

  • 999tigge, I will try to relax . I realize that this is one of my problems I want it now. I lose and gain then quit. Thank you for the advice. :) I could have walked the dog. B)
    in Day 4 Comment by brina9962 March 2015
  • Thank you Fitnesspals for the support. :) I truly need it. I made it through the week end. I stayed on track. Hubby came home :p so I did not go work out :'( , but I did not pig out (*) . I did drop one pound. I'll take it. Thanks all.
    in Day 4 Comment by brina9962 March 2015
  • Hi first day. Good for you. I am on day 4. B)
  • GM fitnesspals, Day 2. OMG yesterday was good. I did not work out :\ . I did drink a lot of water o:) , got my calories in <3 . to my :o I drop 3lbs. I think it was all water wtg, I'll take it. Thank you all for the support. I'll keep you posted. Dont for get to add me. Have a good day. :p
    in Day 1 Comment by brina9962 March 2015
  • Hi all :p I am 47. I just got back on site, kinda gave up :'( I have over 100 lbs to lose. Looking for positive, motivating support. :) Keep im in check. Add me B)
  • Hi Beardic, I was also here a wile back and just gave up. I will keep you motivated if you keep me motivated. Lets keep each other motivated. :-)