Jadeh907 Member


  • I eat clean . I eat nothing processed, no wheat of any kind, nothing genetically modified (non-gmo) I mostly eat organic non-gmo vegetables and free range non gmo fed meats, some fruits, nuts and a little diary from non gmo fed cows. There are great documentarys on the subject like OMG GMO, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, and…
  • I'm going to lose 100 pounds. I have lost 44 so far another 56 to go. I'm determined to do it. It's been slow but I'm committed. I didn't get this heavy overnight ;)
  • I also will walk in place during commercials or during the tv show. I also try to be as active as I can at work. Like instead of picking up multiple things at once and moving them I do one at a time. Like setting the table or doing laundry or cleaning up that way I walk more. I usually get around 14,000 steps on an average…
  • I personally have seen salmon in the stores that will say caught in the wild. All others I wouldn't trust. I personally live in Alaska and catch mine, I have never bought salmon. I know that salmon is farmed and they are fed pellets of pigs blood along with tons of nasty stuff. I would spend the extra money then consume…
  • There is a website you can go to and see what specific macros should be consuming it's http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ that might help. You then can adjust your goals in MFP
  • My goal is to lose 100 pounds. I have lost around 44. I'm am focusing on health and nutrition. I try to tell myself that's what it is all about. I seem to get to focused on the scale. I recently decided I'm only going to allow myself to weigh in once a month. My mood changes so much when I see something I don't want to. My…