johnriii Member


  • Another calorie deficit guy here. 1800 or less, drink lots of water and use common sense. I haven't gone over 1400 calories yet, and I'm using my fitbit to keep me moving as much as a person with two jobs can! Going high protein helps with the appetite issues.
    in No carbs Comment by johnriii August 2017
  • former soldier/marine, 11 years. gained 50 lbs my first year out(1993) and I've been yo yo dieting ever since. I'm the classic boredom snacker, so my best bet is to stay busy. one would think that would be easy since I work two jobs, but one of the jobs is in a cubicle at a call center for the last 21 years. 2nd job is…
  • Just started back this past Monday. Need all the encouragement I can get. 265 lbs, right at 6ft tall... All around my midsection. 53years old and diabetic. Crushing it so far this week, over 12000 steps and less than 1200 calories per day, not on. Protein heavy diet is awesome. But you know sooner or later the craving for…
  • Yeah, I can be quite the knee slap generator! Thank you all again, I really didn't expect this much support. I feel so much better since early this morning.
  • Lots of good information, thanks a lot.
  • Makes tons of sense. Thanks
  • Not really complaining as much as disappointed. I came looking for information and support, as well as solutions. I got all three, and then some! I usually get into some intense conversations on Smartphone forum threads, they got NOTHING on you guys over here! thanks again.
  • Thanks. I'll do the measurements this weekend and use that as a gauge as well.
  • ok. wow. some of you guys are intense! I'm going back to the Marines where I can get paid to be yelled at! LOL...seriously, I don't eat under my calorie count on purpose...I work two Jobs, 64-65 hours a week, it's kinda hard to weigh food, prepare food, buy food, etc with my schedule, plus other things that life outside of…
  • that's a good point. not giving up, just looking for support and people who can empathize. thanks.
  • wow. I came here for support and information, not a verbal spanking. excuse me for being a little naive/ignorant in my old age.
  • I appreciate the input, but I'm very accurate on both counts. my cardio exercises are done on elliptical machines and treadmills, so if they're wrong, not my fault! seriously, I DO believe in the premise of not enough water or eating too little. it's been proven by weight watchers and others that too little food will send…
  • patience is not one of my virtues, but I don't have a choice at this point. I log all of my foods (even the "bad" ones) on my diary, it's a great tool to keep me on track. it's really hard to eat healthy when you work 64 hours a week, because the preparation is a key part of eating the right foods. Smart Ones and Special K…
  • hardcore workouts here, the Dr. specifically told me to ease into this, and stick with Cardio for the first month. i joined planet fitness, and I use the calories burned on the elliptical and treadmill as my gauge. and all I'm doing is walking, at a fast pace, and watching my heartbeat range. being formerly in…
  • you're welcome, I loved every minute of my time in the military. no, I didn't measure myself (probably should have) most of my weight is round my middle. no fat arms or legs. and I'm sticking mostly to cardio (elliptical and treadmill) until I lose enough weight to feel comfortable to run/jog again. I've had two large…
  • yeah, it's hard to drink a lot of water without some kind of flavor, and with me working two jobs, it's hard to really organize my foods. I only use foods with labels that I can count calories, carbs, proteins, etc. even "healthy recipes" i stay away from if they don't give nutritional value. thanks for the reply, and…
  • I totally understand. Ex military here who gained almost 50 lbs in my first year out. It's been a struggle since then, and unfortunately, I've gone up and down in weight for the past 20 years. My biggest problem is snacking, or eating out of boredom. Next biggest problem is staying active. Working two jobs keeps my window…
    in new start Comment by johnriii March 2015