tealovercathy Member


  • My name is Cathy I do have Celiac i was diagnosed march 2014 so i have been on the gluten free diet for sometime but before that my mom and i thought my pain was from Fibromyalgia wasn't til the blood test i had that the doctor ran that came back positive. i am new to the group but been on my fitness pal for sometime now
  • I have celiac have since march 4th of 2014 and it can at times be hard but i do very well with it. I started looking for groups to help me cope with it at first and looked for other resources and have been eating more at home then going out to eat.
  • Hi My name is Cathy I thought i had a condition called Fibromyalgia for years since i was 14. Then two years ago when i was 24 i was in the hospital with really bad abdominal pain a week past they found out that was a condition called gastroparisis and my doctor at that time sent a referal in to a GI about 5 months later…