nortonsmom Member


  • I am having the same issue and cant find anything to resolve it....hoping someone has an answer
  • thanks for the reply... I will have to check on the script blocker....I know I have cookies enabled...thanks
    in Help! Comment by nortonsmom March 2015
  • [My grocery bill this past weekend (should carry me through the entire week) came to about $120. It's a bit lower because I didn't have to restock things like rice (restocked a few weeks ago, tend to buy in bulk) and I'll be using some chicken from the freezer. It's a pretty varied menu, includes a vegetarian dinner, some…
  • I would be afraid to add up what we spend on food...we are like you ( 2 adults) We seldom go out and cook real food, nothing that is prepared from a box/frozen etc. If you are doing it for 150 I would like to see your menu!! Food is just expensive!