carrara54 Member


  • I achieved a HUGE goal yesterday... after 3+ months of work, I AM NO LONGER OBESE! I am soo happy to be able to say that! And my Dr will be happy, too, LOL. Next up, to get from 'overweight' to 'normal'... that will take even longer but I am ready for it! Slow and steady wins the day! - Karen in VT
  • My reward for last night's walk was seeing these ADORABLE babies come swimming across a pond toward me, then playing on the bank, right in front of me! My best guess is mink or muskrat but not positive. And the wildflowers in bloom were pretty awesome, too. :) <3 Karen in VT
  • In June I hit my 10% weight loss mini goal. Woohoo!!! July's goal is to continue to chug along, losing 2lbs a week. Not off to a good start... on Thursday, I took my longest walk ever - over 3 miles, high intensity! I expected to see the payoff on on the scale (my calories were under target too)... But I went UP .6 LBS.…