H Pylori anyone?

I had an gastroscopy earlier today which revealed I have H Pylori. I've been researching the symptoms of which there are loads, but it has brought a sense of relief as I have been experiencing many of them including weight gain and severe heartburn just to mention a few. I am now on the triple attack of meds 2 antibiotics and a tab to lower the acid into the stomach. They also took a biopsy so go back in 2 weeks for the results.

Can anyone relate or share there experience of this disease?

Thanks in advance!


  • hillarysiegel24
    hillarysiegel24 Posts: 14 Member
    I had it! It was miserable. I was a freshman in college and it caused me to gain 20 pounds, along with severe stomach pains and digestive woes, along with bathroom issues that made it difficult for me to live my daily life. After I took the medication (triple dose like you) I ended up losing about 15 pounds (with regular diet and exercise) and felt a billion and one times better. I now suffer from IBS and a couple of other issues but nothing is like it was when I had the h.pylori. stay clear of tons of fruit and vegetables, as they tend to exacerbate the symptoms!
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    It sure is miserable! I think I've had this for a long time, symptoms has got worse over the last year or so. Although I have always been good with eating health and am always exercising I just couldn't explain why my weight would increase. More recently I have been suffering with heartburn and the feeling of something in my throat not to mention chronic fatigue! which is why I has this procedure done today.

    How long did it take you before you started feeling better and really losing weight?.
  • hillarysiegel24
    hillarysiegel24 Posts: 14 Member
    I would say it took at least a week or two before i felt any better. the antibiotics actually caused me to feel extremely nauseous (my body does not respond well to antibiotics) but after a few days my body felt better. i definitely ate a lot more carbs to help absorb the stomach acid and stuff for a while, but after probably two weeks of the medicine (the whole dose) i felt like i was able to start eating better to lose weight! I was diagnosed in June, took the meds through the first week of july, and had lost all of the weight (15 pounds) by October. I also lose weight slow but that's what worked for me!
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Many thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to getting back to my former self and hopefully a few pounds lighter. It's day one of the meds for me, I have weeks course so hopefully i start to see some results during this time. Reading up on the symptoms I can't believe how many I identify with, it's a nasty thing. But weight gain is the biggest one for me. I'm not overweight, but carrying a few extra pounds than I would like, I'm glad to have finally found out that h pylori could be the reason. Time will tell I guess, in the meantime I will continue on my MFP journey, eating healthy and exercising
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Did you also have a biopsy taken and did you have to retest once you finish the course of meds? Sorry for all the questions
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    I can certainly relate to what you're going through, I've started the triple therapy of antibiotics(poison) for H pylori I have a 14 day period after today I have 4 days left. The feeling of something stuck in throat is terrible isn't it? Like you I believe I had this for a long time, but doctor didn't know what it was. So I researched it & took a blood test & it came back positive. I have a difficult time losing weight, a pound here and there now and then. Do you have the burning in the stomach & phlegm (sorry to be so graphic) in throat? I am hoping the meds work as it is day 10 & I really don't feel much better.
  • hillarysiegel24
    hillarysiegel24 Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry for just seeing your response. I had another blood test done 3 months after I finished the meds!
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Hiya, I do believe I've had it for years. A few years back I had some bloods taken and I called a call from a locus doctor at my surgery who told my I had the big "C" because my white cell count was abnormally low, I was admitted into hospital and had bloods taken every hour, they finally let me out because the count increased slightly, but has to see a haematology specialist. Thankfully it all came food in the end. I am now convinced that I have at least has this thing since then, as this might be the infection my body has been fighting all these years and gone undetected until now. I hate to his what all these meds have done to my body, but gals the throat this has gone, I still get a lot of burning in my stick especially at night and a lot o phlegm too (drooping from the nasal to the back of my throat) sorry it too much info. But I hate his thing!. I wonder if we'll need to be retested to ensure its gone for sure?
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Sorry for all the typos :)
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Went for my retest today, not sure what it will read, but I've heard of people getting false negatives. I still feel bad most days, not as much phlegm, but stomach burning is still there, although not as much. Trying to do eat right and take some natural herbs and things. But, will have to retest to be sure it's gone.
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there, my doctor said there was no point in resting me, he thinks the triple therapy would have eradicated the infection. So far I have been a lot better although still phlegmie, the stuck in the throat thing comes back every now and again, but mainly free from it but still not feeling 100%, the huge dose on antibiotics caused a lot of other problems, cycitis, cold to name just a few. I'm still taking pre/pro biotics to build up some good bacteria again. Feel like a hypochondriac with all these ailments :(
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    My stool test was negative for parasites, but my doctor is sending me for a breath test in another week to be sure the H pylori is eradicated. I am feeling quite a bit better. I will be having an endoscopy in a couple of months time to see what damage has been done to my esophagus and stomach. I am on a no wheat/dairy restriction for a bit and have lost 18 pounds since the H pylori diagnosis. I have had a many yeast infections, including one under my breast (which I never knew was possible) because of the antibiotics. Hoping I am on the mend. I too feel like a hypochondiac if it's not one thing it's another.