me too me too! 25 y/o, 5'4", about 140, need to get back down to 125. haven't been there in about two years. NEED to get back to that! feeling pretty blah right now.
i re-eliminated until symptoms subsided! I have also found that the following medications/supplements help IMMENSELY with symptoms: -prilosec -zegerid -citrucel -align
This happened to me, and I suggest eliminating everything at once for about 2-3 months, then slowly reintroducing. I cut out everything high in FODMAPs and when I got the okay from my doctor to bring stuff back in, I started with gluten, then lactose. I am now currently eating low fodmap entirely besides gluten and lactose…
If you fully restrict all high FODMAPs for 1-3 months, I feel like you'll see a difference. It took 10 weeks of me eating low fodmap religiously to feel any difference!
I live in NYC where groceries tend to be expensive, and I spend less than $100/week on food. I would say I spend $50/week on groceries (most of it produce, some of it canned goods, rice, etc.) and I spend anywhere from $5-$50 on coffee/lunch during the week when I am at work. Primarily it is coffee, because I will pack…
Sorry for just seeing your response. I had another blood test done 3 months after I finished the meds!
Strawberries with whipped cream over some vanilla ice cream (or alone) is my FAVORITE!
5'4", started at 140, now at 136. Eating around 1200 calories a day (also doing Weight Watchers; I am at 26 points/day). I find it hard to go above 1200, but that is only because I have a super weak stomach and can't eat tons without being sick. I am losing steadily; I was a little over 140 when I started and have gotten…
I should note that I do think that WF is the best bang for your buck if you eat alot of produce and want it to last long, stay fresh, taste the best, and be the best quality :) While I do think you can get cheaper at somewhere like Gristede's or Fairway or Food Emporium, I think WF is best quality for price for the area!
I do Whole Foods almost exclusively. I find that some stuff is more expensive, like crackers or breads, but I eat primarily fruits and vegetables and they are of such better quality at WF in comparison to some of the other grocery stores that I find the best place for me to shop is Whole Foods. Their meat/chicken selection…
I would say it took at least a week or two before i felt any better. the antibiotics actually caused me to feel extremely nauseous (my body does not respond well to antibiotics) but after a few days my body felt better. i definitely ate a lot more carbs to help absorb the stomach acid and stuff for a while, but after…
I had it! It was miserable. I was a freshman in college and it caused me to gain 20 pounds, along with severe stomach pains and digestive woes, along with bathroom issues that made it difficult for me to live my daily life. After I took the medication (triple dose like you) I ended up losing about 15 pounds (with regular…
Starting: 142 Current: 136 Goal: 122 Height- 5'4. I need to focus on balancing healthy eating and exercise without going crazy extreme in either direction!
I experienced this for days, weeks, months, years. My doctor tested me for many food intolerances and what we ended up was putting me on a low FODMAP diet- turns out sometimes our bodies can't process sugars in certain fruits and vegetables properly. I have a couple of different digestive issues that make it difficult for…