holly745 Member


  • Wow, I loved reading all these, because you guys sound so happy and proud of yourselves! It's a good feeling to stay determined and work hard at something like this. And it's for your health too, which is a wonderful thing to work hard at!
  • the salad plate thing is genius! I would've never thought of that. And I'm with you, I love looking up the nutritional info, I wish all restaurants gave us access to that!
  • HobbitMarley, that's exactly what I've done! Congrats :) and MlleKelly, I wish I could get my husband to work out with me! He still looks great to me of course, but he's gained 20 lbs since we got married 2 months ago and I'm starting to worry about him :# I'll mention that some other women's husbands are doing it with…
  • That is amazing!!! And it's awesome that you are focusing on your health as well instead of just pounds lost, because our weight loss should always revolve around our health :) Good job!
  • That's awesome guys!!! I agree with you Jetamu96, I just started about a week ago and I already am feeling so much better! It probably has more to do with me feeling proud of my determination than my actual weight loss but it feels so good that it motivates me to keep going! :) and hookahbinx, that is awesome! You must…
  • My mini goals are 1. working out every single weekday, even if I get off late from work and 2. wanting to lose 15 lbs by my cousins wedding in April! So far I've lost about 4 lbs so only 11 to go! Woohoo! :) I eventually want to lose about 20 lbs, although that might change when I begin putting on muscle weight. The scale…
  • Hi guys! I've been using myfitnesspal on and off for a few years, but I took a 2 month break and I just started back this week! Feel free to add me as a friend. I love seeing people do good (intense workouts, meeting calorie goals, etc.) and love posting support in the comments, but most people I know in real life on't use…
  • I really appreciate all the support and kind answers. I thought the idea of therapy over text was awesome.. another thing I wanna point out is that it is kinda hard to accept that you need professional help when you aren't really diagnosed with an ED- irrationally you feel almost like you're not bad enought to go if that…
  • PS just wanted to make it clear that I'm not condoning eating disorder tendencies in ANY WAY, they are unhealthy and make you very unhappy. I wish to STOP these negative feelings and get healthy.
  • DuckReconMajor you had an awesome comment. I've been binging a lot lately but I've noticed if I do use those tactics I can help stop a binge. Another thing for me is pressure. Some people eat to mask emotions, I eat when I feel like I'm under pressure. It almost always causes a binge. Whether it be pressure to maintain my…