V2Win1000 Member


  • Yeah ive come to find these blogs really aren't in the same league as the forums that the ppl who actually compete use regularly. Im new to using this app to track my macros, but i had no idea how clueless and aggressive to be so ppl would be for. "probably weaker too."?? My pic isn't a fake haha.. Ive just been excited…
  • Well this is simple compared to the previous conversation.. The answer is clear. Nobody gaind 2lbs of muscle a week naturally. Even you were trying to get your IFBB pro card with hopes of competing for the olympia you wouldn't be building that kind of mass for more thsn just the first few weeks of starting the cycle of…
  • Well buddy i don't "think" weights into moving themselves it truly takes an increase in muscle mass to significantly increase the amount of weight you can lift comfortably. Thats silly the bold text wasn't intentional im not even certain how i could have done that from my phone. How can ppl disagree that giving your body…
  • If i were to assume everything you did was with anywhere near the same level of knowledge than maybe you just have u pretty unfortunate genetic situation. Im eating over 200g of protein a day.. My progress is not under strain at all its bs to think you cant make gains when you're giving your body exactly what it needs to…
  • Well researching "counting macros" would be a good start. Could learn that callories alone may not solve all your weight loss goals if your body is in a defensive mode from the strain of a new lifestyle. Cortisol could increase.. Your metabolism could slow down to protect itself from massive fat loss from such a huge…
  • Well.. Is the mirror thing really a vanity?? Lol.. When your making gains your body is changing in all kinds of ways and it just feels like the mirror is helping me adjust and get to know myself again lol. When your goals get insane it consumes quite a lot of thought. I feel like your always going to check up on your…
  • The misconception is when ppl don't understand the specific use their body has for carbs. The rule of eating whatever you want at any hour as long as its in your macros and still in a deficit applies alot better to ppl who are significantly over weight and leads to a plateau. The information you learn early on when you…
  • Listen to the hard core fitness models! Lol male or female they usually say that bulking is the term used by ppl who don't want to eat well while building muscle. Honestly ive had trouble with too low of a callororic deficit while lifting heavy, but if seriously cleared that up completely with counting my macros. Do some…
  • I had similar issues last year and honesty its just the hurdle before the next level. Im 216, 5'7, with body fat in the low teens. The problem i had was being able to complete a brutal heavy work out without gassing out hard from a 2000cal diet. My deficit cal deficit for my lean mass was massive kind of like yours only i…
  • I go with oxygen and water lol.. But seriously i let my blood stabilize in the 4 hours before bed. Its always been better for my body type since i build and keep muscle easily, but pack fat quite rapidly if im not responsible. This has always allowed me to shred into a much leaner state more quickly, but for even for a…
  • I went from 6 to 12 beers on one weekend night a week or once every other weekend with a super clean diet to cutting it out completely about a month ago. Pretty substantial change for me! Im gaining strength and cutting simultaneously, so it was hard to see my rusults on the scale since i was loosing fat and gaining muscle…
  • There is one thing above all other factors to consider when buying protein powder! Make sure your protein isnt cut with cheap junk to boost a fake protein reading for the label. The majority of manufacturers pull a trick called amino spiking witch allows them to cut up to half of the protein thats listed on the label and…
  • Sounds like you have made some amazing progress so far! I know first hand what its like when progress comes to a dead stop and there's always a way around. Knowledge and persistence is your greatest ally in those times. I am a 216lbs male who is using power lifting as a different approach to shredding down with my goals…