ckwebgrrl Member


  • Right now, I'd probably do the same. But it made me laugh to see that right above "ways your breakfast is sabotaging your diet" haha.
  • I don't wash workout clothes every time I wear them if I'm working out at home. I have a hard time making myself stop eating all the food on my plate at a restaurant. If there's not enough to take home or the waiter is taking too long to remove my plate, I'll put something on top of it that will keep me from eating it…
  • I know a lot of folks who admit to this (after I do). My boyfriend is disappointed if i BAKE the brownies (although he'll still eat them). Also, we almost always have frozen cookie dough in the freezer. Sometimes my son will ask me to bake some of them but most of the time it's there for eating "as it". (When I plan to…
  • Irritating too when these cute girls (skinny or not) wear clothes that are way too tight and not flattering. I want to say "just buy a larger size and it will be more flattering!"
  • I love baking and love to feed others. My dairy allergy helps me with this.I can make things for the kids and use regular dairy items, knowing that if I have more than a bite I will break out in hives and probably get a migraine. But unfortunately, I also know how to make all of those things with dairy/vegan substitutes…
  • I have a dairy allergy, so I have vegan dark chocolate chips. Keep them in the freezer, nomnomnom. A handful really satisfies.
  • Sometimes I mix the tiniest bit of water with it to make it fudgey. I'm not even embarrassed about this lol.
  • You are not alone. And it's good! :wink:
  • Thanks to all! Reading through your replies made me realize my problem is that I'm not familiar enough yet with what IS 200, 300, 400 calories. The earlier meals are easier bc I just log what I eat but at the end of the day, I'm working with a fixed number. It also sounds like some planning will do me good. I like the idea…
  • Hmm, interesting thread. I'm 5'10 and doing 1200 based on being sedentary and wanting to lose 2 lbs a week. I was eating back my exercise calories until my nutritionist (not affiliated with MFP) advised that i stick with the straight 1200. I did find the cushion of the exercise calories helped on days when I was feeling…
  • I love Bikrams/hot yoga. I'm jealous you have one nearby! As other have said, it's hard to find time for a 90 min workout + commute time. I felt fantasic when I was doing it regularly. Hope it works out for you!