

  • I'll try adding more healthy calories to my diet. Does anyone know if there's an average healthy calorie amount or is it really all personal to each individual?
  • I'm pretty overweight at the moment. I gained 80 lbs when pregnant and have lost about 50. And I was already overweight when I got pregnant. I am in the process of weaning. My baby is 11 months old now and I'm taking away one feed a week and it's actually going really well. I'm just tired of being overweight. I got the…
  • Thanks for the info! I am trying to stay under 1010 calories a day and before I was pretty much eating anything probably closer to 2000 calories a day so i pretty much cut my caloric intake in half which is why I'm so hungry. I just wish I didn't obsess over food everyday. Being a stay at home mom I have too much time to…
  • Wow a lot of interesting points of view! Yeah so far just cutting calories and making an effort to exercise and be more active I've lost 4 lbs this week. The main reason I ask about pills is because I am soooo hungry all the time. I don't know if it's because I'm breastfeeding but I'm hoping once I stop my appetite isn't…
  • Thanks I think I will try that. I don't have a barbell but I have free weights. That's amazing how much weight you've lost! Definitely an inspiration!
  • Lol thanks for the advice guys. Yeah I figured most of Those weight loss things are scams. I've heard about Alli but I'm not sure I want to poop out all my weight or poop when not on the toilet lol.
  • What are strong lifts? I wish I could afford a gym membership right now but I'll have to wait on that. I had a c section too and I feel like my stomach will never be the same. I just want improvement.
  • Thanks you guys! Yeah he's 11 months old and I've lost about half of what i gained and I'm still breastfeeding. Using the calorie tracker the past week I've lost 4 lbs which is great! My son started walking at 8 months and is a total handful so I try to get in workouts when he's sleeping and take him for walks in the…
  • I just started calorie counting 5 days ago and have lost 4 lbs. it's hard to cut back but it's very effective! That's what I mainly use this app for. Calorie counting definitely helps me make better decisions during the day. Thanks for the advice!
  • Thanks! Yeah I had a c section too and I feel like my body will never be the same plus I was already overweight before I got pregnant so it's extra hard.
  • This is very cool. I like how supportive this fitness community is.
  • Thank you!
  • I feel you! I am finally trying to lose all the baby weight I gained after having my son and I find that the counting calories part is harder than exercise. I love me some food! Lol 1010 calories a day goes by fast with small portions. I'm determined. Summer is around the corner and I want to finally feel happy with my…