Wow lots of great info here. I must be living under a rock because I haven't heard of most of these pre workouts like ripped freak, liporidex, dark rage, etc. I have been taking Cellucor off and on, but will check these out. Dark rage sounds like it would be too much for me, but who knows until you try it. On top of that I…
I have tried everything under the sun and either my body doesn't like pre workouts or I just haven't found the right one. I am not a big fan of going into the nutrition stores though because I feel like they just push certain products. I have spent already this year a couple hundred dollars and still can't find a good one.…
If you do low carb then you have to increase your fat, also I'm not familiar with that program but no carbs is a bad choice. I have read before that the brain needs certain amount of carbs, a small number but 0 carbs seems like a bad idea.
You did a very good job, congrats and keep it up!
Impulse eating? If I want it that bad I eat it. Why? Because at the end of the day I strive for being happy not a bodybuilder. As per the donuts comment, I would just do workouts to balance out a bit whenever i get a chance that day.
If you are heavy then the elliptical will help as it is low impact, otherwise use the treadmill.
That looks really good, I havent try it. What I do is use a small bowl and fit everything im going to eat in there without making it look gross. Pretty much a big difference from the regular plates. I do tend to fill my plate regardless of size so I'm taking advantage of my weakness and using them to my advantage.
Pretty much that, anything else is more details like finding your macros, and getting a personalized workout routine for you.
Yeah it is not easy to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, you have to alternate and focus on one at the time.
Well I don't have one but I do want a fitness tracker, just a different brand for whose model is not out yet. I think they can be helpful for those starting out, if you have been active for years and on top of your game then you don't need them to tell you what you probably learned how to tell by instint and experience.
I never get how to calculate the amount of protein to take, I have read several times that it is like 1g per lb or so but at least for me that sounds like a lot.
I don't log it but I wash on the machine then go down from the 5th floor to the next block with a big bag full of wet clean clothes to have them dry, multiple trips up and down.
I do pushups and squats, then triceps dips too. You can also do crunches
Thanks, I will try it out.
Well I use flat shoes for lifting and running shoes if I'm going to do mostly cardio.
Yes that works, it was recommended to me by a fitness instructor.
Well there is no targeting fat lost, as others have said you could do weights for biceps and tricpes but that is for definition, overall weight loss is the answer.