tracybbledsoe Member


  • Photos on the left are from March 14 (317lbs) photos on the right are from June 17 (284 lbs). I am still a work in progress but I am going in the right direction. Heaviest weight: 360 Starting Weight 2019: 324 Current Weight: 284 Goal Weight: 180
  • I am an evening work out person, however, I have started intermittent fasting and have been told that if I work out first thing in the morning before I eat (during the fast) that is an optimal time. Havent tried it yet, I like to sleep in the
  • I work out in a small group with a trainer doing mostly HIT style workouts at least 3 days a week, trying for 4. The days I dont do that I walk or do an in home work out or go to the gym and get at least 30 minutes of something in.
  • My weight has yo-yo'd for years, my heaviest being 360lbs. I lost 96lbs with WW then got married and happy...well you know the story from Got back up to 324 and am currently at 316. The older you get the harder this weight loss thing is! But I like the statement a few posts back...We can get what healthy…