jrhagenn Member


  • Looking for new friends as well - add away https://www.fitbit.com/user/2DVDHT
    in Fitbit Comment by jrhagenn March 2015
  • Alright that makes a bit more sense now, thanks. So when i do any exercise other than walking (which fitbit tracks the steps then syncs into mfp) should i be entering those in fitbit or mfp for better accuracy? For example - if i am lifting weights should i be tracking that in which app or is it even necessary to track?
  • I'm having a hard time understanding the fitbit calorie adjustment, when i view the adjustment in the mfp app it comes up at a -146 but when i view it online it shows up as +146 and then shows that i have 1116 calories left for the day instead of 694....Can anyone help me understand this?