

  • I will most definately swing by and give you a full account of tomorrow's epic saga. Unless of course I go to jail. Then Monday, perhaps? No way I can bond out before then. B)
  • Do I put the same sweaty workout gear back on I used at lunch to go for a run tonight? It's gross and probably still damp. Will it even GO back on??
  • Sorry still figuring out the buttons. We may record that can of whoop *&@ being opened on the buff bro-ceefus but we can never show it! It will just have to live in our hearts as the glorious day we won the battle for our gym and faught back against slick dudes giving advice in the gym...
  • Running shorts with built in liner. I guess thats another one for commando
  • I hate big undies. Honestly I don't care if they have flowers, hearts, or lace, I'm tired of wearing huuuuuuge panties. I want my husband to do laundry one day and not be able to tell whose drawers he is folding. Do these belong to wifey? Daughters? Sons? I'm just saying
  • I go to my free, hole in the wall gym provided by my employer. It's my sanctuary as well as some other gals I meet up with everyday at lunch. Some swole up douche bag came in today and dragged all the equipment into the middle of the floor and proceeded to toss dumbells around, steal weights, ogle butts, and try to…
  • The guys I'm currently filling in for is an anal retentive sexist jerk. He is also a germaphobe soooo every day I slip off my tiny little shoes and place my sticky little feet all over the area under his desk. Wherever I can reach, although I don't go near the desk top. It's a small victory and disgusting but it makes me…
  • Im new to MFP and I've never had so much fun watching people get their panties in a wad over lifting! I'm impressed with what others do. I watch videos, ogle them in the gym and Pin their glorious bods on my Pinterest page as motivation. But I am F*&^%ng knocked out by what I can do and my friends, that's all that matters!…
  • Four Rounds of 5minute row (good pace, resistance at 7, sweating like a hog and having to use lamaze breathing...). 10 overhead squats at 53lbs between each round. Fit it all in during my lunch break. Kept moving steady for 30 minutes. I'm whipped.
  • Whoever you people are you are very lucky. I'm listening to the dulcet tones of air conditioners running to cool electronics and daily radio traffic through dispatch in the background. I miss music :(
  • I work out to work off my Dunkin Donut Iced Mocha Latte addiction. I tried cutting I tried I have managed to alter portions, healthier food choices and dedicate myself to my goals but I swear that s*%t has crack in it.
  • I believe you have to enter "Strength Training" seperately. There is a heading and you just keep track of the time spent. It will calculate calories burned based on your profile.