Freedom1890 Member


  • I'm one of those who has the same lunch everyday in work: wholemeal warbutons thin, 2 tsp pesto, half a ball (60g) light mozzerella, tomato, baby leaf salad, with slices of pepper and cucumber on the side. Comes in at 303cals I think :)
  • The larger you are, the more energy your body uses when moving and so it needs more. If you're burning a lot through a lot of exercise, you could do with increasing how much you're eating or you won't have the energy to do it. I am quite overweight, by which I mean I'm currently 203lbs and 5ft6. I started a month ago at…
  • I use spotify. Specifically, I use the 'working out' playlist by jazmine middlebrooks :) I also find FOB good to listen to, or songs from musicals ;)
  • My usual lunch is a warbutons thin with 2tsps of pesto, 60g of low-fat mozzerella, sliced tomato and baby leaf. I also take in sticks of cucumber and pepper :) I take this in to work and it travels well if you can keep the tupperware fairly flat which I manage to do, even with walking a mile to work :)
  • Hi Amber! Congratulations on your son :) I don't have any children, but I want to - they are actually one of my biggest motivators for losing weight. I have anxiety and ptsd so can understand where you're coming from with regard to mental health :) my name's Becky. I'm 24, welsh, married and veggie. Feel free to add me :)…
  • Leaving healthier options sounds good, but I would also ask him if he's ok. There have been links made between craving carbs and low mood/depression, as (apparently) carbs can cause more serotonin (the happy chemical) to be generated. I know, when I'm feeling really low, I crave things like pizza or crisps. This was…
  • Hi, I'm 24 and was pescetarian for 10 years and have been 'full veggie' for the last 2 and a half years. This protein thing is something I also struggle with. I live in a small town so it can be hard to get products for 'alternative diets' I guess. What I try and do is have a snack of quorn sausages when I get home from…
  • Hi! I'm Becky, 24 from Wales - would love more uk friends so feel free to add me :)
  • Hi I'm 24 and need to lose 70lbs to get healthy. I'm a vegetarian so that might make some difference. My diary is open and I would welcome any help on balancing out my carb:protein:fat ratio :)