lucyee Member


  • Good on you for signing up! My advice is firstly to find some kind of increasing intensity walk/run plan (which it sounds like you may already have - if not, c25k is pretty accessible, or there's an app called "running for weight loss" which is pretty good), and stick to it for the month - which probably won't be long…
  • I love breakfast! Definitely my favourite meal of the day. I never limit my breakfast calories, and usually have around 500-700 calories, and then make the rest of the day fit in with it. (Goal of 1500ish + c.300-400 exercise most days) I'm not a big dinner person though, so it isn't too hard. If I know I'm going out for a…
  • Hello! I'm 5'7, and started somewhere just north of 200. Am now around 150lbs, shooting for c135lbs. I guess the best tip I could give is to take each day as it comes - if you couldn't resist ice cream last night after dinner and it blew your calories, that's fine - forgive yourself and move on with your normal calorie…
  • Food is a wonderful, delicious, nourishing thing! But I don't have to have it all today because there are lots more days to come.
  • Ergh, it's so hard. I thought I'd got all the mindset stuff sorted, but just had homemade pizza, totally within calories and feeling guilty!! Like, I'm never gonna (re)shift these last ten pounds if I don't exist purely on on salad... lies!! Trust the system!
  • Definitely variety. I have quite a lot of cookbooks, and genuinely enjoy flicking through them for new things to try. The only time I usually eat the same thing is if I have leftovers - otherwise I rarely cook the same thing twice, excepting a few favourite meals that are cooked maybe 3-4 times per year. Breakfast is a bit…
  • Someone threw it away when cleaning out the fridge :(
  • End of day 1 with my Fitbit and would love some friends Just FYI, I have chronic fatigue, so really I am trying not to push myself too much at the moment, so I should be pretty easy to beat in challenges...
  • I probably should have caveated my response above with something similar to this. I can only eat reasonably intuitively and lose weight if I drink very little, and avoid dessert almost entirely. These throw me off entirely. Mostly not a problem as I don't have much space in a deficit for these things (I know some do -…
  • About to be! Bought a new (second hand) bike yesterday, getting it serviced later this week, and hoping to start riding to work asap...
    in Cyclist?? Comment by lucyee January 2017
  • I very rarely count anymore. At this point I have a pretty good idea of when I'm eating at deficit, mantainance, excess, and can keep within a pretty healthy 5lb range doing this. I certainly don't eat "clean", but I do try to eat a pretty healthy, varied diet of "real food" - I.e. Vegetables, meat, wholegrain carbs,…
  • Hello, I'm getting married in September. I don't use mfp for food tracking regularly any more, as I have been around my current healthy weight for a couple of years without tracking, but have returned to lose the last 10-15lbs over the next six months or so - agree that slow and steady is the way to go!
  • Hi Bbell. It sounds like you've got a huge amount on your shoulders at the moment, and I really hope you can find someone to work it through with and get to a better place. I would really echo the calls for you to focus on baby steps right now, with regards your weight. I really feel that using hatred of your body as fuel…
  • Hahahahahaha, definitely this!
  • I have hit this point before, and for me it required taking a break for a month or so. Not a full on, "eat everything, don't move at all" break. Just eating at maintenance (roughly, I didn't really track, just tried to be reasonable) letting myself off the gym when I didn't feel like it, even if that was all week. I found…
  • Thanks for sharing this. I'm in that place where I've achieved a healthy weight, a good fitness level, but not an ideal physique, and I'm letting it get to me more than necessary. I wanted to get to this weight in order to generally be healthier, more able to enjoy life - having achieved this, I think I need to…
  • I'm also 13lbs away! I'm giving myself six months to do it - slow and steady wins the race!
  • Age: 26 Height: 5'7 CW: 148 GW:135 I'm eating c. 1550 calories net, recently upped from 1300. Struggling mentally a little with how long it will take me to lose the last 13lbs at 0.5lbs/week but I'd rather do it slowly enough that I can keep working out, and keep my energy up!
  • Me too! I drank quite a lot last night, and then went home and drunk-ate a huge slice of cake. Ate about 500kcals over maintainance :neutral: But whatever, I've logged it, and now today is a new day, and it will even out!
  • Yep, that's where I am. 8lbs from goal, although I think I will revise it down another 5 when I get there. I'm finding what works for me is to stick with the -1lb per week stats (which I know is pretty aggressive with not much to lose) most days, which creates a buffer for me to eat more at the weekend and evens out to…
  • I tie my treats into workouts - if I hit six weeks of going to the gym at least 4x I get a £100 treat - hit it last week, but haven't decided what to get. It was going to be jeans, but I'm 10-15lbs from goal, so I want to wait until I'm there to buy ones that fit properly. Maybe I'll get a massage in the meantime.
  • Bridesmaid in October this year, and planning to lose the last 10-15lbs before then. Having a bit of a dilemma about what size of dress to order, as I have to do it now... Do I order my current size, to be on the safe side? Or, given the quite realistic goal of 10-15lbs by October (lost 50lbs last year), should I go with a…
  • I'm 5'6.5", currently 148lbs. GW was 140lbs, but as I've got closer (started c200lbs - not sure exactly as didn't own scale at the time) I feel like there might be a bit more to go, so thinking of revising down to 135lbs. Be nice to have friends at similar weight/height & with simillar goals, if anyone wants to add me!
  • Likewise. I get chocolate cravings in the afternoons at work, so I have one square of very dark chocolate, which I keep a bar of in my locker - usually stops me from raiding the vending machine. For salty, usually popcorn will do the trick.
  • This definitely happened to me last year. I lost about 40lbs over six months, had 20lbs to go to get to GW and just kind of lost momentum. I was starting to feel mentally wearied from always considering every mouthful, and like I was sacrificing my life a bit by not going to the pub with friends, not wanting to go out for…
  • Hello! I'm 26, been on here on and off (mostly on!) just over a year. Lost around 50lbs so far, and have around 12 more to go to get to GW of 140lb. Planning to take it fairly slow and focus on body composition. Would be happy to chat to people!
  • Hey all! I'm 26, 5'7 about 160lbs, having lost about 40lb last year. I think I want to get to about 140lb, but in no hurry and may reassess on the way down as I'm more focussed on body comp than numbers - happy to make friends with anyone with similar goals.
  • Mine has been really busy weekday evenings - the cardio machines, the weights and the classes - it's always been a pretty busy gym, so I'm thinking they're going to need to extend it in some way, if many of these people stick with it. In the meantime, I think I might need to go back to early mornings for a month or so.