend.
  • I doubt anyone would care. As long as your Gi is clean, in my experience no one cares what brand Gi you are wearing. Most folks are worried about their own training to be judging folks on their attire. Wear the Gi with pride and go have fun!
  • Use your Fitbit or similar device and see if you can get a decent baseline idea on what your burn is and then add the exercise yourself.
  • Headed to Chicago on business. Going to get some training in if I can and make decent (not necessarily good) but decent food choices.
  • I run for cardio and have never done a race. However, have done over 15 grappling competitions and recently had my first cage fight. I noticed that each competition the anxiety of competing was lessened. It never completely goes away, but it is definitely easier to handle. All the grappling comps also made my first MMA…
  • So much this. Finding a way of exercising that I love - to the point of borderline addiction. I loathe a traditional gym. Once I found a non-traditional way of getting that exercise, and setting goals regarding the same - my weight loss took off. It really was the key to my lifestyle change, weight loss, and maintenance.
  • Find non-traditional ways like the diving to get exercise. Find an activity you can get addicted to so laziness doesn’t even come into play.
  • I am in an office filled with grandmotherly type women. They are always bringing in some sort of baked goodie. I decline their nice offers of sugary treats all the while in my head - “begone you evil temptresses!”
  • Ryan: I am 43 with two young (under 10 years old) kids. I lost 95lbs approx 4 years ago and have generally (I always put 12-15 back in around the holidays and take it of in the spring). I am currently in the best over all shape of my life. It was simple process - not easy - simple. 1. Calorie in and Calorie out tracking…
  • Another almost 100 degree day here. Got in my 5k, trained some boxing and will be hitting the cage for some MMA sparring tonight. Went over on cals last night, so I figure putting in work in this heat is deserved.
  • So I am either an idiot, or just goal oriented. Probably both. The Fight Promotion, I had my debut MMA fight with last month wants me to participate in a four man one night boxing tournament on the undercard of the next fight show. Problem - my boxing is the weakest part of my game. I won my MMA fight on my superior…
  • Sorry my friend, but it is an excuse.
  • I have had shoulders issues on each shoulder. I would go to PT and then training. (I wasn’t supposed to be doing anything but PT - but i couldn’t help it. I had to roll.) I have popped a rib twice. Couldn’t completely stop training, so I just stopped grappling and worked around it while focusing improving on my striking.…
  • Yes, sir! I was hoping to go NoGi with it being so hot today, but my buddy wanted to roll in the Gi and he outranks me - lol.
  • 102 today in the mid-south. Got in 5k run and a boxing class with no A/C. Time for some Jiu Jitsu this afternoon. At least in thisceat it takes no time for these middle-age joints to warm up!