theredhead77 Member


  • Isn't 21 day fix just a MLM disguised as a weight loss program? My friend is doing it and while she looks fantastic all of a sudden her Facebook feed is full of posts looking for 10 ladies who want to experience what she has with hashtags about being a beach body coach. How can you be a coach for someone when you've been…
  • I live in a beach community with a reputation for having a high population of douche-bags. Lived here my entire life, never been followed, never had people threaten to rape me for ignoring them. Maybe I'm weird but I would have called 911 if I saw person (man or woman, who I knew or didn't know) was licking and humping a…
  • I cannot keep fake powdered cheese products of any sort in the house (except Kraft Mac and Cheese). Examples are Pirates Booty, cheese corn, cheese pringles. I will eat the entire bag. I recently ate the entire bag of the bacon cheddar corn from Trader Joe's. It wasn't that good, not "worth the calories" but once I start I…
  • I also pre-log my treats (wine, vodka, a special dinner, etc...) so it's already accounted for and I can make smarter choices during the day. And I really try not to beat myself up if I go over my calories once in awhile due to a loss of self-control (aka 2 drinks with friends during a Friday happy hour turns in to pub…