BrendaSue1962 Member


  • Today I plan to: Stay under my calorie count Drink 8 glasses of water Raining here, so do a 30 minute workout indoors. Maybe get the family to join me??? :)
  • Today I want to: Get my 30 minute walk in √ :) Stay under my calorie count Drink 8 glasses of water Get out and enjoy the sunshine with my family
  • Thank you so much for your warm welcome and words of encouragement. It means more than you know.
  • Hello! My name is Brenda, I am 52, I have been happily married for 25 years and have two wonderful children ages 15 and 13. My weight is causing me health problems and I just feel lousy. I have struggled with my weight since I was 12. I lost 80 pounds after high school and kept it off for about 10 years. After 10 years my…
  • Hi! Starting today... again! So I am "back at it" too. Lost and gained weight more times than I care to admit. I now have more than 100 lbs to lose and I am struggling. I saw my mother suffer with her weight all my life. She was 70 when she passed and got up to about 390 at the end. I don't want to live my life unhealthy…