At the minute bent over rows are just my favourite exercise going, I love how strong they make me feel! Outside the gym, swimming and roller blading are my go-to activities
I used to be a Pepsi Max addict, but realised it was the ice cold, fizzy sensation I liked, not so much the actual flavour. I replaced it with sparkling water and it suits me well, as well as saving me $$. I still have a coffee in the morning when i get to work as I enjoy it, but on days off not having the caffeine isn't a…
I just love when I feel my clothes getting looser, and my belt needs to be that little bit tighter
Compliment her abs!
Frozen veg will be more cost effective to cook with? Then like others have said, batch cooking. I do this a lot as I live alone and it's easier and cheaper to cook 4-5 meals worth in one go, then freeze them for later
Thanks- I wondered this as well
Well done for taking the first steps! I have 100lb+ to lose and am ready!