Samantha21784 Member


  • I was doing great with the Fall challenge up until I went on vacation. Never got that extra weight off so I ultimately failed :( But, this is a new day and a new challenge. I am in! I've cancelled my gym membership as it was getting too costly so this will really be a challenge in every sense of the word. SW (12-2-15):…
  • SW: 148 lbs (Oct 1) CW: 142.2 lbs (Nov 18) Total loss: 5.8 lbs Original GW: 142 lbs New GW: 140 lbs My weigh-in day was yesterday but I haven't logged on here in a couple of weeks. Lots of stressful things going on in my life and it's been taking its toll. I was stalled for a while then dropped 3 pounds this week. I…
  • Hi there! I noticed we have similar numbers. Great job so far! I'm sure some of that weight gain is definitely water so I wouldn't worry. I was up this Monday thanks to my pigging out over the weekend and now I am down a couple of pounds.
  • Hey everyone. Haven't checked in for a couple of weeks. Here is my update: SW: 148 lbs (Oct 1) 10/7/15: 146.2 lbs 10/14/15: 147.2 lbs 10/21/15: 145.8 lbs 10/28/15: 146 lbs 11/4/15: 143.2 lbs Original GW: 142 lbs New GW: 140 lbs 4.8 lb loss so far! Before this challenge I was only losing 0.5 lb/week. Now I am averaging…
  • Hey everyone. So many people are kicking butt at this challenge! Keep it up! SW: 148 lbs (Oct 1) CW: 145.8 lbs (Oct 21) GW: 142 lbs 2.2 lb loss so far. For someone that's been averaging 0.5 lb loss/week, I'll take it!
  • I don't trust protein powders so I add Greek yogurt to my smoothies for some protein. This is my usual recipe: 1 cup unsweetened almond coconut milk 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt Handful of spinach or kale 1 cup of fruit of your choice (mix and match) 1 tbsp of cacao powder (makes anything taste good) 1 tbsp ground flaxseed A…
  • I did 5:2 for about 5 months. I lost 15 pounds but very slowly. At first, I was losing about 1 pound a week but then I plateaued and then I yo-yo'ed for a while and eventually started losing again and then plateaued again. All in all, it averaged to 0.5 pounds a week of weight loss. It was super hard for me at first as I…
  • P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
  • Are you measuring yourself? Sometimes the scale won't budge but you're actually losing inches. If you're not losing inches either then you have to change things up. This worked for me when I had plateaued. I ate MORE (1800-2400 calories-lots of protein) for 3 days then went back to my regular MFP calorie restrictions.…
  • I check my weight almost daily but I really shouldn't. Although I'm very aware of weight fluctuations and what causes them, an increase still seems discouraging. It tends to ruin my day so I'm trying to do the weekly thing. I only record my weight every Wednesday. I read this is the day of the week that is most accurate…
  • Forgot to check in yesterday. I was at 147.2 lbs. I think this may be a fluke though but will double check with another weight check tomorrow.
  • Wow! That's you at 150 pounds?! I'm at 148 and my stomach is nowhere near that flat! You look amazing. I don't even think you need to lose anymore weight. Awesome job!
  • I don't like using protein powders. You never really know what's in there. For the last several months I have been having a protein shake for breakfast most mornings and they keep me relatively full until lunch. Instead of powder, I use Greek yogurt as my protein. My shakes consist of 1 cup of almond/coconut milk (but you…
  • Same dress, 15 pound difference. Still have another 15-20 to go.
  • I'm in! CW: 148 lbs GW: 142 lbs (I average 0.5 lb/week loss) Good luck, everyone!