c_white1990 Member


  • I've been reading through all your comments, questions and answers so all my questions I could possibly have are already answered but I just want to say congrats and great job!!! You are a huge motivation and inspiration to me!!! This is only my 2nd week in my weight lose journey but seeing success like yours is truly…
  • Hey there Alice... I did the same thing.. Last summer I had lost 22 lbs by eating healthy and exercising and after 2 moths of hard work I started slacking and gained it back plus more... It took me about 3 weeks to talk myself up to starting again but I have this is my 2nd week of eating healthy and exercising and I've…
  • My boy friend doesn't want me losing weight so I have no support from him at all! And with me eating healthy he won't do it with me which is fine I still cook his meals separately but he gets very frustrated with me about what I choose to eat.. He says I'm too extreme with it... This is my 2nd week of eating healthy and we…
  • Thanks guys!!! I've always had success with videos was just curious about other people :)
  • Wow that's amazing!!! Congratulations and great job!!! Through the years of me trying a few different times to lose weight I found home videos work well!
  • Hey there! Thanks for your input! I have done this diet before for two months and lost 21 lbs and then started slacking and gained back plus more. So I know it works for me that why I choose to do it. I'm sure there are things I should do differently like I don't think I get enough protein and I know that's very important…
  • Thank you cyclingrick73!
  • Thank you! Thats awesome you don't have to cut out anything. I grew up eating all the wrong things so I'm trying to turn my eating habits around not only to lose weight but to be healthier... Heart disease and diabetes runs in both sides of my family so I want to do what I can to avoid going down that road!
  • Thanks ladies! Nice to meet y'all! :)