No_Knock Member


  • I was always told it was just a setting on a dryer.
  • I'm not sure what "normal conversation" is, but it seems I can't contribute. I don't have any animals dressed up in a costume. Bummer.
  • Got that Irish flowing through my veins. It's humid, but chilly here in Virginia, U.S. A few spikes of really cold temps. Our punishment is coming, though. January-March is where it hurts.
  • In the same boat. There is something about starting fresh that seems so hopeful. It eventually levels out. It's what happens in between that counts. Between starting and success. I have to get back to focusing on the in between.
  • Always up for making new friends. I'm looking to for active friendships. Not just collecting people for the hive. I'm starting back to this for the first time in join me on the journey!
  • Definitely need to find some new friends to help motivate me while I get back on track. This is round 2 of this whole process for me. It's been a rough year.
  • The fact that you accounted for everything you ate to get an idea of where you're at is awesome. I'd be afraid to even look. Taking stock of where you're at will definitely serve you in the long run, if you use it. I'm starting back to this myself. Feel free to add me! Support and accountability are always helpful!
  • You're in the right place! It helps to have some friends that you can vent to and get some accountability from. Feel free to add me! I'm just getting started back to this whole thing myself.
    in Hey Comment by No_Knock November 2018
  • In the same spot. I've had a back injury the entire year and while I haven't gained everything back, I've let it be an excuse to lose ground. I got back on track (and on here) yesterday. Keep pushing!
  • I feel like 500 calorie days would just be brutal. I've had them before by default of career situations, but not by choice. I'd also have to explain my wife why I'm not eating lol...she doesn't buy the intermittent fasting stuff.
  • Work for anything. I've heard it helps with fat loss and muscle retention. I've read a lot about the body being able to focus more on other processes when it's in a fasted state.
  • I've read versions where you restrict to 500 cals on days and versions where you eat normal after you hit the end of your fasting window. I've tried a few times with the latter. My runs are fantastic when I'm at like 13-14 hours. So that is a plus, but I never stick to it long enough to see if there is any significant fat…
  • Woo-hoo is your classic Homer Simpson exhaltation. Woo to me, is garbage that can't be backed up with any proof. To me, religion is woo, thinking The Force is real is woo, etc. (Sorry if it's your thing. I fault no one for their beliefs, I just have my own)
  • Virginia for me
  • I only breathe after I exhale, so I'm not an addict.
  • Makes zero sense to me, but each their own.
  • Honestly, writing down how your feeling might help. It sounds a little funny, but for me, I found that I writing down what was on my mind helped me feel more in control. I had a better organization of some of my thoughts and felt a little more accountable to myself.
  • Always down! I'm a talker, so if anyone wants to trade messages on the regular, I'm your guy. Or...if not...I'm still down!
  • Hard to argue with that.
  • Somehow, I feel as though the point was missed. I certainly don't sit and cry about falling off the wagon. However, if *feeling bad* isn't guilt then what is it? Take whatever word you want and fill it in to generally describe how you feel when you spend a ton of time working to achieve a goal and then ruin it. If I use…
  • Guilt is the exact word I wanted to use, because if I screw up a great workout...I feel guilty. I kick myself for the rest of the day. It's the word that best describes how I feel in response to my actions. Not all motivators are based on positive thoughts. I would consider it to be in the same boat as a 'necessary evil'.…
  • Thanks! I certainly hope, so!
  • Think Thin protein bites are great. I always need a treat after dinner. They provide some extra protein and help me scratch the itch. Totally recommend them!
  • Getting back in to this myself. Been an up and down year in 2017 after a kick *kitten* 2016. I didn't completely fall off the wagon, but there seems to be a habit of a 'chunk of weeks on, chunk of weeks off'. Could always use a core group for motivation. That's what we're here for right?!
  • Yeaa...the whole *kitten* thing. Not my idea, but it happens I suppose. At least, MFP seems to think that's the word that should go there (I'll leave it). As a cat owner, I can attest to kicking full grown cats in the dark, by accident.
  • I eat a larger breakfast to start, then it's a snack, lunch, snack, casein before bed. Snacks have to be a whole food or at least something with low sugar, high protein content.
  • Feel free to read my profile and add me if you like what you see! Currently deployed, getting back in to the MFP thing. I've lost 33lbs over the last year and I'm in the best shape I've been in in a long time.
  • For a long while MFP seemed to be getting rid of threads like this. Which never made much sense to me. Why not let the people add each other how they want? Anyway, I've been off MFP for awhile and I'm looking to get back in to it. Currently deployed. Lost 33lbs over the last year and I'm in the best shape I've been in in a…